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  • 1. MMF4_leaflet (1) (100%)

    27-gen-2017 13.28.03

    with its history, art and food Registration are delighted to invite Psychiatrists, Clinical ... Registration deadline 25/4/2017 For registration fee (10 Students discounts places availables) enquires ... information at time of registration Looking forward to meeting in Palermo Presentazione

  • 2. SUMMER SCHOOL 2017 ENG (1) (92%)

    13-mar-2017 11.50.53

    experienced in different Via Maqueda, 172 – Direzione e amministrazione P.zza Bologni, 8 - 90134 ... Via Maqueda, 172 – Direzione e amministrazione P.zza Bologni, 8 - 90134 PALERMO Centralino sez. IURA ... of a valid ID, and the proof payment of the registration fees (and, for undergraduates, lawyers and ... of registration fees of € 200,00 includes the inscription to the Course, the reading material, the final ... . The registration fees shall be paid to the Università di Palermo bank account IBAN: IT 09 A 02008 04682

  • 3. SEMINARIO/SIBBM 2012 “Frontiers in Molecular Biology 2012” (83%)

    8-mar-2013 13.52.40

    SEMINARIO/SIBBM 2012 “Frontiers in Molecular Biology 2012” unipa, portale, universita Da giovedì 24 a sabato 26 maggio 2012, nella sala Magna dello Steri, è ospitato SIBBM 2012 “Frontiers in Molecular Biology 2012”. L’iniziativa è stata organizzata dalla Società di Biofisica e Biologia molecolare. Programma: Thursday, 24 May 10:30-13:45 - Registration 14:00-14:15 - Welcome Address Giovanni ... available at SIBBM registration desk) Saturday, 26 May - Session V - Epigenetics, Disease &

  • 4. A Palermo il “Mediterranean Maudsley Forum” (83%)

    7-feb-2017 12.25.01

    . For registration fee enquires (10 Students discounts places availables) and accommodation advice please contact: Dr Nicoletta Giganti : Dr Olesya Ajnakina: REGISTRATION

  • 5. DOCENTI/L'Emeroteca virtuale migra su nuova piattaforma digitale (71%)

    18-giu-2013 12.56.33

    /registration/form.fragment?service=). Rimane sempre attivo il canale di accesso dell'editore

  • 6. Seminario alla Scuola Politecnica su “Internet of Things” (71%)

    8-ott-2015 11.46.33

    di grande successo che sviluppa le applicazioni per i veicoli. Programma: Ore 9.30 Registration Ore

  • 7. Brochure_ITAMA_Malta (71%)

    29-gen-2019 10.44.16

    LAUNCH Event Programme Valletta, 30th January 2019 11:00- Registration, Welcome coffee/snacks 11:30 Welcome address by the Chief Medical Officer, Ministry for Health – 11:30 Dr Denis Vella Baldacchino Support of the Ministry of Education in the project – 11:40 Hon. Dr Evarist Bartolo 11:50 Project Overview – Prof Giuseppe Raso (Università di Palermo) Effects of Coeliac conditions in children and benefits of early diagnosis – 12:00 Prof Giuseppe Magazzù

  • 8. "Workshop on Inequality, Intergenerational Mobility, and Organized Crime" (71%)

    6-lug-2017 12.14.19

    : Giovedì 6 Luglio 2017 13:00 – 13:30 Welcome and Registration 13:30 – 13:45 Welcoming Addresses 13:45 – 14

  • 9. Qiskit Fall Fest 2023 @Palermo (71%)

    20-nov-2023 12.53.38

    il form al link Info e programma alla pagina dedicata

  • 10. Un gruppo di studenti dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo contribuisce al successo del SOBEWFF - South Beach Wine & Food Festival di Miami (71%)

    7-mar-2024 11.16.00

    , helping to promote eco-sustainability; the day after, I supported guest registration; and on the two