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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. palestine (100%)

    11-nov-2015 12.18.04

  • 2. 1 of 1 (47%)

    9-mag-2016 15.09.45

    1 of 1 Palestine, Bethlehem, L/SNT 01, Extra UE, mobility, unipa PALESTINE University of Bethlehem - MEDICINE AND SURGERY SCHOOL L/SNT 01 - Nursing and midwifery Palestine - Bethlehem Agreement (Prof. Assennato) Contacts Tel +39.0916554303 - Fax +39.0916554318 Study program email: ROSARIO MARRARO

  • 3. Integrated Courses (46%)

    9-mag-2016 15.08.59

    Integrated Courses integrated, course, Palestine, Bethlehem Medicine and Surgery School L/SNT 01 - Nursing and midwifery Palestine - Bethlehem Agreement (Prof. Assennato) Contacts (tel. fisso referenti) Exchange rules (allegati con insegnamenti) Call web site ROSARIO MARRARO

  • 4. Integrated Study Programme (46%)

    9-mag-2016 15.09.00

    Integrated Study Programme integrated, course, Palestine, bethlehem Medicine and Surgery School L/SNT 01 - Nursing and midwifery Palestine - Bethlehem Agreement (Prof. Assennato) Contacts Tel +390916554303 - Fax +390916554318 Exchange rules (allegati con insegnamenti) email: ROSARIO MARRARO

  • 5. curriculum cazzato (24%)

    12-mag-2020 9.24.05

    “Re-Visiting Palestine con Larissa Sansour: Oltre i confini dell’appartenenza?”, in Soggettività ... Culturali e l'università italiana – 05/2018, pp. 273-279; 2018 “The Omission of Palestine and Rafeef ... , decoloniality, and Palestine”, From the European South, 2 (2016), pp. 55-70; 2015 “Travelling South ... Spoken Poetry: Colonialism in Palestine between Neo-orientalism and Decolonial Struggle”; 2015 ... Palestine”, From the European South, 2, 2016, pp. 55-70; 43. 2017 “(Dis)integrating visions: South

  • 8. Scienze per la cooperazione allo sviluppo 2007-2008 (15%)

    15-apr-2013 13.28.18

    Press, 1998. 4.N. Picaudou (s.d.), La Palestine en Transition. Crise du Projet National ... , I. Amundsen (eds.), State Formation in Palestine, London-New York, Routledge, 2004. 6.J. Hilal (ed.), Where Now for Palestine' The Demise of the Two State Solution, 2007 (ed. it. Palestina quale futuro

  • 9. Verbale n. 12 del 22-09-2021 (15%)

    17-dic-2021 12.59.21

    “Enhancing Early Childhood Education and Care in Palestine /CARE” (cod. IRIS: PRJ 0551 – CUP ... – Palestine I partner del progetto sono i seguenti: University Al Quds Open University Bayan Shobaki Ramallah / palestine Mohammed A. Al- University Al Aqsa University (AQU) Rekep Gaza AlRAWDAH

  • 10. bando_bs_155-2022_mignosi (15%)

    12-set-2022 9.03.23

    borsa di studio post-lauream dal titolo “Enhancing Early Childhood Education and Care in Palestine ... in Palestine /CARE”, da far gravare su: Progetto Erasmus 618016 - KA2 – “CARE” Codice Progetto: PRJ-0551 ... per attività di ricerca dal titolo “Enhancing Early Childhood Education and Care in Palestine

  • 11. Programma_NECS2021 (15%)

    3-giu-2021 17.25.24

    / Germany-Palestine 2015 / 70’ / v.o. eng. sub. A dream that feeds on the images of Israeli and ... . THE ROOF Kamal Aljafari / Palestine 2006 / 63’ / v.o. eng. sub. A poetic film that describes the journey ... part of their self-concept. AN UNUSUAL SUMMER Kamal Aljafari / Germany-Palestine 2020 / 80’ / v.o ... of communities in danger of dissolving.  » Kamal Aljafari Kamal Aljafari (Ramla, Palestine, 1972

  • 12. NECS2021 Official Programme (15%)

    8-giu-2021 8.05.35

    / Germany-Palestine 2015 / 70’ / v.o. eng. sub. A dream that feeds on the images of Israeli and ... . THE ROOF Kamal Aljafari / Palestine 2006 / 63’ / v.o. eng. sub. A poetic film that describes the journey ... part of their self-concept. AN UNUSUAL SUMMER Kamal Aljafari / Germany-Palestine 2020 / 80’ / v.o ... of communities in danger of dissolving.  » Kamal Aljafari Kamal Aljafari (Ramla, Palestine, 1972

  • 13. Programma Sole Luna Festival 2012 (15%)

    8-mar-2013 20.20.21

    IN CONCORSO Palestine in the South, di Ana María Hurtado (Cile), 52’ (v.o. con sottotitoli ... ....................................................................................... Palestine in the South, di Ana

  • 14. Home institution degree with international experience (mobility period) in one (or more) partner university (15%)

    9-mag-2016 15.09.00

    Study program LM 37 Study program LM 59 email: PALESTINE University of Bethlehem - MEDICINE AND SURGERY SCHOOL L/SNT 01 - Nursing and midwifery Palestine - Bethlehem Agreement

  • 15. Towards a sustainable built environment: an introduction (15%)

    12-dic-2016 8.15.27

    Towards a sustainable built environment: an introduction unipa, darch, architettura, Palestina, videoconferenza Videoconferenza in collaborazione con il Palestine Polytechnic University of Hebron Prof. Arch. PhD. Maria Luisa Germana' 12 dicembre 2016 Aula Basile - Edificio 8 Locandina ANDREA SANTORO Videoconferenza in collaborazione con il Palestine Polytechnic University of Hebron Prof. Arch. PhD. Maria Luisa Germana' 12 dicembre 2016 Aula Basile - Edificio 8 /sites/portale/_categories

  • 16. Flyer Soleluna 20121 (15%)

    8-mar-2013 16.47.05

    IN CONCORSO Palestine in the South, di Ana María Hurtado (Cile), 52’ (v.o. con sottotitoli ... ....................................................................................... Palestine in the South, di Ana

  • 17. Programma Sole Luna Festival 2012 (1) (1) (15%)

    8-mar-2013 23.06.25

    IN CONCORSO Palestine in the South, di Ana María Hurtado (Cile), 52’ (v.o. con sottotitoli ... ....................................................................................... Palestine in the South, di Ana

  • 18. Ciclo di seminari in Lingua inglese “Statistics and Demography for Migration Studies” (seconda edizione) (15%)

    9-dic-2020 14.14.30

    Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, Amman, Jordan). Ci parlerà di “Registration of Palestine refugees under the mandate of UNRWA: A 70-year history” e di un Progetto


    17-giu-2020 10.45.26

    e partenariati: ERASMUS+ KA 107 - 2019-2021 University of Birzeit, Birzeit, West Bank, Palestine University of Al Najah, Nablus, West Bank, Palestine University of Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia MARCO

  • 20. Erasmus (15%)

    17-giu-2020 10.45.40

    e partenariati: ERASMUS+ KA 107 - 2019-2021 University of Birzeit, Birzeit, West Bank, Palestine University of Al Najah, Nablus, West Bank, Palestine University of Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia MARCO