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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Team del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e delle relazioni internazionali al Jesus College di Cambridge per il 40° Symposium on Economic Crimes (100%)

    5-ott-2023 11.54.29

    di Cambridge per il 40° Symposium on Economic Crimes articolo, notizia, unipa, dems, Scienze Politiche e delle relazioni internazionali, Symposium on Economic Crimes Una rappresentanza di professori ... of business", nell'ambito del 40° Symposium on Economic Crimes, al Jesus College di Cambridge. Il Symposium on Economic Crimes, che ogni anno richiama circa 1500 professionisti, magistrati, autorità ... la Facoltà di Scienze Politiche e oggi il DEMS, è parte del comitato scientifico del Symposium

  • 2. cv prof. nicola (97%)

    1-giu-2022 8.58.56

    Speaker Invitations at International Symposia/Congresses/Meetings 3rd ISHS International Symposium ... in hydroponics. VII South-East European Symposium on Vegetables and Potatoes – ISHS, 20-23 June 2017 ... and Young Minds. China National Asparagus Symposium, 18-19 Sept. 2016. Hezhe, Shandong, China ... et Studiorum - Page 8 of 84 5th International Symposium on Ecologically Sound Fertilization ... Balkan Symposium on Vegetables and Potatoes. ISHS. 29 September – 2 October 2014. Zagreb, Croatia

  • 3. International Symposium on flowering, fruit set and alternate bearing (93%)

    19-giu-2017 11.16.00

    Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Forestali International Symposium on flowering, fruit set and alternate bearing evento, international Symposium, flowering, La Società Internazionale per la Scienza dell'orticoltura (ISHS) in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Forestali dell’Università di Palermo presenterà "L'International Symposium on flowering ... la Sala delle Capriate del Palazzo Steri, sito in piazza Marina, 61 a Palermo. Il Symposium

  • 4. XLII Scientific Instrument Symposium (86%)

    22-set-2023 9.43.17

    opening: Sala Magna, Steri - piazza Marina, 61 XLII Scientific Instrument Symposium articolo, notizia, unipa, SIC, Scientific Instrument Symposium Lunedì 18 settembre, alle 15.00, nella Sala Magna del Complesso Monumentale dello Steri (piazza Marina, 61) si tiene la cerimonia di apertura del XLII Scientific Instrument Symposium della SIC - Scientific Instrument Commission sul tema "Through ages, cultures, concepts: instruments in collections, books, archives". Il convegno

  • 5. cv_leone (63%)

    14-apr-2021 10.47.55

    Conferences Scheme, for the organization of the symposium “Law, Religion, And Space: Trends, Problems, And

  • 6. 2-cv_anastasi (57%)

    28-apr-2020 8.46.21

    Sharing for Residential BitTorrent Users”, IEEE International Symposium on Computers and ... (PerSeNS 2007, 2009-13) • IEEE International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia ... da IEEE Computer Society. • IEEE International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia ... Networks (ICCCN 2007) • IEEE International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia ... International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile, and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2016) • IEEE

  • 7. cv prof. anastasi (57%)

    14-apr-2022 17.09.31

    Sharing for Residential BitTorrent Users”, IEEE International Symposium on Computers and ... (PerSeNS 2007, 2009-13) • IEEE International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia ... da IEEE Computer Society. • IEEE International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia ... Networks (ICCCN 2007) • IEEE International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia ... International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile, and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2016) • IEEE

  • 8. cv prof. lubello (47%)

    1-giu-2022 8.58.56

    IX Symposium Pesticide Chemistry, Degradation and Mobility of Xenobiotics, Piacenza 1993. [14 ... : an experimental system. In: Proceedings IX Symposium Pesticide Chemistry, Degradation and Mobility ... scale: preliminary methodology. In: Proceedings IX Symposium Pesticide Chemistry, Degradation and ... analysis in a water recycle system for textile industry. 3rd International Symposium on Wastewater ... with peracetic acid and UV. SIDISA 2000 - International Symposium on Sanitary and Environmental

  • 9. cv cao (46%)

    8-gen-2018 12.36.08

    in Chemical Engineering 2014 - present I. Seminar, Symposium and Conference Organization ... Committee of the V Int. Symposium on SHS, Moscow August 1999 Co-Chairman of the Session “Effect of Electric and Electromagnetic Field at the V Int. Symposium on SHS, Moscow August 1999 ... Symposium on SHS May 2002 Member of the Scientific Committee of The International Conference ... and Mineral Production, SWEMP ’02 Sept. 2002 Chairman at the Japan-Italy Joint Symposium

  • 10. SYMPOSIUM/Docenti Unipa a Cambridge (45%)

    4-set-2014 11.56.06

    SYMPOSIUM/Docenti Unipa a Cambridge Antonello Miranda, simposio, docenti, Docenti, assegnisti e dottori di ricerca di Unipa saranno presenti come relatori al XXXII Symposium on Economic Crimes in corso di svolgimento al Jesus College di Cambridge fino al 9 settembre 2014. Il Symposium è un importante appuntamento annuale che vede convergere a Cambridge studiosi e esperti di tutto il mondo per discutere del tema raffrontando esperienze e sistemi della lotta ai crimini economici, oggi nell'era

  • 11. HRS_PhD (45%)

    13-mag-2013 14.53.48

    Sanseverino University of Palermo Palazzo Chiaromonte - Steri Sala Magna, Palermo Doctoral Symposium ... Symposium in Oral Sciences, march 26th 2010 European Charter and Code and Young Researchers support group ... Doctoral Symposium in Oral Sciences, march 26th 2010 European Charter and Code and Young Researchers ... on to the HR Strategy for Researchers (2008) Doctoral Symposium in Oral Sciences, march 26th 2010 European ... working conditions as well as reinforcing research and development across Europe. Doctoral Symposium

  • 12. masulli_cv (44%)

    24-mag-2022 16.36.27

  • 13. cv prof. montemanni (42%)

    1-giu-2022 10.13.31

    2012, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing Riva del Garda (Italy), Mar 2012 Seminars Machine ... Self-Organization in Living Systems Symposium Zurich (Switzerland), Nov 2017 Hybrid Sampling ... multicasting problem in wireless sensor networks ISCO 2010, International Symposium on Combinatorial ... Technical Committee 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 ISPECE – 018 International Symposium on Power ... on ICT: Big Data, Cloud and Security Program Committee 2015 WSCAR – World Symposium on Computer

  • 14. cv ferrara (41%)

    16-gen-2018 13.49.07

    Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems CTS 2018 to be held in Savona, Italy, and ... , December 2019. ▪ Editor of the IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems CTS 2018 ... Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems (CTS 2016), Istanbul, Turkey, 18-20 May 2016 ... . ▪ International Program Committee of the Intelligent Vehicles Symposium IV’10 June 21-24, 2010 ... Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 4-6

  • 15. GALASSI D.M.P. 2019 (41%)

    7-apr-2020 10.09.55

    for groundwater habitat prioritization. 13th WAC international symposium, Los Angeles, U.S.A., July 14-20 2017 ... . Plenary lecture: SYMPOSIUM 3: GROUNDWATER QUALITY AND COPEPODS entitled: Global trends and ... symposium, Seoul, Korea, July 14-18 2014. 2013. Invited lecture entitled: Ecosistemi dipendenti ... in Southern European ground water (Symposium 1), 11th WAC international symposium, Mèrida (Messico), July ... di bacino. 2005. Invited Conference at symposium entitled: Il Progetto UE-Pascalis: dall’analisi

  • 16. 57po_c12p1_agr11_rapisarda_cv (41%)

    26-ott-2022 10.22.31

    : Aleyrodidae) biotypes in Italy. European Whitefly Symposium, abstract book: 29. 84. Davino S ... Whitefly Symposium, abstract book: 46-47. 85. Tropea Garzia G., Barbagallo S. & C. Rapisarda, 2001 ... Symposium, abstract book: 71. 86. Cascone G., Areddia R., Colombo A., Mazzarella R., Rapisarda C ... in Sicily. European Whitefly Symposium, abstract book: 81. 87. Rapisarda C., Beninato S. e G. Campo, 2001. The bionomics of Siphoninus phillyreae on pear orchards in Sicily. European Whitefly Symposium

  • 17. curriculum_LA MANTIA (40%)

    8-mar-2015 21.35.05

    alle Attività Produttive della Regione Sicilia dal 2010 al 2012. • Consigliere di amministrazione di ITA

  • 18. cv prof. nicolai (39%)

    6-apr-2022 11.17.34

  • 19. Candidatura alla conferenza “Young Sparks Symposium" (38%)

    5-lug-2023 14.19.52

    Candidatura alla conferenza “Young Sparks Symposium" articolo, notizia, unipa Opportunità di candidatura alla conferenza internazionale “Young Sparks Symposium: uomo e scienza, umanesimo e tecnologia, uomo e territorio” prorogata all’11 luglio 2023 Dal 03 al 07 settembre 2023, gli studenti che presenteranno candidatura diretta all’Agenzia Nazionale, si confronteranno con colleghi da tutta Europa sul tema della sostenibilità ambientale. Output dei lavori: il Manifesto degli Studenti

  • 20. cv prof. rajandrea sethi (38%)

    1-giu-2022 8.58.56

    Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Sardinia 2001 for the paper: “Heat generation and transport ... (Consiglio di Amministrazione) of the Politecnico di Torino 14 2013-2015 Member of the Steering ... : Symposium “Membranes for liquid separation and water treatment: environmental applications and ... di Torino, 30/03/12 5 2012 – chairman: 1st European Symposium on Remediation Technologies and ... Engineering). Politecnico di Torino, 4/09/09 1 2007 – Chairman: “3rd International Symposium