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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. MISSCHO | Migration Studies Ph.D. International Summer School 2021 (100%)

    3-ago-2021 1.41.37

    MISSCHO | Migration Studies Ph.D. International Summer School 2021 Migration Studies, Covid times, postgraduate, Summer School, Culture e Società, Unipa Migration Studies in COVID times: Reshaping research and political agendas Online, 13-16th September, 2021 Institute for Migration Research, University of Granada (UGR), Spain Applications until September 6th, 2021 Scientific directors: Nieves ... | 13-16 settembre 2021 Institute for Migration Research, UGR Application deadline 6 settembre /sites

  • 2. Joint Master Degree in Migration Studies | Call II Edizione (100%)

    14-giu-2022 15.31.02

    Joint Master Degree in Migration Studies | Call II Edizione Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Migration ... in Migration Studies: Governance, Policies and Cultures, in Tunisia, sviluppato nell’ambito del Progetto MIGRANTS - Capacity Building for Higher Education - Erasmus+ realizzato dal Dipartimento ... migrazione internazionale. I laureati e le laureate in Migration Studies saranno candidati idonei ... Magistrale in Migration Studies sviluppato nell’ambito del Progetto Migrants /sites/portale/_categories

  • 3. Call for papers Problematizing Migration (97%)

    14-mar-2023 17.08.00

    Call for papers Problematizing Migration: Mobility and Vulnerablization in an Age ... migration has never been more urgent. Pervasive austerity policies have, unsurprisingly, been unable ... -resourced migration infrastructure and implemented policies and programs that increasingly isolate ... description of migration between state and non-state life. Our focus departs from this vital space of contestation. When states deal with migration, they rely on constructing and reproducing regimes

  • 4. Seminar series "Statistics and Demography for Migration Studies" (92%)

    28-mar-2024 17.05.20

    Seminar series "Statistics and Demography for Migration Studies" Migration, Refugees, unipa 2024 2023 2022 2020 2019 DARIA MENDOLA

  • 5. Call for papers | Problematizing Migration International Conference (89%)

    14-mar-2023 17.10.36

    Call for papers | Problematizing Migration International Conference call for papers, migration, mobility, inequalities, Culture e Società, Unipa We annouce the opening of the Call for papers for the International Conference Problematizing Migration: Mobility and Vulnerablization in an Age of Abandonment and Inequalities will take place in Palermo from 17th to 19th July 2023 at the UniPa University Campus (viale delle Scienze, Building 15, 8th Floor, Hall 807), organized by the Department

  • 6. Joint Master Degree in "Migration Studies" | First Orientation Event (87%)

    3-ago-2021 1.59.43

    Joint Master Degree in "Migration Studies" | First Orientation Event Joint Master Degree, migration studies, orientamento, Culture e Società, Unipa Giovedì 29 luglio, dalle 11.00 alle 12.30 (CEST) (10.00-11.30 Tunisian Time) si svolgerà il primo evento di orientamento relativo all'avvio del Joint Master Degree in “Migration Studies: Governance, Policies and Cultures”, offerta didattica ... del Progetto Europeo Migrants, coordinato dall'Università di Palermo - Dipartimento Culture e Società. L'evento

  • 7. FORTHEM Diversity and Migration Lab – IncluKIT Co-creation Pilot Project (87%)

    30-mar-2022 16.01.20

    FORTHEM Diversity and Migration Lab – IncluKIT Co-creation Pilot Project Forthem, Workshop, Diversity and Migration lab, Sum Giovedì 31 marzo, dalle 10.00 alle 13.00, nell'ambito delle attività del progetto FIT FORTHEM, si tiene online il settimo matchmaking workshop in lingua inglese dal titolo "FORTHEM Diversity and Migration Lab – IncluKIT Co-creation Pilot Project". Destinato ad accademici, studenti e altri stakeholder, il workshop virtuale affronta i temi della migrazione

  • 8. Joint Master Degree in "Migration Studies" | Cerimonia inaugurale (86%)

    22-set-2021 8.43.16

    Joint Master Degree in "Migration Studies" | Cerimonia inaugurale Joint Master Degree, migration studies, Migrants Project, Culture e Società, Unipa Domani 22 settembre, dalle 11.30 alle 13.30 (10.30-12.30 Tunisian Time), si terrà la Cerimonia inaugurale del Master congiunto in Migration Studies: Governance, Policies and Cultures, istituito nell'ambito del Progetto MIGRANTS, in partenariato tra le Università di Palermo, Tunis El Manar, La Manouba, Tunis, Granada, Westminster

  • 9. Cooperazione e Migration Studies | (Dis)closing the Migrants Project (84%)

    5-lug-2023 11.10.49

    Cooperazione e Migration Studies | (Dis)closing the Migrants Project Migrants Project, Cooperazione e Migration Studies, Capacity Building for Higher Education, Palermo, Tunisi, Culture e Società, Unipa Unipa organizza a Palermo l’evento conclusivo di Migrants. Dal 10 al 19 luglio 2023 la città di Palermo sarà scenario della tappa conclusiva del progetto Migrants, il programma di Capacity ... in Migration Studies, con sede a Tunisi, giunto alla sua terza edizione, e una serie di attività di ricerca

  • 10. Geopolitics of Migration Program (2020-2021) - What to do if you do not follow the lessons (80%)

    4-mar-2021 13.10.26

    Geopolitics of Migration Program (2020-2021) - What to do if you do not follow the lessons Geopolitics of Migration, 2020-2021, Cosvim For more information on the program, register you on the portal: 19768 - GEOPOLITICS OF MIGRATIONS - 6.0 Cfu 2232 - COOPERAZIONE, SVILUPPO E MIGRAZIONI - CLASSE LM-81 - or 19768 - GEOPOLITICS OF MIGRATIONS - 6.0 Cfu 2244 - MIGRAZIONI, DIRITTI, INTEGRAZIONE - CLASSE LM-90 - please do not register you in previous courses Then read the file: 2021 Geopolitics of M

  • 11. Guide-on-conceptual-and-methodological (80%)

    8-mag-2024 13.02.59

    in the EU .................................................................................................. 18 1.1.6. The European New Pact on Migration and Asylum ... of European and national migration policies and institutions, in services and in the field of programmes ... In the 21st century, the character of migration induced by natural, economic, political and climatic ... , migration, and diversity have become mainstream concepts also in contemporary social work (Cheetham, 1972 ... of contemporary migration phenomena. The three countries have experienced a strategic and central

  • 12. Glossary_Global-ANSWER (76%)

    8-mag-2024 13.02.58

    .........................................................................................49 Migrant and migration ... or sons and daughters of migration .................................................. 75 Security ... Transnational migration and social work ... unders- tanding of reception processes related to migration. We also hope that it will contribute ... , ne- MIGRANT ASSOCIATIONS cesidades de gobernanza y oportunida- In the field of migration, two types

  • 13. scheda-trasparenza-sociological-and-legal-aspects-of-labour-migration (76%)

    10-gen-2022 14.14.21

    , RIGHTS, INTEGRATION INTEGRATED COURSE SOCIOLOGICAL AND LEGAL ASPECTS OF LABOUR MIGRATION - INTEGRATED ... , M.D. Ferrara, F. Malzani (2019). The Migration Governance through Labour Law: The Italian Case ... ), The New EU Legal Regime on Labour Migration and its Effects on Italy: The Implementation of Directive ... , in Costello C., Freedland M., Migration Status in Labour and Social Security Law. Between ... ., Chiaromonte W. (2007), Migration Status in Labour Law and Social Security in Italy, in Costello C

  • 14. Cooperation & Migration Studies: Unipa a Tunisi per la Migrants Final Conference (74%)

    26-mag-2023 10.34.29

    Cooperation & Migration Studies: Unipa a Tunisi per la Migrants Final Conference Palermo, Tunisi, Cooperazione, Migration Studies, Migrants Project, Culture e Società, Unipa Martedì 2 maggio 2023, la Cité des Sciences di Tunisi ospiterà la Conferenza finale del progetto “Migrants”, un programma di capacity building for higher education finanziato dalla Commissione Europea attraverso Erasmus ... scientifica di Migrants, prof.ssa Serena Marcenò (Dipartimento Culture e Società) e da tutti

  • 15. From high school to job placement: micro-data life course analysis of university student mobility and its impact on the Italian North-South divide (63%)

    18-set-2019 9.37.38

    From high school to job placement: micro-data life course analysis of university student mobility and its impact on the Italian North-South divide attanasio, prin, student, migration Welcome ... occurred only recently. At the same time, student migration from the southern to the central and ... . The agreement’s aim is to study Italian students’ migration and universities student careers in terms ... of the educational background and of the high school attended on student migration choices and performance

  • 16. Expected Results (61%)

    17-set-2019 20.07.00

    Expected Results attansio, prin, 2017, student, migration, expected results Impacts The databases ... expand work opportunities to stop intellectual migration. At the same time, the connection drawn ... be used to reduce the migration of intellectual capital toward the North. Moreover, these databases ... time local stakeholders will be informed about educational migration flows, which in turn can ... at placement. Chain migration maps; profile of the “weak” and “strong” student. Probability mobility profiles

  • 17. Workshop I (61%)

    18-mar-2014 19.43.07

    Workshop I Gender, Generation, Migration, Family, Morocco CONVEGNO Sguardi di genere e sapere sociologico Agrigento 29-30 maggio 2014 Workshop I I modelli culturali familiari e il ruolo delle donne ... Italy PAROLE CHIAVE: Gender, Generation, Migration, Family, Morocco ABSTRACT This contribution ... betweenfamilyand migration studies (Grillo 2008; Kofman2011)withtheaim of contributing ... of family models in the contextof migration. We illustrated the changes occurring on the marriagemarket

  • 18. Target (59%)

    17-set-2019 19.47.30

    Target attansio, prin, 2017, student, migration, target, Premise Definition of movers and stayers. Mover/stayer: individual who enrols at a university outside/inside his/her area of origin ... universities in the last three years, this is due, in part, from increased student migration ... a school’s influence on student migration choices? What is more important, the perceived quality ... background? Is there a migration chain in the student flows? Are there new universities/new

  • 19. PRIN 2017 (59%)

    8-ott-2019 13.48.29

    , prin, student, migration Welcome to the Home Page of the PRIN 2017 This site collects ... , increased enrolment in the southern regions has occurred only recently. At the same time, student migration ... of Florence, Naples, and Sassari in 2017. The agreement’s aim is to study Italian students’ migration ... migration choices and performance?”, “Is there any high school effect?”, "How do students

  • 20. Eventi FORTHEM_Lab Diversity and Migration (59%)

    3-giu-2022 12.16.18

    Eventi FORTHEM_Lab Diversity and Migration darch, architettura, eventidarch, forthem, Il Lab Diversity and Migration di cui UNIPA e capofila per l’Alleanza FORTHEM presenta i risultati delle proprie attività in occasione di due eventi. Lunedì 6 giugno 2022, presso il Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza ... del Lab. Contestualmente, e nei giorni a seguire (dal 7 al 10 giugno) si svolgerà presso il Dipartimento ... Evaluation Meeting_Diversity and Migration Lab_FORTHEM Locandina Summer School_Diversity and Migration