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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Master Management of Water Resources, Soils, and Food Conservation (100%)

    9-dic-2015 9.00.45

    Master Management of Water Resources, Soils, and Food Conservation Goffredo La Loggia, Master, Management of Water, Il Master di I livello in Management of Water Resources, Soils, and Food Conservation, rivolto a 12 studenti provenienti dall'Etiopia e realizzato presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali - DICAM - dell'Università di Palermo ... della Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (DGCS), il Master di I livello in Management of Water Resources

  • 2. Master Management of Water Resources, Soils, and Food Conservation (94%)

    9-dic-2015 9.00.45

    Master Management of Water Resources, Soils, and Food Conservation Goffredo La Loggia, Master, Management of Water, Il Master di I livello in Management of Water Resources, Soils, and Food Conservation, rivolto a 12 studenti provenienti dall'Etiopia e realizzato presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali - DICAM - dell'Università di Palermo ... della Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (DGCS), il Master di I livello in Management of Water Resources

  • 3. Master in Management of Water Resources, Soils, and Food Conservation – Cerimonia conclusiva (42%)

    7-dic-2015 15.37.08

    Master in Management of Water Resources, Soils, and Food Conservation – Cerimonia conclusiva Master, notizia, DICAM Il 16 e il 17 Novembre 2015 si è svolta ad Addis Abeba la cerimonia di consegna dei diplomi del master in Management of Water Resources, Soils, and Food Conservation, realizzato dal DICAM con il cofinanziamento del Ministero degli Affari Esteri - Direzione Generale ... Abeba la cerimonia di consegna dei diplomi del master in Management of Water Resources, Soils, and Food

  • 4. MASTER internazionale "Management of Water Resources, Soils, and Food Conservation" (42%)

    3-giu-2015 14.58.29

    DICAM, Master, news Nell'ambito del Master internazionale "Management of Water Resources, Soils and Food Conservation" è stata realizzata una pagina Web contenente la descrizione delle attività didattiche e del viaggio di istruzione svolto dagli studenti. Maggiori informazioni al seguente link: MASTER internazionale "Management of Water Resources ... ;Management of Water Resources, Soils and Food Conservation" è stata realizzata una pagina Web contenente

  • 5. D.R. di autorizzazione a svolgere l’esame finale del Master Universitario annuale di I livello in “Formazione di tecnici specializzati nella gestione delle risorse idriche, dei suoli e delle derrate alimentari” – “Technician in management of water resources, soils and food conservation”, A.A. 2012/2013, dello studente ............. in modalità telematica a mezzo Skype. (24%)

    19-feb-2016 9.23.19

    4627 86174 00,00 D.R. di autorizzazione a svolgere l’esame finale del Master Universitario annuale di I livello in “Formazione di tecnici specializzati nella gestione delle risorse idriche, dei suoli e delle derrate alimentari” – “Technician in management of water resources, soils and food conservation”, A.A. 2012/2013, dello studente ............. in modalità telematica a mezzo Skype. articolo, notizia, unipa Nota Prot. n. 83893 del 09.12.2015 FRANCESCA ROMANA GIUNTA /sites/portale/_categories

  • 6. CV_Brunone (14%)

    10-apr-2020 9.22.45

    Brunone, B. ”Editorial: Innovative and sustainable methodolo- gies for smart water network management ... with leaks”, Water Resources Management, EWRA 28(11):3761-3782. doi: 10.1007/s11269-014-0708-x 2014 Brunone ... ., ” Diagnosis of pipe systems bymeans of a stochastic successive linear estimator”,Water Resources Management ... techniques and tools for improving efficiency in leakage detection and management”, Water Science ... systems”, Water Resources Management, EWRA 25(1):79-96. doi: 10.1007/s11269-010-9688-7 2011 Meniconi

  • 7. cv_brunone (14%)

    17-apr-2018 9.54.05

    . ”Editorial: Innovative and sustainable methodolo- gies for smart water network management”, Civil ... ”, Water Resources Management, EWRA 28(11):3761-3782. doi: 10.1007/s11269-014-0708-x 2014 Brunone, B., and ... functioning conditions affect the effectiveness of leak detection tech- niques”, Water Resources Management ... systems bymeans of a stochastic successive linear estimator”,Water Resources Management, EWRA 27(13 ... techniques and tools for improving efficiency in leakage detection and management”, Water Science and

  • 8. bruno brunone - curriculum scientifico in lingua inglese (14%)

    24-mag-2022 16.19.51

    Brunone, B. ”Editorial: Innovative and sustainable methodolo- gies for smart water network management ... with leaks”, Water Resources Management, EWRA 28(11):3761-3782. doi: 10.1007/s11269-014-0708-x 2014 Brunone ... ., ” Diagnosis of pipe systems bymeans of a stochastic successive linear estimator”,Water Resources Management ... techniques and tools for improving efficiency in leakage detection and management”, Water Science ... systems”, Water Resources Management, EWRA 25(1):79-96. doi: 10.1007/s11269-010-9688-7 2011 Meniconi

  • 9. ICAR02 - Hydraulic and Marine Constructions and Hydrology (14%)

    6-giu-2019 16.59.17

    ; reduction and management of water losses in aqueduct distribution networks; innovative systems for storing ... for water resource management and flood/landslide protection, based on artificial neural network ... islands (2007-2013). GOSAR: Optimal Management Of Water Supply Systems and Risk Analysis – Acquedotto Pugliese s.p.a. (2016-17) MOGESA: Optimization Models for large Water supply Systems Management ... Constructions and Hydrology; water resources management and protection from hydrogeological risk and coastal

  • 10. ICAR02 - Hydraulic and Marine Constructions and Hydrology (14%)

    6-giu-2019 16.57.33

    ; reduction and management of water losses in aqueduct distribution networks; innovative systems for storing ... for water resource management and flood/landslide protection, based on artificial neural network ... islands (2007-2013). GOSAR: Optimal Management Of Water Supply Systems and Risk Analysis – Acquedotto Pugliese s.p.a. (2016-17) MOGESA: Optimization Models for large Water supply Systems Management ... Constructions and Hydrology; water resources management and protection from hydrogeological risk and coastal

  • 11. SCHEDA INFORMATIVA conclusione Master (14%)

    7-dic-2015 15.35.43

    MASTER Management of Water Resources, Soils, and Food Conservation Il Master di I livello in Management of Water Resources, Soils, and Food Conservation, rivolto a 12 studenti provenienti dall'Etiopia e realizzato presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali - DICAM - dell'Università di Palermo, con il cofinanziamento del Ministero degli Affari Esteri - Direzione Generale della Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (DGCS) ha avuto l’obiettivo di formare dei

  • 12. 1143_annex1_rtda_icar 02 (14%)

    15-feb-2024 17.36.29

    for the sustainable management of water resources according to directive 2000/60 and for governance in times ... Line L1 Water balance - Studies for the analysis of hydrological pressures - sustainable management of water resources according to directive 2000/60 and for governance in times of drought and

  • 13. Bollettino_updated_06-02-23 (14%)

    6-feb-2023 15.40.51

    tematica: MUR • Management of water - Topic 2.1.1-2023 (RIA) New governance models to define best practices for sustainable water management BANDO Partnership and conflict mitigation ... on: “Management of water resources: resilience, adaptation and mitigation to hydroclimatic extreme

  • 14. focus_prima (14%)

    31-gen-2019 15.20.03

    dell'alimentazione, della salute, del benessere e della migrazione. - Management of water►per la gestione ... :// for-proposal/call-section-1-management-of-water- 2019/; - Farming systems

  • 15. cv acutis (12%)

    10-lug-2018 9.07.27

    International University and the Chinese Government. - docenza al corso internazionale "Water management and water protection” con un intervento dal titolo “Water use in agriculture” (4 ore). - docenza al corso internazionale "”Strategies of sustainable management of water resources ... , Agronomy for sustainable development, Agricultural water management, Journal of environmental

  • 16. cv prof. spano (12%)

    15-apr-2022 13.38.21

    PRIMA 2020, Call: Section 1 – Management of Water 2020, IA – Topic 1.1.1: Implementing sustainable, integrated management of water resources in the Mediterranean, under climate change conditions ... for Climate Change impact on Local and Regional Crop Water Requirements. Agricultural Water Management. 255 ... . (2015). SIMETAW# - a Model for Agricultural Water Demand Planning. WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT

  • 17. crs_bi_voluntary_purpose_codes2016flows_en_july17 (12%)

    9-lug-2018 12.12.24

    of water; institutional capacity development; activities supporting the management Integrated Water Resource Management approach (IWRM: see box below). Collection and usage of quantitative and ... management of water, land and related resources in order to maximise the resultant economic and social ... ”. Recognising that sectoral approaches to water management tend to impose unsustainably high economic, social ... large systems is several times higher than that of basic services. 2/ Integrated Water Resources

  • 18. barucci-cv (10%)

    16-apr-2020 8.56.10

    management, High Water Mark and flow of funds. OPERATIONS RESEARCH LETTERS, vol. 44, p. 607-611

  • 19. GIORGIO MANNINA (10%)

    1-mar-2020 11.48.26

    and Technology (Elsevier), Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier), Water Science and

  • 20. preti-ok (10%)

    2-apr-2020 15.35.26

    demand and consumption and management of water resources, irrigation, rainfall-runoff and flood