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1. Laboratori speciali / Special workshops (100%)
22-lug-2021 17.05.40Laboratori speciali / Special workshops summer school, italian language, advanced grammar LABORATORI SPECIALI 2 0 2 1 Laboratori Italiano & ...con docenti esperti (attivabili con un minimo di 4 iscritti): COMUNICAZIONE E MARKETING: 12 ore (2 incontri la settimana di 2 ore) --> €70,00 POESIA CONTEMPORANEA: 12 ore (2 incontri la settimana di 2 ore) --> €70,00 CULTURA E TERRITORIO: 9 ore (1 incontro la settimana di 3 ore) --> €50,00 Corsi di lingua italiana + 1 Laboratorio: Corso
2. Winter School (35%)
24-ott-2024 8.18.35level, you will be attending advanced grammar courses as well as courses on sociolinguistics ... will be attending advanced grammar courses as well as courses on sociolinguistics of contemporary Italy
20-ott-2018 15.56.37special advanced courses in Literature, Advanced–Grammar and Sociolinguistics of Contemporary
4. Corsi Intensivi / Intensive courses: WINTER SCHOOL (24%)
8-mag-2021 19.24.43Winter School 2021 articolo, notizia, unipa WINTER SCHOOL 2 0 2 1 *YOUR DAILY ITALIAN ONLINE* Let us come to you, if you can't come to us! Change your way of studying, in relation to the world changes! The innovative ItaStra didactics offers courses for each level and advanced grammar courses and sociolinguistics of contemporary Italy. In February we will go on with synchronous-mode courses. The main courses we provide you are intensive courses of 2 WEEKS for a total of 36 hours: February 15th
24-mar-2014 10.44.26: Advanced grammar, sociolinguistics and literature. The activities will take place in the morning
6. Summer School (24%)
9-mag-2016 15.09.07: Advanced grammar, sociolinguistics and literature. Italian &….* Italian and Art Level
7. brochure-summer-school-2016_english-version (24%)
23-mag-2016 15.19.57signified in Italy Areas of teaching: Advanced grammar, sociolinguistics and literature. as being
8. brochure-summer-school-2016_english-version (24%)
6-ott-2017 12.46.41signified in Italy Areas of teaching: Advanced grammar, sociolinguistics and literature. as being
9. Brochure Summer School 2017 ItaStra (24%)
2-mar-2017 12.41.54workshops. Areas of teaching: advanced grammar, sociolinguistics and literature. ùù THE WORKSHOPS
10. New page (24%)
12-dic-2022 14.06.19for each level and advanced grammar courses and sociolinguistics of contemporary Italy. We offer
11. WINTER SCHOOL 2 0 2 1 (24%)
18-gen-2021 9.59.34WINTER SCHOOL 2 0 2 1 articolo, notizia, unipa *YOUR DAILY ITALIAN ONLINE* Let us come to you, if you can't come to us! Change your way of studying, in relation to the world changes! The innovative ItaStra didactics offers courses for each level and advanced grammar courses and sociolinguistics of contemporary Italy. In February we will go on with synchronous-mode courses. The main courses we provide you are intensive courses of 2 WEEKS for a total of 36 hours: February 15th – February 26th
12. Summer School 2023 (24%)
24-ott-2024 8.25.55the Italian language and, depending on your level, you will be attending advanced grammar courses as well
13. Prospetto corsi ordinari (24%)
24-ott-2024 8.26.34advanced grammar courses and sociolinguistics of contemporary Italy. We offer semi-intensive courses