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  • 1. new-page (100%)

    2-mar-2014 8.50.24

    Gruppo ISA-UNIPA Link utili Dipartimento DICAM Gruppo ISA-UNIPA CICS Ambiente&Territorio CICS ... . Physics and Chemistry of the Earth., 42-44, 1-2. Pdf Deletic, A. Dotto, C.B.S., McCarthy, D.T ... , J.L., Tait, S. (2012) Assessing Uncertainties in Urban Drainage Models. Physics and Chemistry ... with a non-Bayesian method. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth., 42-44, 31-41. Pdf Freni, G., Mannina, G ... quality modelling. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth., 42-44, 52-60. Pdf Mannina, G., Cosenza

  • 2. List of papers published in International Journals (100%)

    21-mag-2014 12.43.32

    . Physics and Chemistry of the Earth., 42-44, 1-2. Pdf Deletic, A. Dotto, C.B.S., McCarthy, D.T ... , J.L., Tait, S. (2012) Assessing Uncertainties in Urban Drainage Models. Physics and Chemistry ... with a non-Bayesian method. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth., 42-44, 31-41. Pdf Freni, G., Mannina, G ... quality modelling. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth., 42-44, 52-60. Pdf Mannina, G., Cosenza ... : application to a large wastewater treatment plant. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth., 42-44, 61-69. Pdf

  • 3. New page (95%)

    22-mar-2015 9.45.46

    mathematical modelling. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth., 42-44, 1-2. Pdf Deletic, A. Dotto, C.B.S ... . Physics and Chemistry of the Earth., 42-44, 3-10. Pdf Freni, G., Mannina, G., (2012) Uncertainty ... and comparison with a non-Bayesian method. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth., 42-44, 31-41. Pdf ... in integrated water quality modelling. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth., 42-44, 52-60. Pdf Mannina, G ... phosphorus removal: application to a large wastewater treatment plant. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth

  • 4. List of papers published in International Journals (88%)

    28-set-2013 20.20.52

    with Box-Cox transformation. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 42-44, 31-41. Deletic A., Dotto C.B.S ... ., Tait S. (2012). Harmonizing uncertainty assessment in urban water quality modelling. Physics and ... for setting up measuring campaigns for integrated water quality modelling. Physics and Chemistry ... sediment deposit modelling: detailed vs simplified modelling approaches. Physics and Chemistry ... . Physics and Chemistry of the Earth., 42-44, 61-69. Freni, G., Mannina, G., Montanari, A. (2012

  • 5. ING-IND23 - Chimica Fisica Applicata - Laboratorio (71%)

    18-giu-2015 16.25.55

    Spectra Physics Inc. Model 102-4, Laser Omnichrome Series 56 Cd-He Model 3056-3/12

  • 6. ING-IND23 - Applied Physical Chemistry - Laboratory (71%)

    18-giu-2015 16.26.36

    Physics Inc. Model 102-4, Laser Omnichrome Series 56 Cd-He Model 3056-3/12, Photomultiplier PR Inc

  • 7. modelloA_2015JW9NJT (3) (65%)

    12-gen-2017 12.30.05

    Ministero dell'Istruzione dell'Università e della Ricerca Dipartimento per la formazione superiore e per la Ricerca Direzione Generale per il Coordinamento, la promozione e la valorizzazione della Ricerca PRIN: PROGETTI DI RICERCA DI RILEVANTE INTERESSE NAZIONALE – Bando 2015 Prot. 2015JW9NJT PART ... /persone/docenti/d/mario.dipaola/ RESEARCH GROUP WEBPAGE: ... in Theoretical Physics” 2007- Editor of “Meccanica dei Materiali e delle Strutture” 2005- Member

  • 8. Biosketch (61%)

    24-dic-2014 12.12.04

    Engineering (DICAM) of University of Palermo. He is an active member of the scientific academy: American Institute of Physics (AIP), since 2013. Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (AIMETA ... Mechanics Institute (EMI), since 2012. Italian Group of Mathematical Physics (IGFM), since 2014. His

  • 9. List of Journals (56%)

    22-ott-2013 8.46.05

    . Journal of Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17. Journal of Urban Water 18. Physics and Chemistry

  • 10. new-page (56%)

    22-ott-2013 8.46.31

    . Journal of Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17. Journal of Urban Water 18. Physics and Chemistry

  • 11. List of Journals (56%)

    3-ott-2013 10.29.31

    List of Journals dicam, mannina, journal reviewers Reviewing Giorgio Mannina provides services to the community as a referee for the following Journals: 1. Journal of Environmental Modeling & Software 2. Water Research 3. Bioresource Technology 4. Biochemical Engineering 5. Chemosphere 6. Ecological Modelling 7. Journal of Environmental Engineering – ASCE 8. Journal of Science of the Total ... . Journal of Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17. Journal of Urban Water 18. Physics and Chemistry

  • 12. new-page (56%)

    2-mar-2014 8.48.38

    Dipartimento DICAM Gruppo ISA-UNIPA CICS Ambiente&Territorio CICS Civile-Edile ... Informazioni Personali mannina, portale, sitoweb Giorgio Mannina è Ricercatore di Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientale presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali (DICAM) della Scuola Politecnica dell'Università di Palermo nonché membro del collegio dei docenti ... riviste internazionali. Nel 2010 è stato Host-Editor della rivista Physics and Chemistry of the Earth

  • 13. new-page (56%)

    3-mar-2014 13.55.54

    in rigid bodies”, The European Physics Journal-Special Topics, Vol. 173, 173-184. 28. Di Paola M. Sofi

  • 14. CV Eng (56%)

    18-feb-2014 11.31.14

    CV Eng DICAM, UNIPA, ING-IND/22 Nadka Tz. Dintcheva is graduated in Physical Engineering at University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria) and currently she is Assistant Professor at the University of Palermo. Education and Training: 01/02/2003 – 31/12/2004 – Post doctoral fellow on Thermoplastic vulcanization of post-consumer plastic materials, Tutor: Prof. F.P. La Mantia, University of Palermo 01/11/2001 ... ), Physics Faculty. February – July 1996 (6 months) – preparation and discussion of the MSc Thesis

  • 15. new-page (56%)

    18-feb-2014 11.31.18

    CV Eng DICAM, UNIPA, ING-IND/22 Nadka Tz. Dintcheva is graduated in Physical Engineering at University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria) and currently she is Assistant Professor at the University of Palermo. Education and Training: 01/02/2003 – 31/12/2004 – Post doctoral fellow on Thermoplastic vulcanization of post-consumer plastic materials, Tutor: Prof. F.P. La Mantia, University of Palermo 01/11/2001 ... ), Physics Faculty. February – July 1996 (6 months) – preparation and discussion of the MSc Thesis

  • 16. Pubblications (56%)

    4-mar-2014 15.01.27

    in rigid bodies”, The European Physics Journal-Special Topics, Vol. 173, 173-184. 28. Di Paola M. Sofi

  • 17. Research Projects (56%)

    6-mar-2016 9.09.00

    uncertainty assessment in urban water quality modelling. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 42-44, 3-10. 2009 ... . Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 42-44, 11-20. Mannina G., Schellart A.N.A., Tait S., Viviani G. (2010

  • 18. New page (56%)

    22-mar-2015 9.43.13

    water quality modelling. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 42-44, 3-10. 2009- 2010 Assessing ... sediment deposit modelling: detailed vs simplified modelling approaches. Physics and Chemistry ... in International Journals Research projects Research interest ISA-UNIPA Group Useful Links Home DICAM

  • 19. GIORGIO MANNINA (51%)

    23-mag-2016 12.41.01

    CV - Mannina articolo, notizia, unipa Giorgio Mannina is Professor of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering at the Department of Civil, Environmental, Aerospace, Materials Engineering (DICAM), University of Palermo. He is in charge of the research line on integrated urban drainage systems and nutrient removal from urban wastewater in the ISA-UNIPA group. He has a degree in Civil engineering ... Host-Editor of a Special Issue on Uncertainty Assessment for Physics and Chemistry of the Earth

  • 20. Short Biography (51%)

    24-ago-2016 16.34.24

    Short Biography mannina, giorgio, dicam Giorgio Mannina is Professor of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering at the Department of Civil, Environmental, Aerospace, Materials Engineering (DICAM), University of Palermo. He is in charge of the research line on integrated urban drainage systems and nutrient removal from urban wastewater in the ISA-UNIPA group. He has a degree in Civil engineering ... Engineering. Giorgio Mannina has been Host-Editor of a Special Issue on Uncertainty Assessment for Physics