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Ricerca avanzata per:

Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Sport and Exercise Sciences Research Unit - Palermo University (100%)

    29-nov-2020 10.16.36

    Sport and Exercise Sciences Research Unit - Palermo University Antonino Bianco, UNIPA, Polo delle Scienze Motorie e Sportive, Sport and Exercise Sciences research unit, ANTONINO BIANCO

  • 2. Novembre 2020. Ricercatori UNIPA su Men’s Health (49%)

    31-mag-2021 18.01.08

    Novembre 2020. Ricercatori UNIPA su Men’s Health Sport and Exercise Sciences research unit, unipa, Antonino Bianco, Interessante riconoscimento per le Scienze Motorie palermitane. Il prestigioso magazine Men’s Health ha condiviso i risultati della ricerca scientifica intitolata: The effects of a calisthenics training intervention on posture, strength and body composition. La ricerca ha evidenziato gli effetti benefici dell’allenamento calisthenico, riportando variazioni positive in termini

  • 3. Gennaio 2021. ACSM Fitness Trends 2021: il Prof. Antonino Bianco tra gli esperti (49%)

    7-gen-2021 13.57.58

    Gennaio 2021. ACSM Fitness Trends 2021: il Prof. Antonino Bianco tra gli esperti Antonino Bianco, Scienze Motorie, Sport and Exercise Sciences Research Unit Nel mese di Dicembre 2020, l'American College of Sport Medicine (ACSM) ha condiviso gli ACSM's Top 10 Fitness Trends for 2021. Il Prof. Antonino Bianco tra gli Autori della, tanto attesa, International Commentary of the Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends 2021 (15esima edizione). La commentary 2021 ha coinvolto 11 esperti: Peijie Chen, Ph.D

  • 4. CURRICULUM Salvatore Ficarra (19%)

    16-lug-2021 9.28.56

    ) in Health Promotion and Congnitive Sciences - Sport and Exercise Sciences Research Unit (Università ... Sciences - Sport and Exercise Sciences Research Unit (SPPEFF Department - University of Palermo) 28/7

  • 5. CV Ficarra Salvatore (19%)

    10-dic-2021 14.02.31

    ) in Health Promotion and Congnitive Sciences - Sport and Exercise Sciences Research Unit (Università ... Sciences - Sport and Exercise Sciences Research Unit (SPPEFF Department - University of Palermo) 28/7

  • 6. CV Thomas 2021 (16%)

    10-dic-2021 14.00.34

    . Sireci, A. Palma, and F. Martines, Sport and Exercise Sciences Research Unit, University of Palermo ... , Rizzo Serena, MD, Salvago Pietro MD, Palma Antonino and Martines Francesco, Sport and Exercise Sciences Research Unit, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, and others) 3. Attività Fisica


    8-lug-2024 21.51.21

    2020. Ricercatori UNIPA su Men’s Health Sport and Exercise Sciences research unit, unipa, Antonino ... . Antonino Bianco tra gli esperti Antonino Bianco, Scienze Motorie, Sport and Exercise Sciences Research Unit Nel mese di Dicembre 2020, l'American College of Sport Medicine (ACSM) ha condiviso gli ACSM's Top

  • 8. Top article selected by the Editor (13%)

    12-feb-2016 23.34.27

    Top article selected by the Editor articolo, notizia, unipa Exercise and Sport Sciences Review dedica copertina e prime pagine al Ns lavoro. Exerc Sport Sci Rev. 2015 Jul;43(3):153-62. doi: 10.1249/JES.0000000000000050. The Ketogenic Diet and Sport: A Possible Marriage? 1. Paoli A, 2. Bianco A, 3. Grimaldi KA 1. Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Padova, Padova; and 2. Sport and Exercise Sciences Research Unit, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy; and 3. Biomedical Engineering

  • 9. The Preschool-FLAT (13%)

    20-lug-2023 19.21.56

    The Preschool-FLAT (Food Literacy Assessment Tool) articolo, notizia, unipa Development The preschool-FLAT (Food Literacy Assessment Tool) was developed in 2020 by a multidisciplinary team from the Sport and Exercise Sciences Research Unit of the Department of Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement, University of Palermo, Italy, within the Training-to-health Project, a study financed by the Municipality of Palermo, approved by the Ethical Board of the University of Palermo (N. 2

  • 10. The Preschool-FLAT (Food Literacy Assessment Tool) (13%)

    21-lug-2023 11.25.29

    The Preschool-FLAT (Food Literacy Assessment Tool) articolo, notizia, unipa Development The preschool-FLAT (Food Literacy Assessment Tool) was developed in 2020 by a multidisciplinary team from the Sport and Exercise Sciences Research Unit of the Department of Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement, University of Palermo, Italy, within the Training-to-health Project, a study financed by the Municipality of Palermo, approved by the Ethical Board of the University of Palermo (N. 2

  • 11. Docente dell’Harvard Medical School in visita ad Unipa per un giorno (13%)

    28-lug-2023 15.52.57

    Galioto Sui canali social dell’account Sport and Exercise Sciences Research Unit di Unipa, sono state

  • 12. 1-s2.0-S1360859214002058-main (11%)

    17-lug-2015 23.35.08

    . Sport and Exercise Sciences Research Unit, University of Palermo, Via Eleonora Duse 2, 90146, Palermo

  • 13. ACSM (11%)

    1-gen-2021 20.36.40

  • 15. ACSM 1 (11%)

    7-gen-2021 0.40.34

  • 16. ACSM 2 (11%)

    7-gen-2021 0.46.58

  • 17. ACSM 3 (11%)

    7-gen-2021 0.43.18

  • 18. Mens Health (11%)

    21-nov-2020 1.39.31

  • 19. EJSS_2014_Suppl_V.2 (9%)

    19-ago-2016 2.34.21