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  • 1. Other information (100%)

    9-mag-2016 15.08.56

    Other information English Language, Arabic language, Practice periods There is a closed link between UNIPA and the labour market: 3rd students of 1st cycle degree courses and 2nd year students of the 2nd cycle experience practice periods within public or private companies and agencies; Single courses are awarded with credits. Each credit corresponds, on average, to 25 hours (frontal teaching, individual study, practice and laboratory); English language is taught in all 1st and 2nd cycle degree

  • 2. Bando_XXXII_en (27%)

    25-lug-2017 12.19.00

    (other degrees, certificates of postgraduate courses, schools, licence to practice, periods spent ... courses, schools, licence to practice, periods spent at Italian and foreign scientific institutions ... courses, schools, licence to practice, periods spent at Italian and foreign scientific institutions

  • 3. bando-33_en (23%)

    25-lug-2017 12.19.00

    points (other degrees, certificates of postgraduate courses, schools, licence to practice, periods ... , certificates of postgraduate courses, schools, licence to practice, periods spent at Italian and foreign ... to practice, periods spent at Italian and foreign scientific institutions, publications, other

  • 4. About Palermo University (18%)

    9-mag-2020 18.20.39

    courses and 2nd year students of the 2nd cycle experience practice periods within public or private

  • 5. Faculty of Architecture (18%)

    9-mag-2016 16.24.24

    external activities, viz. professional practice periods and stages. The educational programme

  • 6. Faculty of Economics (18%)

    9-mag-2016 16.24.29

    is paid to teaching modes which include, besides traditional lectures, workshops and optional practice periods, organized in order to develop an adequate critical approach towards the process of data

  • 7. Faculty of Medicine (18%)

    9-mag-2016 16.24.36

    , in tutorial activities and in the coordination of professional practice periods in basic, complementary and

  • 8. The University (18%)

    24-gen-2017 13.14.54

    cycle degree courses and 2nd year students of the 2nd cycle experience practice periods within

  • 9. The University (18%)

    27-gen-2020 9.53.35

    cycle degree courses and 2nd year students of the 2nd cycle experience practice periods within

  • 10. BRIDGE HANDBOOK (13%)

    8-mar-2013 17.33.52

    study, the writing of theses and term papers, practice periods and even examinations.12 the most