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1. 1 of 3 (100%)
9-mag-2016 15.09.461 of 3 Tunusi, Tunis, LM 2, Extra UE, mobility, unipa TUNISI Universitè de Tunis Human Sciences and Cultural Heritage School LM 2: Archeology Tunis Agreement (Prof. Portale) Contacts +39.09123899455 Study program email: chiara.portale@unipa.it ROSARIO MARRARO
2. 1 of 3 (100%)
19-set-2019 10.57.381 of 3 Tunusi, Tunis, LM 2, Extra UE, mobility, unipa TUNISI Universitè de Tunis Human Sciences and Cultural Heritage School LM 2: Archeology Tunis Agreement (Prof. Portale) Contacts +39.09123899455 Study program email: chiara.portale@unipa.it ROSARIO MARRARO
3. Tunisi (38%)
24-ott-2017 9.51.331 of 4 Tunusi, Tunis, LM 2, Extra UE, mobility, unipa TUNISI Universitè de Tunis Human Sciences and Cultural Heritage School LM 2: Archeology Tunis Agreement (Prof. Portale) Contacts +39.09123899455 Study program email: chiara.portale@unipa.it ROSARIO MARRARO 2 of 4 Tunisi, Tunis, LM 4, Extra UE, mobility, unipa Universitè de Tunis Polytechnic School LM 4 - Architecture and Architectural engineering (five-year course) Tunis Agreement (Prof. De Giovanni) Contacts +39.09123896141 Study program