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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. cv_venturino (100%)

    16-feb-2021 15.40.59

    “An introduction to ecoepidemiological models”, talk given in German. 22. Technical University of Crete ... University, October 28th, 2016. Title of the talk: “Preservation of natural resources: modeling ... . Title of the talk: “An unconventional application of mathematics: epidemics con- trol in farms” 51. Instituto Superior Te´cnico, Lisboa, February 16th, 2017. Title of the talk: “Models for sustainable biodiesel production” 52. Universita` di Genova, June 16th, 2017. Title of the talk: “Una carrel- lata

  • 2. agnello simonpietro (90%)

    27-mag-2024 9.05.20

    (Chairs) 09,00-09,30 talk 09,00-09,30 talk 09,20-09,50 talk 09,30-09,50 talk 09,30-09,50 talk 09,50-10,10 talk 09,50-10,10 talk 09,50-10,10 talk 10,10-10,30 talk 10,10-10,30 talk 10,10-10-30 talk 10,30-10,50 talk 10,30-10,50 talk 10,30-10,50 talk 10,50-11,30 Coffe Break 10,50 ... DIELECTRICS MATERIALS FOR HEALTHCARE, ENERGY,ENVIRONMENT 11,30-12,00 talk 11,30-12,00 talk 11,00-11,30 talk 12,00-12,20 talk 12,00-12,30 talk 11,30,11,50 talk 12,20-12,40 talk 12,30

  • 3. StefanoMazzoleni (75%)

    23-apr-2020 16.29.25

  • 4. cvcassiani-it (67%)

    17-apr-2020 10.26.50

    SERVIZIO PROFESSIONALE  Membro a nomina MIUR del Consiglio di Amministrazione dell’OGS ... patterns: ERT and MALM experiments in a vineyard, invited talk, EGU General Assembly 2018, Session ... talk, GELMON 2017, Fourth International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring, Vienna, November 22-24 ... applications, invited talk, SEG 4th International Conference on Engineering Geophysics (ICEG), Al Ain, UAE ... examples, invited talk, EAGE Near Surface Geoscience 2017, workshop on Geophysics for mapping and

  • 5. CvCassiani-IT (67%)

    22-apr-2020 14.19.47

    del Consiglio di Amministrazione dell’OGS – Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale ... talk, EGU General Assembly 2018, Session 'Hydrogeophysics for the critical zone, Vienna, 8-13 April ... of the riparian and hyporheic zones, invited talk, GELMON 2017, Fourth International Workshop ... integration in near surface geophysics applications, invited talk, SEG 4th International Conference ... , Hydrocarbon contamination geophysical signatures: field examples, invited talk, EAGE Near Surface Geoscience

  • 6. 57po_c15p3_fis02_cv lippiello (66%)

    27-ott-2022 14.35.23

    ), talk with the title “Heterogeneity, visco-elasticity and the universality class of earthquake occurrence”; - Statseism 11 , August 18-21, 2019, Hakone (Japan), talk with title “Friction heterogeneity ... (Malta), talk with the title “The prognostic role of foreshocks”; - ICPMS 2018, International ... 2017, talk with title “ Modeling Aftershocks and Foreshocks by Time-Dependent Friction Laws” - CONES 2016, London, July 6-8, 2016, invited talk with title “Interface roughening and viscoelasticity

  • 7. Presentazione del dizionario “Arti Decorative in Sicilia” (64%)

    16-lug-2015 15.16.22

    Cortile dello Steri di Palermo, Piazza Marina n. 61 Presentazione del dizionario “Arti Decorative in Sicilia” Talk, Arti Decorative in Sicilia, Maria Concetta Di Natale, Continua il programma di “Univercittà” con la presentazione del dizionario “Arti Decorative in Sicilia” dell’Osservatorio per le Arti decorative in Italia “Maria Accascina” dell’Università di Palermo. Curato da Maria Concetta ... Oliveri e Dario Casciaro. Il talk avrà luogo giovedì 16 luglio 2015, alle ore 18.30, nel cortile

  • 8. Alla Galleria d’arte moderna incontro su “La bellezza salverà il mondo? (64%)

    17-mar-2017 9.41.51

    Galleria d’arte moderna in via Sant’Anna, 21 Alla Galleria d’arte moderna incontro su “La bellezza salverà il mondo? cultura, Galleria d’arte moderna, Talk&drink al museo, Ritornano i “Talk&drink al museo”, una formula ideata per confrontarsi in modo informale su temi "impegnativi" in una dimensione conviviale, davanti a un buon bicchiere di vino. “La bellezza salverà il mondo” è la celebre frase pronunziata dal protagonista de “L’Idiota”, il principe Miškin. La fiducia

  • 9. Gonnella_CV (64%)

    14-apr-2020 11.19.34

    , Oxford settembre 1999 (invited talk) 5) Kinetics of binary mixtures in shear ow, International workshop on Scaling and disordered Systems, Parigi aprile 2000 (invited talk) 6) E ects of ow ... (november 2001 (invited talk) 8) Ordering of lamellar phases, International Conference on Extensive and Non- Extensive Statistical Mechanics, Angra dos Reis, Brasile 2003, (invited talk) 9) Dynamical properties of complex uids, INFM International Meeting 2003 (Gen-ova 2003) (invited talk) 10

  • 10. GIORDANO Andrea-CV_ita (60%)

    21-apr-2020 15.49.20

    , “Mathematic and Architecture”, June 2018, Pisa - talk “Louis Khan Architecture” e al convegno ... ;. 2018 - International Conference of NEXUS, “Mathematic and Architecture”, June 2018, Pisa - talk ... , Florence - talk “Architectura Picta”. - Study seminar “Approcci integrati per l’analisi ed il recupero dei centri storici tra Disegno e Progetto”, Napoli, June – talk: “Visualizing Cities”. - Study seminar “Il disegno per la città sostenibile”, Parma, May – talk: “Visualizing Cities

  • 11. 02_cv_ciraolo (59%)

    12-feb-2021 8.34.27

    a di Firenze, Marzo 2004. 2. Invited talk at IAC (CNR), Firenze, Ottobre 20, 2004. 3. Invited talk ... Ibla, Giugno 2005. 4. Invited talk, sessione parallela del \5th International ISAAC Congress" ... (Univ. of Minne- sota), Minneapolis, Ottobre 2005. 6. Invited talk al \Mathematics Seminar", Department of Mathematics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Novembre 2005. 7. Plenary talk ... 2007. 9. Contributed talk al \XVIII Congresso dell'Unione Matematica Italiana", Bari

  • 12. TALK/Performace e musica per la legalità. Evento conclusivo di "Univercittà inFestival" (56%)

    22-mar-2013 11.46.34

    TALK/Performace e musica per la legalità. Evento conclusivo di "Univercittà inFestival" Univercittà, Venti di legalità, unipa, marketing Parole, testimonianze e performance per parlare di giustizia e cooperazione internazionale. Sono questi i temi al centro di "Venti di legalità", l'evento conclusivo della quarta edizione di "Univercittà in Festival", la rassegna ... . Nell'ambito del talk sarà presentato il progetto di marketing territoriale "Selinus"

  • 13. cv-ingrassia (55%)

    10-apr-2020 9.28.04

    luglio 2017. • Componente del Consiglio di Amministrazione della Fondazione per la Sussidiarietà ... , Zakopane (Poland) May 10-13, 2016. Invited talk for Plenary Session. 77. García-Escudero L., Gordaliza ... -10, 2015. Invited talk for Plenary Session. 12 80. Ingrassia S., Murray P.M, McNicholas P.D. (2015 ... Meeting 2015, McMaster University, Ha- milton, Ontario, Canada, June 3-6, 2015. Invited talk. 81 ... ), November 24-25, 2014. Invited talk. 83. Ingrassia S., Punzo A. (2014). Diagnostics for model-based

  • 14. CVIngrassia_ita (55%)

    24-apr-2020 8.00.50

    e della Ricerca" (ANVUR) a partire dal luglio 2017.  Componente del Consiglio di Amministrazione ... of Socio-Economic Phenomena, Zakopane (Poland) May 10-13, 2016. Invited talk for Plenary Session. 76 ... (CLADAG), Cagliari (Italy), October 8-10, 2015. Invited talk for Plenary Session. 79. Ingrassia S ... , 2015. Invited talk. 80. García-Escudero L., Gordaliza A., Greselin F., Ingrassia S., Mayo-Iscar ... 2014)", Roma (Italy), November 24-25, 2014. Invited talk. 12 82. Ingrassia S., Punzo A. (2014

  • 15. UNIVERCITTA' luglio 2014 (52%)

    10-lug-2014 9.07.53

    entro il lunedì precedente. GIOVEDÌ 17 LUGLIO VENERDÌ 18 LUGLIO Ore 18.30 / TALK Ore 21.15 / TALK Ore 18 / TALK Cortile Abatelli Cortile Abatelli Chiesa TURISMO E BENI Presentazione del libro S. Antonio Abate CULTURALI HD di Ramin Bahrami Presentazione del libro Ciclo di talk SICILIAHD IL SUONO ... su LUNEDÌ 21 LUGLIO MARTEDÌ 22 LUGLIO Ore 18.30 / TALK Ore 21.30 / TALK Ore 18.30 / TALK Cortile Abatelli Cortile Abatelli Cortile Abatelli LA NECESSITÀ I CARABINIERI. WELFARE

  • 16. cv prof. sindoni (45%)

    31-mag-2022 12.32.35

    ; Talk 34(3), pp. 325-347. Special issue on Multimodality, meaning-making, and the issue of “text ... Linguistics* (Elsevier, ISSN: 0346- 251X) 20. Text and Talk: An Interdisciplinary Journal ... . 3. Plenary talk “Interconnected digital world or separate orbits? Insights from the Common ... 26, 2020. 13 4. Plenary talk “Multimodality for Transformation”, ICOM 2020, November 11-13, 2020, University of Valparaiso, Chile, 5. Plenary talk

  • 17. curriculum deseri-july 2019 (45%)

    21-apr-2020 15.49.18

    : Invited talk at the CAN seminar series, Carnegie Mellon University November 2018 Invited talk ... , Invited talk at the special session “Mechanics of biological structures” April 2018 CNA-Center ... . Seminar series September 2016 ESB Conference, Palermo Sept. 2-8 2016, invited talk. July 2016 ... Invited talk at the Civil Engineering and mechanics seminar series, Carnegie Mellon University November ... July 2015 Invited speaker at: -ESMC-EUROMECH 2015-workshopon Cell Mechanics, talk on “Frequency

  • 18. curriculum-deseri-june-2021 (45%)

    24-mag-2022 16.19.51

    : Invited talk at the CAN seminar series, Carnegie Mellon University November 2018 Invited talk ... -NYC, Invited talk at the special session “Mechanics of biological structures” April 2018 CNA ... . Seminar series September 2016 ESB Conference, Palermo Sept. 2-8 2016, invited talk. July 2016 ... talk at the Civil Engineering and mechanics seminar series, Carnegie Mellon University November 2015 ... 2015 Invited speaker at: -ESMC-EUROMECH 2015-workshopon Cell Mechanics, talk on “Frequency-Based

  • 19. 19pa_c3p2_l-lin12_bruti_cv (43%)

    26-ott-2022 11.26.35

    men’s and women’s talk: examples from the film The Holiday Rachele Tesi The development of baby-talk and its importance in the parent-child relationship Magistrale Marta Micalizzi The Mistress ... ‘to talk’ Sonia Nalini Scicchitano Reporting strategies in romance novels Calogero Lentini Global ... Towers Federico Conti News interviews in English and Italian: Hard Talk vs. Le Invasioni barbariche ... differences in children’s talk Martina Trinchera English for specific purposes. The case of Airspeak

  • 20. 20240222-OPEN-BADGE-ENGLISH-B2 (43%)

    22-feb-2024 8.02.00

    information. • PART 2: This is a talk by one speaker on a general topic. This means that you listen ... is on listening for specific factual information. • PART 3: This is a lecture or talk by one speaker on an academic or study-related topic. This means that you listen to a person giving a lecture, a talk ... . SPEAKING (30 marks): The examiner will give you a topic and will ask you to talk ... you can cover in your talk relating to this. Example prompts: 1. Describe a memorable holiday