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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Research Projects (100%)

    6-mar-2016 9.09.00

    Research Projects CV, Mannina, projects Since 2002 Giorgio Mannina has been involved in projects with academic staff of other International Universities. The projects have been also object ... . Giorgio Mannina has been involved into two different types of projects Funded research projects - VIEW No-Funded research projects - Scientific projects developed with academic staff - VIEW The funded research projects are based on funds and are granted by a reviewing process. The no-funded research

  • 2. [Nuovo bando] Universities for EU projects culture 2016 -2017 - Scadenza: trasmissione candidatura on-line entro le ore 24,00 del 15 ottobre 2016. (69%)

    27-set-2016 11.22.42

    [Nuovo bando] Universities for EU projects culture 2016 -2017 - Scadenza: trasmissione candidatura on-line entro le ore 24,00 del 15 ottobre 2016. bando, Universities for EU projects culture, 2016 -2017, primopiano, tirocinio BANDO Universities for EU projects culture 2016/2017 Un progetto Erasmus ... studenti per traineeship nell'ambito del progetto "Univerisities for EU projects' Beneficiari ... la Guida pratica ai fondi europei 2014-2020 in italiano e in inglese, e l’European Projects Kit composto

  • 3. Projects (68%)

    28-apr-2020 11.35.40

    Projects articolo, Laboratorio di ricerca in Neuropsicologia, Projects, Dipartimento SPPEFF, PROCESSI COGNITIVI COINVOLTI NELLA REGOLAZIONE EMOTIVA ED IMMUNITARIA DURANTE L’EMERGENZA COVID-19 I meccanismi nervosi coinvolti nel controllo delle emozioni e della risposta immunitaria sono messi a dura prova in una emergenza come quella della pandemia da COVID19. Lo studio di questi meccanismi nella popolazione generale sottoposta a misure di distanziamento sociale può essere critico

  • 4. Undergraduate Summer Placement Projects 2019 at Diamond (67%)

    7-dic-2018 11.57.04

    Undergraduate Summer Placement Projects 2019 at Diamond. Dear All, Diamond Light Source, one of the world’s leading scientific research establishments, is offering paid summer placements ... students to join us for 12 weeks next summer starting in late June. There are 15 projects ... each of the available projects on this webpage: ... Undergraduate Summer Placement Projects 2019 at Diamond Agnello PDFCreator Version 1.7.2 GPL

  • 5. Research Projects (67%)

    19-ott-2017 9.41.00

    Research Projects Research, Projects, architecture AREAS OF RESEARCH Cultural heritage (ERC: SH3_4; SH5_10; SH6_12; PE6_4) Technological support and materials for restoration; Application of nanotechnology to the cultural heritage; Technological support and strategies for the development of archaeological parks in value; Hystory of architecture; Study and cataloging of buildings, sites and areas of historical value; Strategies and itineraries for cultural tourism; Applications of innovative

  • 6. FORTHEM Alliance: opportunità di collaborazione virtuale tra studenti. Shared Tutored Projects (66%)

    10-mar-2021 11.02.43

    FORTHEM Alliance: opportunità di collaborazione virtuale tra studenti. Shared Tutored Projects forthem, shared tutored, projects, bando studenti Nell’ambito del progetto FORTHEM, di cui l’Università degli Studi di Palermo è partner insieme agli Atenei di Mainz (Germania), capofila del progetto ... ai loro studenti la possibilità di prendere parte agli Shared Tutored Projects. Visualizza e scarica il programma degli Shared Tutored Projects attualmente disponibili e mettiti in contatto con il referente locale

  • 7. AVVISO-PROROGA/ I Edizione del Bando “Universities for Eu projects” per l'a.a. 2020/2021 - CONSORZIO SEND (63%)

    17-mar-2021 10.47.55

    AVVISO-PROROGA/ I Edizione del Bando “Universities for Eu projects” per l'a.a. 2020/2021 - CONSORZIO SEND Stage e tirocini, bandi, stage, avviso, progetto Erasmus+, Universities for EU projects ... del Bando “Universities for Eu projects” per l'a.a. 2020/2021 con scadenza 17 MARZO 2021 h.12.00 ... ;Universities for EU projects", ha come obiettivo il finanziamento di borse di mobilità per gli ... l'organizzazione di due infoday online sul bando “Universities for Eu Projects”, uno rivolto allo staff

  • 8. Undergraduate Summer Placement Projects 2019 at Diamond. (62%)

    7-dic-2018 11.57.30

    Undergraduate Summer Placement Projects 2019 at Diamond. Summer Placement, Projects , Diamond SCADENZA: 15th January 2019 Diamond Light Source, one of the world’s leading scientific research establishments, is offering paid summer placements for undergraduate students in STEM and related subjects Diamond is looking for exceptionally able and enthusiastic undergraduate students to join us for 12 weeks next summer starting in late June. There are 15 projects to choose from and

  • 9. Call-for-Research-Projects-2017 (60%)

    30-mar-2017 12.32.12

    C.F. 97511040152 2017 Call for Projects on ALS Research 2017 AriSLA Call for Research Projects: PROMOTING RESEARCH EXCELLENCE IN THE FIGHT AGAINST ALS Deadline: at 1.00 pm, April 13th 2017 1. Aims of the “2017 AriSLA Call for Research Projects” AriSLA, Italian Foundation for Research on ALS – Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, opens the “2017 AriSLA Call for Research Projects ... of the Foundation. 2. Call for Projects themes “2017 AriSLA Call for Research Projects” funds

  • 10. FORTHEM Alliance Call for Projects Short term collective mobility projects 2020-2021 (55%)

    25-giu-2020 16.17.30

    mobility FORTHEM Alliance Call for Projects: Short-term collective mobility projects 2020-2021 1 ... activities per university), on the basis of proposals made in response to this call for projects ... 2020, others to spring or summer 2021. The projects selected for 2020 and postponed to 2021 ... projects, there will be approximately 10 new projects selected for the academic year 2020/2021 ... /). For this second call for projects, covering actions from 1st March 2021 to the end of February 2022

  • 11. FORTHEM Alliance Call for Projects Short term collective mobility projects 2020-2021 (55%)

    26-giu-2020 14.22.30

    mobility FORTHEM Alliance Call for Projects: Short-term collective mobility projects 2020-2021 1 ... activities per university), on the basis of proposals made in response to this call for projects ... 2020, others to spring or summer 2021. The projects selected for 2020 and postponed to 2021 ... projects, there will be approximately 10 new projects selected for the academic year 2020/2021 ... /). For this second call for projects, covering actions from 1st March 2021 to the end of February 2022

  • 12. Point 5 - Draft work programme 2013 - NMP_WD2013_Draft_130312_clean (51%)

    8-mar-2013 17.18.35

    by the industry Error! Bookmark not defined.NMP.2013.4.0-3 Support for cluster activities of projects ... Support for cluster activities of projects in the main application fields of NMP Theme Error ... manufacturing, and is also supported, mainly through small and medium collaborative projects. The guiding ... to the involvement of industry, through its direct participation in projects (which has increased from 35 ... -targeted collaborative projects, about two thirds of the total. For the same reason, the allocation

  • 13. PROROGA scadenza Call for Projects - #hackUniTO for Ageing al 30 settembre 2016. (51%)

    21-giu-2016 12.24.57

    PROROGA scadenza Call for Projects - #hackUniTO for Ageing al 30 settembre 2016. PROROGA, Call for Projects, hackUniTO, Ageing, 2016, primopiano Già 400 ricercatori registrati e 130 progetti pubblicati! Progetto #hackUniTO for Ageing, dedicato ai ricercatori impegnati sul tema dell'invecchiamento sano e attivo, proroga scadenza al 30 settembre 2016. Si consiglia ai professori e ricercatori UNIPA interessati, di pubblicare i progetti sulla piattaforma entro la fine di luglio, per assicurarsene

  • 14. Universities 4 EU Projects – Progetto Erasmus plus for traineeship PROGETTA IL TUO FUTURO IN EUROPA (49%)

    23-mag-2017 9.25.00

    Universities 4 EU Projects – Progetto Erasmus plus for traineeship PROGETTA IL TUO FUTURO IN EUROPA primopiano, Universities 4 EU Projects, Progetto, Erasmus plus, traineeship, FUTURO, EUROPA Di che si tratta Tirocinio, da 2 a 12 mesi, in un Paese EU per completare la formazione accademica, rafforzare le competenze professionali, arricchire il CV, migliorare le skill linguistiche, conseguire certificato EUROPASS e scoprire nuovi Paesi e culture. Beneficiari Studenti di I-II-III ciclo di studi

  • 15. forthem alliance call for projects short-term mobility 2020 (49%)

    30-ott-2019 12.21.47

    FORTHEM Alliance Call for Projects: Short-term collective mobility projects 2020 1. Context ... in response to this call for projects. Student mobility and living costs for the 10 activities will be funded ... :// For this first call for projects, covering actions from 1st April ... would make the most of this new form of mobility. 2. Eligibility Projects should be presented ... will be covered by the organisers. 3. Funding and assistance for selected projects ● Students

  • 16. forthem alliance call for projects short-term mobility nov 19 (49%)

    28-ott-2019 11.56.33

    FORTHEM Alliance Call for Projects: Short-term collective mobility projects 2020 1. Context ... in response to this call for projects. Student mobility and living costs for the 10 activities will be funded ... :// For this first call for projects, covering actions from 1st April ... would make the most of this new form of mobility. 2. Eligibility Projects should be presented ... will be covered by the organisers. 3. Funding and assistance for selected projects ● Students

  • 17. BANDO-Universities for EU projects- KA1-2018- bando gennaio 2019 (49%)

    16-gen-2019 10.50.08

    BANDO "Universities for EU projects" 2018 un progetto Erasmus Plus KA1 Istruzione superiore SEND Agenzia per il lavoro e la mobilità internazionale in consorzio con Fondazione GaragErasmus, Consorzio ARCA e i seguenti atenei italiani in qualità di enti invianti: Università di Roma Tor Vergata - Università di Cagliari - Università di Napoli Federico II - Università ... indirizzo e-mail: con oggetto: “Universities for EU projects

  • 18. Revised draft WP2013_version26-03-12 (48%)

    8-mar-2013 17.18.32

    ENV.2013.6.3-2 Eco-innovative demonstration projects ... ...................................................................................................... 34 ENV.2013.WATER-1 Water efficiency and innovation demonstration projects ... demonstration projects and support to trans-national networks of procurers ... services, o ENV.2013.6.3-2 Eco-innovative demonstration projects, and o ENV.2013.WATER-1 Water efficiency and innovation demonstration projects. Activities addressing exploitation of existing

  • 19. h2020-manuale_amga_last (45%)

    26-lug-2017 17.17.11


  • 20. TRANSPORT_WP2013_(DRAFT_16-03-12) (45%)

    8-mar-2013 17.18.42

    Programme Collaborative Projects 39 AAT.2013.7-5. Conference: support for the organisation ... , and promote job-friendly growth. In particular, Level 2 projects will be requested to address ... on technology integration (Level-2) in order to strike an equal balance between focussed projects and integrated projects over the entire duration of FP7. Topics for addressing the three challenges ... to be emphasised that many of these topics will be implemented by large scale projects involving