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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Accommodation (100%)

    13-feb-2014 13.26.36

    Accommodation orca meeting, accommodation, hotel la torre The 6th ORCA-meeting will take place at Hotel La Torre, Mondello (Palermo, Italy) For ORCA and non-ORCA members: accommodation fee 480 € (3 nights, full board and coffee-breaks). Accompanying person: 80 €/day half board or 100 €/day full board. All the participants must contact directly the hotel for the accommodation payment. Please use the HOTEL REGISTRATION FORM. REMEMBER TO BOOK THE HOTEL BEFORE the 10th of MARCH 2014. After

  • 2. accommodation (87%)

    28-gen-2014 11.36.51

  • 3. ACCOMMODATION (52%)

    30-dic-2015 18.16.24

    ACCOMMODATION The conference “2016 Stochastic Mechanics&Meccanica Stocastica 2016 “ will be held in The Residence Hotel of Capri in June 12-15, 2016. Accommodation in The Residence Hotel is: Double Room € 220,00 per night (breakfast and taxes are included) Double for single use ... : You can specify your needs for accommodation and they will help you! Consider that in Anacapri there are cheaper hotels and you can reach Anacapri by taxi or by bus! ACCOMMODATION Antonella

  • 4. accommodation (44%)

    16-gen-2014 9.25.46

  • 5. CUIA- travel e accommodation a ricercatori italiani in Argentina. Scadenza interna UNIPA 30 giugno 2017 (22%)

    8-giu-2017 11.43.18

    CUIA- travel e accommodation a ricercatori italiani in Argentina. Scadenza interna UNIPA 30 giugno 2017 articolo, notizia, unipa Vi informiamo che il Consorzio Universitario Italiano per l'Argentina (CUIA), cui aderisce anche l'Ateneo di Palermo, ha recentemente sottoscritto un protocollo d'intesa con il CONICET (omologo del CNR italiano) per il finanziamento di progetti di mobilità , fino a 5.000 euro/anno ( per un max di due anni), a copertura delle spese di viaggio, vitto e alloggio

  • 6. International_and_Italian_Laws_in_Migration_Asylum_seekers_and_VIOLENCE (20%)

    6-lug-2018 13.06.04

    and safe accommodation, immediate medical support, referral to medical and forensic examination ... persons in relation to applicants within the premises and accommodation centres referred ... -based violence, including sexual assault and harassment, within the premises and accommodation centres ... and all efforts shall be made to release the detained minors and place them in accommodation suitable ... minors shall never be detained in prison accommodation. As far as possible, unaccompanied minors

  • 7. Information Summer School in Human Sciences 2023_Finlandia (19%)

    25-gen-2023 11.28.49

    expenses and accommodation while in Jyväskylä. Small participation fees may be collected ... universities. Accommodation The summer school has reserved a tentative quota of rooms for summer school students coming from outside of Jyväskylä. Detailed information about accommodation during ... granted admission to the Summer School. Information about accommodation options is available on the accommodation website: Further information: Summer

  • 8. Elezioni-integrative-Giunta-2018-2021 - CV Mauro Ferrante- (18%)

    8-apr-2021 18.11.17

    del gruppo di lavoro del Dipartimento Culture e Società per il "Sistema di Ateneo per la Valutazione ... di ricerca (VQR) e terza missione dei docenti del Dipartimento e produzione di reportistica. 2020 ... in Scienze della Comunicazione per i Media e le Istituzioni; Dipartimento Culture e Società; Università ... ; SSD: SECS-S/05). Corso di Laurea in Cooperazione, Sviluppo e Migrazioni, Dipartimento Culture ... -S/05). Corso di Laurea in Scienze della Comunicazione per i Media e le Istituzioni; Dipartimento

  • 9. REP. 797_2023 - Grant Agreement-101083460-WIMBY (18%)

    10-gen-2024 9.04.34

    : - Travel: Actual costs - Accommodation: Actual costs - Subsistence: Actual costs - Equipment

  • 10. REP. 797_2023 - Grant Agreement-101083460-WIMBY (18%)

    1-feb-2024 15.28.33

    : - Travel: Actual costs - Accommodation: Actual costs - Subsistence: Actual costs - Equipment

  • 12. Call for Participation (18%)

    27-nov-2014 8.01.32

    of activities such as educational farms, urban gardens, urban quality spaces, widespread accommodation ... on: Urban Design for Urban Spaces in Aidone/Morgantina C ACCOMMODATION & FOOD SERVICES Does the participant intend to use the accommodation service? Yes ☐ No ☐ Does the participant intend ... without any additional services. Fees do not include travel costs 3.Accommodation and Foods

  • 13. report-grecia-traffico-di-migranti (17%)

    18-mar-2020 10.45.17

    transport; and (iv) providing accommodation. In respect of transport per se, only the transfer ... . The act of providing accommodation is time-related to the act of the carrier and seeks to preserve its effect. The perpetrator undertakes to find the right accommodation, which is not necessarily ... with accommodation for concealment are considered as perpetrators of the crime of migrant smuggling. 5 ... their transportation or promotion or provide them with accommodation for concealment are considered

  • 14. h2020-manuale_amga_last (17%)

    26-lug-2017 17.17.11

  • 15. PME-Handbook-2020-21 (15%)

    25-gen-2022 10.34.23

  • 16. InFolio nr 40 - dicembre 2022 (14%)

    17-apr-2023 11.48.26

    40 RIVISTA DEL DOTTORATO DI RICERCA IN ARCHITETTURA, ARTI E PIANIFICAZIONE DELL’UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PALERMO - DIPARTIMENTO DI ARCHITETTURA INNER AREAS IN FOLIO_40 | ISSN 1828-2482 Direttore Filippo Schilleci Comitato scientifico Filippo Schilleci Tiziana Campisi Simona Colajanni Maria ... , Elif Sezer, Salvatore Siringo Contatti Sede Dipartimento di Architettura ... highlighted how inner areas are a crucial part of our di ricerca del Dipartimento di Architettura

  • 17. Glossary_Global-ANSWER (14%)

    8-mag-2024 13.02.58

  • 18. available_vacancies (13%)

    19-apr-2019 10.52.01

    the registration of guests in tourist accommodation on a global scale. Legal advice to the company ... €. Includes accommodation. Meals Description: Our collaborator is a high quality Hotel Resort in Lanzarote ... Conditions: - 300€ per month - Accommodation + meals provided This document is property of Spain

  • 19. 22nd GEC Meeting 2nd circular (13%)

    7-giu-2018 13.08.03

    ); dinner and accommodation in a hotel in Cesarò, a small town in the heart of the Nebrodi Mts. 21 ... be covered by the attendees. The fee does NOT include accommodation costs; please be sure that you have ... transportation by rented coach, written material, accommodation (B&B) in double rooms, dinner and packed

  • 20. Studio ed esercitazione GLOBALIZATION, TOURISM AND CULTURE (13%)

    28-ott-2013 10.05.42

    of globalization in the accommodation sector have included hotel cooperation and chain creation, joint ventures ... distributors, and cruise companies. glossario minimo accommodation sector = settore ricettivo. chain