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1. Abstract submission form (100%)
23-mag-2014 12.00.59Congresso Scientifico: Ricerca di base, interdisciplinare e traslazionale in ambito Biologico e Biotecnologico ABSTRACT SUBMISSION FORM Title (14 pt with initial caps, left, bold) (one line blank) Presenting author's Name, Author(s)' Name(s), Corresponding Author,* (11pt, left, normal text) (one line blank) Affiliation(s) (italic, 10 pt, left) e-mail address of the presenting ... . Abstract submission form Giovanni PDFCreator Version 1.7.2 GPL Ghostscript 9.10
2. Abstract submission form (87%)
23-mag-2014 11.57.32Abstract submission form congresso, abstract submission form, ricerca biologica e biotecnologica Title (14 pt with initial caps, left, bold) (one line blank) Presenting author's Name, Author(s)' Name(s), Corresponding Author,* (11pt, left, normal text) (one line blank) Affiliation(s) (italic, 10 pt, left) e-mail address of the presenting author; *e-mail address of the corresponding author (10pt, left, normal text) (two lines blank) Keywords: up to 3 keywords (10pt, left, normal text
3. New Call: Italian Forum on Industrial Biotech and Bioeconomy - Scadenza 3 settembre (9%)
8-mar-2013 17.28.57. Documentazione Call Locandina IFIB 2012 Abstract Template Abstract Submission Form Assobiotec Innovhub
4. 20211207_EN Call BP SITdA_ R&M_SC. 15.2.22 (9%)
7-dic-2021 11.52.17) CLUSTER RECUPERO E MANUTENZIONE ABSTRACT SUBMISSION FORM ABSTRACT All fields must be completed. Do not include in the abstract your own specific