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  • 1. FORTHEM Diversity and Migration Lab – IncluKIT Co-creation Pilot Project (100%)

    30-mar-2022 16.01.20

    FORTHEM Diversity and Migration Lab – IncluKIT Co-creation Pilot Project Forthem, Workshop, Diversity and Migration lab, Sum Giovedì 31 marzo, dalle 10.00 alle 13.00, nell'ambito delle attività del progetto FIT FORTHEM, si tiene online il settimo matchmaking workshop in lingua inglese dal titolo "FORTHEM Diversity and Migration Lab – IncluKIT Co-creation Pilot Project". Destinato ad accademici, studenti e altri stakeholder, il workshop virtuale affronta i temi della migrazione

  • 2. Seminari sulla traduzione in lingua inglese (63%)

    24-apr-2013 8.45.51

    Seminari sulla traduzione in lingua inglese translation, migration, textuality, seminars - ore 9.00 Ed. 15, Aula 6, VIII piano "The Art of Translation: The Migration of the Text" - ore 15.00 Ed. 19, Aula 6 "Beowulf was elsewhere": Heaney and the Issue of 'Inheritance' Locandina BIAGIA RUSSO 10 maggio 2013 - Professor Leon Burnett (University of Essex, UK) /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/primo_piano/

  • 3. NECS2021 Official Programme (62%)

    8-giu-2021 8.05.35

    14th annual conference, Transitions: Moving Images and Bodies, hosted by the Dipartimento ... for interpreting contemporary audio-visual media.” Mobility and migration, of course, take various forms ... on the topic of Media and Migration, which we hope many of you were able to a end. As this year’s theme ... that each of our speakers will bring to the question of media, transit and migration in our contempo ... levels. We are also delighted to host the 18th Graduate Workshop on “Migration as Method: Media

  • 4. Language in global migration: policies and practices of inclusion (55%)

    14-set-2017 9.48.40

    Language in global migration: policies and practices of inclusion workshop, locandina, itastra 14-16 settembre 2017 Complesso di S. Antonino – Aula 101 Seminario internazionale nell’ambito del progetto “The protective role of language in global migration: language policies and practices in refugee settings (ProLanguage)”, finanziato dall’Economic and social research council (UK) Programma Locandina BIAGIA RUSSO /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/primo_piano/

  • 5. Locandina (55%)

    24-apr-2013 8.43.28

    Università di Palermo Dipartimento di Scienze umanistiche 10 maggio 2013 Seminari sulla traduzione in lingua inglese Professor Leon Burnett (University of Essex, UK) The Art of Translation: The Migration of the Text (Ed. 15, Aula 6, VIII piano, ore 9.00) “Beowulf was elsewhere": Heaney and the Issue of 'Inheritance' (Ed. 19, Aula 6, ore 15) Presiede: Elio Di Piazza (Professore ordinario di Letteratura inglese) Saluti: Laura Auteri (Direttore del Dipartimento di Scienze umanistiche

  • 6. ReSignifications conference booklet (53%)

    6-giu-2018 12.38.44

    in Italy of migrants from Africa, while sparking controversy and igniting a heated debate on migration ... of how Africa and Italy have always been united by a common sea and a shared experience of migration ... of “migration” and “security”. Discourses on European fascination with Saartjie Baartman (the so-called ... as citizenship, migration and human rights. Resignifying Antigone is an attempt to articu- and makers ... – UCLA Rap Recap: Irregular Migration and the Predicament of Hope Panelists: This talk focuses

  • 7. Presentation and educational aims (47%)

    27-lug-2023 16.03.37

    and Global North agenda on migration. The privileged observatory is represented by the dimension ... of action lines on the level of the social inclusion of the actors who took part in the migration processes ... from all graduate courses. Course objectives The PhD course aims to train migration experts ... from the institutions as responsible for the elaboration and identification of the numerous migration ... North agenda on migration. The privileged observatory is represented by the dimension

  • 8. CIG ZC91FCFB5 Catering convegno Language in Global Migration (47%)

    26-set-2017 15.57.41

    DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE UMANISTICHE l SEZIONE I: AMMINISTRAZIONE AGGIUDICATRICE I.1) Denominazione: Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche; indirizzo: viale delle Scienze, edificio 12, 90128 Palermo; tel: 09123899203; e-mail:; indirizzo internet:; indirizzo PEC ... dell’appalto: Catering convegno Language in Global Migration II.2) CIG: ZC91FCFBA5 SEZIONE

  • 9. Giornata di studi su "Social and Linguistic integration across migration: English as Lingua Franca and global languages" (44%)

    1-feb-2017 12.50.07

    Giornata di studi su "Social and Linguistic integration across migration: English as Lingua Franca and global languages" giornata di studi, dottorato, social and linguistic, locandina 21 Aprile 2015 ore 9 - Aula Magna Complesso Monumentale Sant'Antonino Locandina BIAGIA RUSSO /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/primo_piano/

  • 10. International Workshop su Global Citizenship, Migration and Wokeism in the United States, Europe and the Middle East 20 - 23 novembre 2023 (44%)

    17-nov-2023 13.25.55

    International Workshop su Global Citizenship, Migration and Wokeism in the United States, Europe and the Middle East 20 - 23 novembre 2023 articolo, notizia, unipa BIAGIA RUSSO

  • 11. DM Lab Workshop final program (44%)

    23-mar-2022 10.25.03

    FIT FORTHEM and FORTHEM Diversity and Migration Lab warmly welcome academics, students and other stakeholders interested in and working with migration and inclusion to join our virtual workshop ... Diversity and Migration Lab & FIT FORTHEM project by Professor Francesco Lo Piccolo, Lab ... - Universitat de València, Spain - SIETAR Europa & SIG Migration - diversophy® Why would I participate to this workshop? FORTHEM Diversity and Migration Lab organizes this workshop

  • 12. Programma (36%)

    21-set-2016 9.18.07

    Processo di Khartoum al Migration Compact: si inasprisce la guerra ai migranti” (From the trial at Khartoum to the Migration Fabrizio Micari, Rettore, University of Palermo Chair: Camilla Toulmin (Iied) Compact: The war on migrants intensifies) Leonardo Samonà, Direttore, Dipartimento di Scienze ... of Hijra: migration and language as a sub- Valentina Castagna, University of Palermo all speakers

  • 13. Programma (36%)

    20-giu-2017 12.39.43

    minors and Migration in the Mediterranean Sea. and their teachers in Sicily. Marco Jacquemet (USF ... COFFEE BREAK 12:00 Intersections of Necessity and Desire in Migration Research: Queerung the Migration Story. Mike Baynam (University of Leeds) Discussant: Kasper Juffermans 13:30 LUNCH

  • 14. Conference Program Problematizing Migrations (36%)

    10-lug-2023 12.27.23

    WELCOME Michele Cometa, Direttore del Dipartimento Culture e Società, Università di Palermo Gioacchino Lavanco, Direttore del Dipartimento Scienze Psicologiche, Pedagogiche, dell’Esercizio fisico ... of Toronto, A Commentary: Migration and Mystics, beside the gift- exchange. 09.45-10.05 Donatella ... of Toronto, Fieldnotes on Migration and Mutual Aid: Relations and Calculations at the Limits ... e multilinguismo. 15.05-15.25 Nirmal Gadgil, Pondicherry University, Kalapet, Emergence of Migration Violence

  • 15. CV Giuseppe Paternostro_19032021 (34%)

    19-mar-2021 13.21.25

    di secondo grado (A050). - Dal 2006 al 2010 è titolare di un assegno di ricerca presso il Dipartimento ... - Lett/12 (Linguistica italiana) presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche (già Dipartimento ... il Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche dell’Università di Palermo. - Dall’anno accademico 2019 ... ) ha insegnato Lingua Italiana nel Dipartimento di lingua e cultura italiana nell’Università Garyounis ... ). INCARICHI ISTITUZIONALI - Dal novembre 2019 è responsabile del laboratorio “Migration & Diversity

  • 16. Curriculum_scientifico_Paternostro_aggiornato_Giunta 13122021 (34%)

    13-dic-2021 17.24.30

    di un assegno di ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Scienze filologiche e linguistiche dell’Università ... il Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche (già Dipartimento di Scienze Filologiche e Linguistiche). - Nel 2014 ... professore associato di linguistica italiana presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche ... ). - Nell’anno accademico 2006/2007 (secondo semestre) ha insegnato Lingua Italiana nel Dipartimento ... responsabile del laboratorio “Migration & Diversity” nell’ambito del progetto “Forthem” - Dal 2017

  • 17. research seminars.Palermo2021•pdf (33%)

    29-mar-2021 12.12.51

    include legal translation, migration, translation technology, audiovisual translation and media ... of web marketing for seniors Raffaela Merlini (Macerata), Accessing narratives of migration through ... with an App Link to the website:

  • 18. research seminars.docxbozza 2 (33%)

    18-mar-2021 11.32.46

    include legal translation, migration, translation technology, audiovisual translation and media ... ), The language of web marketing for seniors Raffaela Merlini (Macerata), Accessing narratives of migration ... with an App Link to the website:

  • 19. Programma (33%)

    14-set-2017 9.43.41

    LANGUAGE IN GLOBAL MIGRATION: LANGUAGE IN GLOBAL MIGRATION: POLICIES AND PRACTICES OF INCLUSION POLICIES AND PRACTICES OF INCLUSION ProLanguage Meeting (Palermo, September 14-16 2017) ProLanguage Meeting (Palermo, September 14-16 2017) September 14 September 15 September 16 “Complesso S.Antonino” Morning (h 9.30-13.30) Afternoon (h 15.00-18.00) Morning (h 9.00-13.00) Morning (h 9.30 -11.00), “,WD6WUD: D

  • 20. Double-Degree Program con l’Università di Karlsruhe - 9 e 11 maggio 2022 (33%)

    6-mag-2022 8.34.54

    Double-Degree Program con l’Università di Karlsruhe - 9 e 11 maggio 2022 Double-Degree Program, Università di Karlsruhe, Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche La Prof.ssa Annette Treibel dell’Università di Karlsruhe presenterà il Double Degree Program e una lezione sulla “Migration in Europa – soziologische Perspektiven” Locandina Double Degree Program Università di Karlsruhe 9 e 11 Maggio 2022 ... Program e una lezione sulla “Migration in Europa – soziologische Perspektiven” Locandina Double Degree