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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. A new Horizon for Europe 2021-2027<br>"evolution and not revolution" Commissario Moedas su Ricerca e Innovazione (100%)

    29-apr-2021 10.43.14

    A new Horizon for Europe 2021-2027<br>"evolution and not revolution" Commissario Moedas su Ricerca e Innovazione Horizon Europe, Nuovo Programmma Quadro, New Generation EU Horizon Europe è il nuovo Programma Quadro Europeo per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione con una disponibilità finanziaria di 95,5 miliardi su fondi del bilancio comune europeo e del nuovo Recovery Instrument Next Generation EU Sulla falsariga dell’esperienza di successo di Horizon 2020, "HORIZON EUROPE"

  • 2. HE_Panoramica, opportunità, regole ed esperienze (38%)

    9-nov-2023 14.39.41

    for the digital age Empowering people with a new generation of technologies An economy that works ... New generation of objective-driven and more ambitious partnerships in support of agreed EU policy

  • 4. EFACIS Book of Abstracts (33%)

    12-mag-2015 18.19.24

    -publication and the continual rise of e-publishing have contributed towards a new generation

  • 5. Book of Abstracts - _definitivo_ (33%)

    1-giu-2015 10.11.23

    importance of self-publication and the continual rise of e-publishing have contributed towards a new generation of writers who, without pressing financial restraints and with a readership which

  • 6. First FORTHEM presidency meeting at the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland (32%)

    13-giu-2023 12.57.32

    Alliance brings together a new generation of creative Europeans able to cooperate across languages

  • 7. UNIPA_presentation_EN_2023 (32%)

    14-giu-2023 10.15.30

    a new generation of creative Europeans able to cooperate across languages, borders and disciplines

  • 8. EFSA_rules-contest (29%)

    2-feb-2021 16.30.20

    innovative products and services, start new companies, and train a new generation of entrepreneurs

  • 9. 17 bando 2022 (29%)

    2-mar-2022 10.16.47

    /amministrazione/direzionegenerale/serviziospecialericercadiateneo/u.o.assegnidiricerca ... ; - pec: ... of the products and, in addition, the adoption of new generation films will play a role in environmental ... :// Piazza Marina n. 61 ... - pec:

  • 10. 17 english version bando 2022 (29%)

    2-mar-2022 10.16.48

    ; - pec: ... , in addition, the adoption of new generation films will play a role in environmental sustainability ... ; - pec: ... from the following link: ... ; - pec:

  • 11. Opuscolo_Stud_22_23 (29%)

    6-giu-2024 10.08.00

    which aim is to bring together a new generation of creative Europeans able to cooperate across

  • 12. Framework_EN (22%)

    8-mar-2013 21.55.16