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Ricerca avanzata per:

Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Research Projects (100%)

    6-mar-2016 9.09.00

    research (MIUR) Principal Investigator: Giorgio Mannina – Palermo University Role: Principal ... , universities and research (MIUR) Principal Investigator: Prof. Gaspare Viviani – Palermo University Role ... research (MIUR) Principal Investigator: Prof. Leopoldo Ceraulo – Palermo University Role: Member Amount ... modelling The research project involved 6 different Universities and involved 12 researchers ... Research Projects CV, Mannina, projects Since 2002 Giorgio Mannina has been involved in projects

  • 2. Curriculum_Vitae_Giorgio_Baiamonte (87%)

    9-gen-2020 13.11.00

    scientific research by qualified public or private institutions 12. Scientific responsibility ... of PALERMO 03/01/2005 Associate Professor University of PALERMO 4. Research areas and ... Sciences (SAAF) of the University of Palermo. Research activity, both theoretical and experimental ... -12-2015 9. Participation in research groups characterized by cooperation at a Regional ... Responsability: AGNESE Carmelo from 20-12-1998 to 20-12-2000 National Research Council (CNR

  • 3. Articolo pubblicato_Excellence and Innovation in Learning and Teaching. Research and Practices_Di Vita (2021) (80%)

    7-mar-2022 10.20.20

    Excellence and Innovation in Learning and Teaching Research and Practices LA FORMAZIONE INIZIALE ... 1 07/12/21 09:19 Anno 6, 2/2021 EXCELLENCE AND INNOVATION IN LEARNING AND TEACHING Anno 6, 2/2021 Excellence and Innovation in Learning and Teaching Research and Practices LA FORMAZIONE ... please see: Excellence 2/21.indd 2 07/12/21 09:19 Anno 6, 2/2021 Excellence P2_Layout 1 14/12/21 10:17 Pagina 1 Direzione scientifica: Ettore Felisatti

  • 4. PME-Handbook-2020-21 (80%)

    25-gen-2022 10.34.23

    ...................................................................................................... 12 ... 2 Professional Master of Education Advanced Pedagogy and Research ... opportunity for practical placement in schools. The research dissertation in Year 2 will also provide ... quality research. There is a long tradition in the School of Education of educating high quality ... :  to contribute to the advancement of education in Ireland and beyond through excellence in research

  • 5. Giorgio Mannina - Home (71%)

    28-ago-2015 11.14.33

    ), University of Palermo. He is in charge of the research line on integrated urban drainage systems and ... fellow at Palermo University and he has been involved in research projects dealing with integrated ... from University of Palermo and a Doctorate in Hydraulic engineering from University of Catania ... urban drainage system nearby Palermo (Nocella catchment) characterized by two sewer systems, two ... by five Full Professors working in his research field area (namely, 08/A2 Sanitary and Environmental

  • 6. CV_Gabriele_Fici (70%)

    28-giu-2024 0.43.56

    Studi di Palermo. 12 – Nel gennaio 2023 ha tenuto un seminario divulgativo per gli studenti delle ... dell’Unità di Ricerca di Palermo del Progetto PON LATO CIPE 2 finanziato dal MIUR con D.M. 46965 del 31/12 ... , 10. StringMasters. Palermo, 11-12 settembre 2013, http ... di Palermo 1Autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi della L. 675/96 e successive ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3 Attività scientifica 14 Aree di ricerca

  • 7. Sport and Exercise Sciences Research Unit - Palermo University (67%)

    29-nov-2020 10.16.36

    Sport and Exercise Sciences Research Unit - Palermo University Antonino Bianco, UNIPA, Polo delle Scienze Motorie e Sportive, Sport and Exercise Sciences research unit, ANTONINO BIANCO

  • 8. New page (67%)

    22-mar-2015 9.43.13

    of Education, universities and research (MIUR) Principal Investigator: Prof. Gaspare Viviani – Palermo ... on Innovative Wastewater treatment and mathematical modelling 7-9 Maggio 2015 - Palermo 100 plus 1 years activated sludge: new treands and perspectives 11 Maggio 2015 - Palermo Euromed Conference 10-14 Maggio 2015 - Palermo 10th IWA/IAHR International Urban Drainage Modelling Conference September 20-23 2015 - Quebec, Canada Research Projects CV, Mannina, projects Since 2002 Giorgio Mannina has been

  • 9. Curriculum_Sito_Inglese_Marzo_2017 (66%)

    4-mag-2017 16.49.08

    - Architecture, University of Palermo (Italy) 2004/05 to 12/13: Professor of Experimental laboratory of Hydraulics, degree course in Civil Engineering, University of Palermo (Italy) 2006/07 to 11/12 ... of Palermo, Viale delle Scienze – Ed. 8, IT-90128 Palermo (Italy) Tel. +39 091 238 96572; Fax: +39 091 ... 1955 Domicile: Via G. Sciuti n. 97, IT-90144 Palermo (Italy) Nazionality: Italian 1 EDUCATION Secondary school: Classical secondary school, July 1973, Gonzaga School of Palermo (Italy

  • 10. cultura anti mercato_2014 (65%)

    2-ott-2014 18.25.56

    Dipartimento Scienze Economiche Aziendali e Finanziarie Università di Palermo Lezioni. Università di Palermo, 2014-15 Paolo Di Betta La cultura anti mercato La cultura anti mercato è pervasiva Spiegazioni ... il quartiere ZEN di Palermo (1969) e la piramide di Como (ora demolita) Secondo Philip Johnson ... di Los Angeles, Gregotti annovera fra i suoi progetti il quartiere ZEN di Palermo (1969) e la piramide ... “in appalto” il Comune di Milano ne promuove una “con spirito civico”. Il curatore della mostra

  • 11. List of the Research Units (65%)

    14-gen-2016 19.11.46

    List of the Research Units nº Associated Category University/Research Institution E-mail address Investigator 1. DI PAOLA Mario Professore Università degli Studi di Ordinario PALERMO 2. TROVALUSCI Professore Università degli Studi di ROMA patrizia.trovalusci ... Ordinario 12. ROSATI Luciano Professore Università degli Studi di ... Marcello Ordinario MODENA e REGGIO EMILIA List of the Research Units Antonella

  • 12. Biosketch (64%)

    19-nov-2023 15.05.21

    of Mechanical Engineering, University of Palermo, Italy. 2009–2012 Research Associate, Vascular ... Biosketch articolo, notizia, unipa Biosketch: My research focuses on applying biomechanical ... articles in clinical and bioengineering journals (according to Scopus. Currently, I lead a research ... Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD), Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Palermo, Palermo (Italy) 2004 Master of Engineering (MEng), Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Palermo

  • 13. SALVATORE PASTA (64%)

    17-nov-2023 14.33.30

    of Mechanical Engineering, University of Palermo, Italy. 2009–2012 Research Associate, Vascular ... Biosketch articolo, notizia, unipa Biosketch: My research focuses on applying biomechanical ... articles in clinical and bioengineering journals (according to Scopus. Currently, I lead a research ... Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD), Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Palermo, Palermo (Italy) 2004 Master of Engineering (MEng), Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Palermo

  • 14. CV ENG (63%)

    9-lug-2024 12.57.34

    Department, Palermo, Italy Graduated Scholar, Research activity on “Physico-chemical characterization ... Professor with the Department of Engineering at Università degli Studi di Palermo (Palermo, Italy). He got the PhD in Chemical and Materials Engineering in 2014 from Università degli Studi di Palermo ... ParisTech, Physico-Chimie des surfaces Lab, IRCP, Paris, France. His research topics ... Society-Electrochemistry Division. EDUCATION Jan. 2011 – Dec. 2013 Università degli Studi di Palermo

  • 15. Note Biografiche (63%)

    9-lug-2024 13.08.54

    of Engineering, Palermo, Italy Research fellow, RTD-A, in Applied Physical Chemistry (Scientific Sector ... ), Palermo, Italy Post-Doctoral Researcher, Research Grant by Hoffmann-Roche on “Physicochemical ... , Chemical Engineering Department, Palermo, Italy Graduated Scholar, Research activity on “Physico ... , Scientific Sector ICHI-01/A) with the Department of Engineering at Università degli Studi di Palermo (Palermo, Italy). He got the PhD in Chemical and Materials Engineering in 2014 from Università degli

  • 16. Curriculum vitae (63%)

    31-dic-2019 17.53.27

    ;, Università di Palermo; UOC di Analisi Microbiologiche, virologiche e parassitologiche, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico “P. Giaccone”, Palermo; Via del Vespro 133, 90127 Palermo. Tel.: +39 ... e Virologia all'Università di Palermo (50/50 e lode). 1991 - Abilitazione all’esercizio ... e Chirurgia conseguita presso l'Università degli studi di Palermo, (110/110 e lode). 1985 - Diploma ... dicembre 2019 - Professore Associato di Microbiologia – Università di Palermo. Dal 1 marzo 2009

  • 17. new-page (62%)

    28-feb-2014 10.08.30

    design course" (12 ECTS) for Bachelor Students in Civil Engineering - University of Palermo. For 2010 ... - University of Palermo. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Member of the Research Unit - University of Palermo ... . Member of the Research Unit - University of Palermo - for the National Relevant Research Program - PRIN ... of the Research Unit - University of Palermo - for the National Relevant Research Program - PRIN 2001 ... road conditions. Member of the Research Unit - University of Palermo - for the National Relevant

  • 18. Biography (62%)

    28-feb-2014 11.29.57

    design course" (12 ECTS) for Bachelor Students in Civil Engineering - University of Palermo. For 2010 ... - University of Palermo. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Member of the Research Unit - University of Palermo ... . Member of the Research Unit - University of Palermo - for the National Relevant Research Program - PRIN ... of the Research Unit - University of Palermo - for the National Relevant Research Program - PRIN 2001 ... road conditions. Member of the Research Unit - University of Palermo - for the National Relevant

  • 19. Research interests (61%)

    28-gen-2016 13.52.17

    Research interests mannina, research, projects Research Activities Environmental Water Quality Modelling Advanced mathematical modelling techniques: uncertainty, identifiability and sensitivity analysis, error propagation, climate and land use impacts on water resources Water Quality modelling for small river basins Modelling nutrient bioavailability in rivers through algal assays and a mathematical growth model Modelling, Identification and Control of Biological Wastewater Treatment Processes

  • 20. GSARA CV ITA 01-2014 (61%)

    9-feb-2014 16.39.29

    , Facoltà MM. FF. NN, Università di Palermo; n. 12 Tesi di Laurea presso il Corso di Laurea di Scienze ... di Ecologia Sperimentale e del Comportamento (EEB) Università di Palermo, Italia Curriculum ... Maggio, 1965 LUOGO DI NASCITA: Palermo, Italia NAZIONALITA’: Italiana Indirizzo abitazione: Via A. Ugo 86, 90123 Palermo, Italia (Tel. 320 6655574) Codice Fiscale: SRA GLC 65E19 G273O Indirizzo ... giuridica per la ricerca: Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare (DiSTeM), Università di Palermo