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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. La prof.ssa di UniPa Salvatrice Vizzini nel gruppo scientifico del progetto di interesse nazionale TROPHYC sul granchio blu (100%)

    12-dic-2023 12.35.37

    La prof.ssa di UniPa Salvatrice Vizzini nel gruppo scientifico del progetto di interesse nazionale TROPHYC sul granchio blu articolo, notizia, unipa, salvatrice vizzini, ricerca, TROPHYC, granchio ... di Palermo è tra i componenti del team scientifico di TROPHYC, progetto che coinvolge dodici paesi ... e coordinatore del progetto TROPHYC. La ricerca coinvolgerà un network esteso di collaborazione ... di specie aliene marine, e quarto componente del team. “TROPHYC vuole fornire dati scientifici

  • 2. 87 bando 2023 (14%)

    12-dic-2023 8.50.07

    /2023 across gradients of habitat complexity [OCABEF] SARA' Gianluca 2022C2JLBZ_002 LS8 TROPHYC ... blue crab Callinectes sapidus in the Mediterranean Sea as a model species - TROPHYC Codice U-GOV PRJ

  • 3. 87 english version bando 2023 (14%)

    12-dic-2023 8.50.07

    of habitat complexity [OCABEF] SARA' Gianluca 2022C2JLBZ_002 LS8 TROPHYC - The TROphic geograPHY ... in the Mediterranean Sea as a model species - TROPHYC U-GOV Code PRJ- 1418 CUP B53D23012240006 TOTAL GROSS

  • 4. 5252107 bando prin 2022 distem_en (14%)

    7-mag-2024 11.07.37

    of habitat complexity [OCABEF] SARA' Gianluca 2022C2JLBZ_002 LS8 TROPHYC - The TROphic geograPHY ... in the Mediterranean Sea as a model species - TROPHYC U-GOV Code PRJ- 1418 CUP B53D23012240006 TOTAL GROSS

  • 5. 5252107 bando prin 2022 distem_it (14%)

    7-mag-2024 11.07.37

    /2023 across gradients of habitat complexity [OCABEF] SARA' Gianluca 2022C2JLBZ_002 LS8 TROPHYC ... blue crab Callinectes sapidus in the Mediterranean Sea as a model species - TROPHYC Codice U-GOV PRJ

  • 6. 5252107 bando prin 2022 distem_en (14%)

    27-mar-2024 12.31.45

    of habitat complexity [OCABEF] SARA' Gianluca 2022C2JLBZ_002 LS8 TROPHYC - The TROphic geograPHY ... in the Mediterranean Sea as a model species - TROPHYC U-GOV Code PRJ- 1418 CUP B53D23012240006 TOTAL GROSS

  • 7. 5252107 bando prin 2022 distem_it (14%)

    27-mar-2024 12.31.46

    /2023 across gradients of habitat complexity [OCABEF] SARA' Gianluca 2022C2JLBZ_002 LS8 TROPHYC ... blue crab Callinectes sapidus in the Mediterranean Sea as a model species - TROPHYC Codice U-GOV PRJ

  • 8. Latest projects (12%)

    9-gen-2024 12.33.30

    Latest projects articolo, notizia, unipa 2023-2025: TROPHYC. The TROphic geograPHY of marine bioinvaders: the Atlantic blue crab Callinectes sapidus in the Mediterranean Sea as a model species. PRIN 2022 2023-2025: TURTLEBACK. Multiple BACKtrack analysis of strandings to explore hazardous interactions between anthropogenic pressures and sea TURTLEs in the Mediterranean Sea. PRIN 2022 PNRR 2023-2025: BREATHE. Big data, internet-of-things and aRtificial intelligence to study the impact

  • 9. Nuovo articolo (12%)

    16-gen-2025 13.57.57

    bioinvaders: the Atlantic blue crab Callinectes sapidus in the Mediterranean Sea as a model species – TROPHYC

  • 10. 2023 proj (10%)

    10-gen-2024 8.59.15

    in the Mediterranean Sea as a model species – TROPHYC” 05/10/2023 24 MESI 05/10/2025 60.877,00 € REP. 1573/2023