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1. abstract-book180529 (100%)
20-giu-2018 10.30.06of 6 Radiation Effects on Aluminosilicate Optical Fibers ... . and multi-mode Al doped optical fibers produced by iX Blue Photonics. The Al doping level ... -2000-BAL source production of rare-earth (RE) doped optical fibers a key from Ocean Optics
2. Seminario (81%)
10-dic-2018 14.37.02Seminario Irradiation Effects, Optical fibers, Silica, notizia, seminario Giovedì 20 Dicembre 2018 dalle ore 15:00 alle 16:00 Aula B, DIFC, Via Archirafi 36, Palermo Radiation induced modifications of optical properties in silica: Applications and basic research Dr. Antonino Alessi, CNRS, Graduate School Optics Institute, Laboratoire Hubert Curien, dell’Université Lyon, UJM-Saint-Etienne L’abstract del seminario può essere visualizzato al seguente link. CECILIA MACALUSO Giovedì 20 Dicembre 2018
3. cv prof. de_angelis (45%)
31-mag-2022 12.01.29: “Stimulated Raman Scattering in optical fibers”. Supervisor: Prof. C.G. Someda). 1990-1993: Ph.D
4. Abstract_Girard (41%)
7-giu-2018 9.36.30DIPARTIMENTO DI FISICA E CHIMICA - DiFC Direttore: prof.ssa Stefana Milioto Radiation effects on silica-based optical fibers and sensors: recent advances and future challenges 14 Giugno 2018, ore 15:00, aula B, DIFC, Via Archirafi 36 Prof. S. Girard Laboratoire Hubert Curien ... optical fibers present key advantages for integration in harsh environments associated ... immunity. In addition to these well-known advantages, optical fibers can typically resist
5. Seminario (41%)
7-giu-2018 9.41.44Seminario articolo, notizia, Seminario Giovedì 14 Giugno 2018 dalle ore 15:00 alle 16:00 presso l'Aula B, DIFC, Via Archirafi 36,Palermo Radiation effects on silica-based optical fibers and sensors: recent advances and future challenges Prof. S. Girard Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Université Jean Monnet, Saint Etienne - France Keywords: optical fibers, sensors, radiation matter-interaction ... Aula B, DIFC, Via Archirafi 36, ore 15:00-16:00 Radiation effects on silica-based optical fibers and
6. CV_Roberto Boscaino (41%)
8-mar-2013 15.55.13on Silica-Based Preforms and Optical Fibers-II: Coupling Ab inizio Simulations and Experiments IEEE ... , A. Boukenter Paramagnetic germanium-related centers induced by energetic radiation in optical fibers and ... . Cannas, J. Bisutti, J.P. Meunier, R. Boscaino Radiation Effects on Silica-Based Preforms and Optical Fibers—I: Experimental Study With Canonical Samples IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, VOL. 55
7. Seminario (41%)
26-mar-2018 9.38.27Seminario articolo, Alessi, seminario Mercoledi 28 Marzo 2018 Aula B, DIFC, Via Archirafi 36, ore 16:00-17:00 Optical Fibers in Radiation Environments Dr. Antonino Alessi, Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Université Jean Monnet, Saint Etienne, France Keywords: amorphous materials, optical fibers, irradiation L’abstract del seminario può essere visualizzato al seguente link. CECILIA MACALUSO Mercoledi 28 Marzo 2018 Aula B, DIFC, Via Archirafi 36, ore 16:00-17:00 Optical Fibers in Radiation
8. curriculum vitae dott.ssa Lavinia Vaccaro (35%)
21-lug-2014 10.27.00ofthe vìsible absorptìon in radìation-resistant optical fibers" Opt, Mater. Express 3 1769 (2013 ... Manufacturing Process on thè Radiation Sensitivity of Fluorine-Doped Silìca- Based Optical Fibers" IEEE ... manufacturingprocess on thè radiation sensìtivity of fluorine-doped silica-bascd optical fibers"
9. Stage_Hubert Curien_EN-vf (33%)
12-nov-2018 12.51.46of different types of materials and optical fibers and in particular those based on pure or doped ... systems using optical fibers in harsh environments and finally to develop and validate simulation
10. AREA 02 - FISICA - Cupane (29%)
8-mar-2013 23.05.15e nome del dottorando VIVONA MARILENA Titolo della tesi Radiation hardening of active Optical Fibers ... e nome del dottorando Morana Adriana Titolo della tesi Temperature sensors based on optical fibers
11. MECOZZI_CV (24%)
7-apr-2020 9.14.08), Photonics Society, “for contributions to the theory of nonlinear transmission in optical fibers
25-ago-2020 15.13.28wireless networking technologies and services, optical fibers, mm-Wave transmission systems, wireless
13. QCV_Giaconia_EN20190730 - Giuseppe Costantino Giaconia per pubblicazione (24%)
9-apr-2022 11.18.08mode optical fibers and Lithium Niobate optical integrated devices (built by Alenia-Marconi). The results
14. TemplateSeminari_DIFC_en (24%)
18-nov-2022 8.56.00propagation in optical fibers; • Conversion of light into other forms of energy. Simonpietro Agnello
15. Flyer English (24%)
11-ago-2022 15.48.36a wide range of career opportunities, telecommunication systems (from optical fibers to 5G/6G such
16. cv_de vittorio (24%)
30-mag-2023 11.12.17Light-Matter Interactions on the Nonplanar Surface of Tapered Optical Fibers, Advanced Optical
17. Homepage of MSc Degree Course in Electronics Engineering (24%)
29-set-2023 11.45.19networking technologies and services, optical fibers, mm-Wave transmission systems, wireless sensor
18. Programme description (24%)
7-lug-2023 17.16.08; skills in reference technologies for modern telecommunication systems (from optical fibers to 5G/6G
19. Programme description (24%)
7-lug-2023 17.16.08; skills in reference technologies for modern telecommunication systems (from optical fibers to 5G/6G
20. Flyer_Corso di Laurea_1.3 (24%)
11-ago-2023 11.37.36technologies for modern telecommunication systems (from optical fibers to 5G/6G networks) and the new