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Ricerca avanzata per:

Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Possibilità di dottorato in UK (100%)

    2-giu-2017 10.38.49

    Possibilità di dottorato in UK PhD, Loughborough, UK Loughborough University (UK) seleziona luareati magistrali per un dottorato su "Modelling and Mitigation of Advanced Computer Network Attacks". Di seguito i dettagli. The required skills are: High level knowledge of computer networks and the communication protocol stack (TCP/IP stack) and understanding of network traffic monitoring Good analytical research and communication skills. The successful candidate is also expected

  • 2. Luglio 2019. Il Prof. Bianco in copertina su "The Journal of Physiology" (48%)

    3-apr-2020 12.34.45

    di Davide Filingeri, Vice-Chancellor’s Lecturer presso la prestigiosa Loughborough University, Alessandro Valenza, Postgraduate Reseracher presso la Loughborough University, e Antonino Bianco. Il gruppo ... . Si tratta di Davide Filingeri, Vice-Chancellor’s Lecturer presso la prestigiosa Loughborough University, Alessandro Valenza, Postgraduate Reseracher presso la Loughborough University, e Antonino Bianco

  • 3. CV_LOCASCIO (48%)

    26-nov-2021 15.20.39

    al ‘CEPR-Loughborough University Workshop on Business Cycle Convergence’ , 2007, University of Loughborough. dal 01-03-2007 al 02-03 "Wavelet Analysis and Denoising: New Tools for Economists ... Economic Cycle” , ‘CEPR-Loughborough University Workshop on Business Cycle Convergence’ held on the 1st-2nd of march 2007 at the University of Loughborough. “Wavelet Analysis and Denoising:New Tools

  • 4. Kaltrina Feka (41%)

    13-gen-2020 9.02.46

    Sclerosis Online Survey” – Loughborogh University, Loughborough, United Kindem • “Executive Functions ... States of America. 6. Environmental Ergonomics Research Centre – Thermosense Lab, Loughborough University, Loughborough, United Kingdom GIUSEPPE GIACONIA

  • 5. Estratto_Verbale_29_10_2018_PraticheStudenti (41%)

    3-nov-2018 23.14.16

    agli insegnamenti seguiti presso University Loughborough, Department of Chemical Engineering, Loughborough nell’ambito del progetto Erasmus. Così come riportato nel TOR presentato dal prof. GALIA ... Loughborough, Department of Chemical Engineering, Loughborough nell’ambito del progetto Erasmus. Così


    8-lug-2024 21.51.21

    , Vice-Chancellor’s Lecturer presso la prestigiosa Loughborough University, Alessandro Valenza, Postgraduate Reseracher presso la Loughborough University, e Antonino Bianco. Il gruppo di ricerca, lo scorso ... , Vice-Chancellor’s Lecturer presso la prestigiosa Loughborough University, Alessandro Valenza, Postgraduate Reseracher presso la Loughborough University, e Antonino Bianco. Maggio 2019. Online il libro

  • 7. EstrattoPraticheStudenti_9Gen2020 (34%)

    6-giu-2020 14.42.45

    al suo periodo ERASMUS durante l’A.A. 2018/2019, svolto presso l’Università di Loughborough (UK ... presso l’Università di Loughborough (UK). Lo studente ha conseguito nell'Ateneo straniero un totale

  • 8. Francesco_Scardulla_CV-1 (34%)

    20-mar-2021 12.24.02

    , Loughborough University, Loughborough, U.K.  Opto-physiological interaction/modelling towards multiplexed

  • 9. PraticheSistematizzate_Seduta14Sett2020 (34%)

    30-gen-2021 13.18.54

    per studio a Loughborough 3/7 28/1/2021 Verbale Seduta Pratica Erasmus Allievo Luciano Bollaci matricola ... un periodo di mobilità Erasmus per studio a Loughborough Pratica Erasmus Allieva Maria Giuseppina

  • 10. Progetto_INGRASSIA (34%)

    7-mag-2024 18.15.08

    Professor of Loughborough University – Computer Aided Design School Product Design SCOPO ... della Design School dell’Università di Loughborough. PUBBLICAZIONI PREVISTE (art. 13 del Regolamento


    1-giu-2018 11.58.06

    Universität München, München, Germany Engineering, Loughborough University, BAYESIAN INFERENCE WITH STRUCTURAL Loughborough, UK RELIABILITY METHODS USING STOCHASTIC STRUCTURAL OPTIMISATION

  • 12. Program (29%)

    1-giu-2018 12.23.32

    . / Oliva, M. School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough

  • 13. CV Stephane Avril Oct 2018 (29%)

    24-apr-2020 12.38.06

    Supérieure des Mines, St-Etienne. 2006 (January-September): Visiting Scholar, Loughborough University ... on “Experimental Mechanics in Biological Tissues”, Loughborough (UK), 23 June 2009 3. S. Avril, Identification

  • 14. cv_ferrari (29%)

    8-apr-2021 13.35.33

    Chain (GSC'2016). p. 1-10, Loughborough University, London Campus, UK, 10 - 13 Luglio 2016 ... International Conference on Green Supply Chain (GSC'2016). p. 1-10, Loughborough University, London Campus

  • 15. l1-cv_voghera (24%)

    15-apr-2020 9.09.54

  • 16. GALASSI D.M.P. 2019 (24%)

    7-apr-2020 10.09.55

    of Geography, Loughborough University, Loughborough Leicestershire, UK), Boris Sket (University of Ljubljana

  • 17. cv_barnabè (24%)

    14-apr-2021 10.47.53

    of the Operational Research Society, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire (U.K.), 12-14 September

  • 19. SUACdSLM22_2022 (24%)

    30-nov-2023 15.56.21

  • 20. SUACdSLM22_2023 (24%)

    30-nov-2023 15.56.21