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  • 1. PRE TAL C1.1 modello esame da giugno 2020 (100%)

    18-mag-2020 9.13.41

    only one word in each gap to complete the text. MARS People have always been fascinated by the planet Mars. It has been the subject of countless science- fiction films for many years and now ... . It now seems that (26) a.......... the atmosphere on Mars is thinner than on Earth, therefore unable ... under the planet’s crust. However, Mars is smaller than the Earth, much further from the Sun, and ... . Several thousand million years ago Mars was probably warm and lush, but today it appears

  • 2. velez antonino (92%)

    27-mag-2024 9.05.31

    [ Copia conforme] UNPA-CLE - Prot. 14098-30/01/2023 Colloque international Le neuvième art : transparence et opacité Université de Palerme, Département de Scienze Umanistiche CLA de l’Université de Palerme, salle 100 les 9 et 10 mars 2023 Jeudi 9 mars 1 5h00 / Ouverture du colloque par les autorités au CLA, salle 100 Massimo Midiri Magnifico Rettore de l’Université de Palerme ... dessinées Vendredi 10 mars 9 h00/ Présidence : Francesco Paolo Madonia, Université de Palerme Martine

  • 3. 59 bando 2022 (70%)

    19-set-2022 9.59.49

    :// ... - pec: ... link: ... ... - pec:

  • 4. Programma 30 marzo 2023 (8) (61%)

    29-mar-2023 9.05.55

    EUROPÉENNES » 30 mars 2023 Université de Turin Aula Magna Cavallerizza, Via Giuseppe Verdi 9 8h30- 9h30

  • 6. 59 english version bando 2022 (54%)

    19-set-2022 9.59.49

    ; - pec: ... from the following link: ... - pec: ... /amministrazione/direzionegenerale/serviziospecialericercadiateneo/u.o.assegnidiricerca ... /amministrazione/direzionegenerale/serviziospecialericercadiateneo/u.o.assegnidiricerca

  • 7. all_A_Bando_LLP_13_14 (48%)

    2-mag-2013 14.01.07