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  • 1. 28th icpafr book of abstracts (100%)

    3-set-2016 13.23.57

    The 28th ICPAFR Symposium BOOK OF ABSTRACTS August 24–27, 2016, Kaunas, Lithuania ... Research PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND FITNESS: Challenges and New Perspectives BOOK OF ABSTRACTS ... The 28th ICPAFR Symposium BOOK OF ABSTRACTS August 24–27, 2016, Kaunas, Lithuania ... , 2016 ISBN 978-609-8200-01-0 2 The 28th ICPAFR Symposium BOOK OF ABSTRACTS August 24–27 ... The 28th ICPAFR Symposium BOOK OF ABSTRACTS August 24–27, 2016, Kaunas, Lithuania SYMPOSIUM

  • 2. Book of Abstracts - _definitivo_ (94%)

    1-giu-2015 10.11.23

    BOOK OF ABSTRACTS - BEYOND IRELAND: Boundaries, Passages, Transitions- University of Palermo - 3 ... American and Irish cultures collude and intermingle one with the other. This is BOOK OF ABSTRACTS ... . BOOK OF ABSTRACTS - BEYOND IRELAND: Boundaries, Passages, Transitions- University of Palermo - 3 ... of collecting BOOK OF ABSTRACTS - BEYOND IRELAND: Boundaries, Passages, Transitions ... debate on the BOOK OF ABSTRACTS - BEYOND IRELAND: Boundaries, Passages, Transitions

  • 3. EFACIS Book of Abstracts (93%)

    12-mag-2015 18.19.24

    BOOK OF ABSTRACTS - BEYOND IRELAND: Boundaries, Passages, Transitions- University of Palermo - 3 ... American and Irish cultures collude and intermingle one with the other. This is BOOK OF ABSTRACTS ... . BOOK OF ABSTRACTS - BEYOND IRELAND: Boundaries, Passages, Transitions- University of Palermo - 3 ... who are trying to come to terms with their individual trauma and fears BOOK OF ABSTRACTS ... is still present and relevant. *** BOOK OF ABSTRACTS - BEYOND IRELAND: Boundaries

  • 4. abstracts (86%)

    17-set-2013 13.03.52

    XIX Seminario AICLU PROVE DI ACCERTAMENTO E DI CERTIFICAZIONE LINGUISTICA Book of abstracts Plenary speakers Presentations “How do you rate?” Group development work on oral interviews in English exemption tests at the University of Helsinki Fergal Bradley and Sandro John Amendolara (University of Helsinki) Exemption testing constitutes a small but significant element of teachers’ workloads at the University of Helsinki Language Centre. Offering exemption from compulsory courses responds

  • 5. book of abstracts - Internet version (60%)

    22-set-2015 19.29.45

    ENSO IV Book of Abstracts The 4th Conference of the European Network on Social Ontology 24–26 September 2015 Workshop of Critical Social Philosphy University of Palermo ENSO IV Conference is supported ... Abstracts Plenary Lectures 7 Book Review Symposia 11 Selected

  • 6. cv francalanci (39%)

    8-gen-2018 12.19.38

  • 7. deidda cv (37%)

    2-apr-2020 16.27.58

  • 8. Convegno internazionale SPACTION (35%)

    10-nov-2014 19.36.57

    Convegno internazionale SPACTION convegno, internazionale, programma, abstracts, S P A C T I O N spazi in azione | azioni nello spazio spaces in action | actions in space espaces en action | actions dans l’espace international meeting università degli studi di palermo – facoltà di ingegneria – v.le delle scienze 14 - 15 novembre 2014 | aula magna | ore 9.00 >programma e abstracts< MARCO CANNELLA /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/bacheca/

  • 9. Pubblicazioni, meeting abstracts e moderazioni - periodo 2014-2017 (33%)

    23-dic-2022 17.42.22

    Pubblicazioni, meeting abstracts e moderazioni - periodo 2014-2017 unipa, attività della scuola, scuola di specializzazione in igiene e medicina preventiva, dipartimento prosami, Elenco pubblicazioni, meeting abstracts e moderazioni 2014-2017 • Codecasa, L. R., Toumi, M., D'Ausilio, A., Aiello, A., Da Mele, F., Termini, R., Uglietti, A., Hettle R., Graziano, G., De Lorenzo, S. Cost-Effectiveness ... Jun;42(3):535-8. Meeting Abstracts • Sorveglianza delle Colonizzazioni da Candida Spp. in Terapia

  • 10. Book of Abstracts (32%)

    21-set-2015 21.41.51

    Book of Abstracts articolo, notizia, unipa Download the PDF version of the Book of Abstracts FRANCESCA PAOLA DI LORENZO

  • 11. Book of Abstracts (32%)

    17-set-2015 17.12.19

    Book of Abstracts articolo, notizia, unipa Download the Internet version of the Conference Book of Abstracts FRANCESCA PAOLA DI LORENZO

  • 12. Book of Abstracts (32%)

    17-set-2015 17.18.22

    Book of Abstracts articolo, notizia, unipa Download the Internet version of the Book of Abstracts FRANCESCA PAOLA DI LORENZO

  • 13. Transizione energetica e diritti fondamentali Call for abstracts - WORKSHOP DEI DOTTORANDI – (31%)

    20-gen-2024 13.11.14

    Transizione energetica e diritti fondamentali Call for abstracts - WORKSHOP DEI DOTTORANDI – DottoratoCSTE_news, DottoratoCSTEen_news, winter school, /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/in_evidenza/ La transizione energetica tra prospettive di sviluppo e pericoli per la tutela dei diritti ... e approfondimento tra dottorande e dottorandi su tematiche di estrema attualità. Alla presente call for abstracts ... ” dell’Università degli studi di Palermo. Possono altresì partecipare alla presente call for abstracts

  • 14. Transizione energetica e diritti fondamentali Call for abstracts - WORKSHOP DEI DOTTORANDI – (31%)

    27-ott-2023 14.08.45

    for abstracts possono partecipare gli studenti iscritti ai seguenti corsi di dottorato: • dottorato ... for abstracts le dottorande e i dottorandi di un’Università italiana o estera purché siano regolarmente ... quì per maggiori dettagli Transizione energetica e diritti fondamentali Call for abstracts

  • 15. cv prof. nicola (28%)

    1-giu-2022 8.58.56

  • 16. Mythos-La rivista (indici) (26%)

    8-mag-2020 12.47.19

    (2008) Abstracts Mythos 2 2008 (2009) Dossier: Pratiques religieuses comparées et représentation du divin en Grèce et à Rome a cura di N. Belayche e J.-D. Dubois Abstracts Mythos 3 2009 (2010) Dossier: Orfeo e Orfismo. Iconografia e culto a cura di A. Bellia Abstracts Mythos 4 2010 (2011) Dossier ... Abstracts Mythos 5 2011 (2012) Abstracts Mythos 6 2012 (2013) Abstracts Mythos 7 2013 (2014) Dossier ... des religions ? a cura di F. Amsler Abstracts Mythos 8 2014 (2015) Dossier: Des hommes aux dieux

  • 17. stassi giorgio (26%)

    27-mag-2024 9.05.30

    from Abstracts-to be announced April 2023 Title tbd 16:45 – 17:00 Presenter: Selected from Abstracts-to be announced April 2023 Title tbd 17:00 – 17:15 Presenter: Selected from Abstracts-to be announced April 2023 Title tbd 17:15 – 17:30 Presenter: Selected from Abstracts-to be announced April 2023 ... Introduction: TBD Title to be announced 09:30 – 09:45 Presenter: Selected from Abstracts-to be announced April 2023 Title tbd 09:45 – 10:00 Presenter: Selected from Abstracts-to be announced April 2023


    14-gen-2019 13.27.34

    DOTTORATO DI RICERCA “STUDI LETTERARI, FILOLOGICO-LINGUISTICI E STORICO-CULTURALI” 14th Annual Symposium LITERACY EDUCATION AND SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNING FOR ADULTS (LESLLA) “People, languages and literacy in new migration. Research, Practice, and Policy” October 4th-6th, 2018 PIAZZA SANT’ANTONINO 1 PALERMO, ITALY BOOK OF ABSTRACTS con la collaborazione di con il patrocinio di Osservatorio ... Piazza Sant’Antonino 1, 90134, Palermo BOOK OF ABSTRACTS

  • 19. ecv_CamaraArtigas_it (25%)

    14-apr-2020 11.46.06

  • 20. 20160201 Abstracts (24%)

    1-feb-2016 13.38.26