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1. Faculty of Arts and Humanities (92%)
9-mag-2016 16.24.264 Medieval and Humanistic Latin Literature 9 Greek Language and Civilisation 9 Greek Palaeography 9 ... Linguistics 9 Late-Ancient Latin Literature 9 Group of Optional Educational Activities IV credits Didactics ... Literature - Latin Christian Literature 5 4 Medieval and Humanistic Latin Literature 9 Greek Language ... Linguistics 9 Late-Ancient Latin Literature 9 Greek Dialectology 9 Educational programme Curriculum ... Group of Optional Educational Activities III credits Medieval and Humanistic Latin Literature 9 Greek
2. D.SalvoGermanico e la rivolta delle legioni del RenoHormos2_2010_138-156 (50%)
8-mar-2013 22.33.31, in C. Deroux (Ed.), Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History, XII, Bruxelles 2005, 414-427
3. curriculum canfora (41%)
21-apr-2020 16.44.12«The continuity of Latin Literature. Latinitas perennis» (Bruxelles, 22 aprile 2005), organizzato dalle
4. cv stok (41%)
17-apr-2018 9.36.07e della storia dell’esegesi virgiliana dalle origini al sec. XVI. Fabio Stok is professor of Latin Literature and Classical Tradition at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. He has both a classical
5. Research areas (41%)
28-set-2019 5.45.59Latin literature SH5_2 History of literature SH5_3 Literary theory and comparative literature
6. bando 15 rtda_en_al (35%)
30-lug-2019 8.03.10Competion Sector S.C. 10/E1 – Philology and Latin literature and romance Vacancy 1 Italian
7. cv_fusillo (35%)
18-feb-2021 9.30.40Latin Literature, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1997, pp. 209-227. 83) Il romanzo antico
8. E._LiPuma_Bisulci lingua (Plauto Poen. 1034). La doppiezza cartaginese_Pan_2_2013 (35%)
10-nov-2014 11.24.19Carthaginiensis in early Latin literature, in CPh 89 (1994), pp. 153-158, in part. p. 153, ritiene il Poenulus
9. AbstractsHormos 2008-2009 (35%)
8-mar-2013 22.33.11on bellum iustum in Latin literature and Roman thought. This image is also in Lucan’s Pharsalia, specially
10. Davide Salvo La crisi romano-partica del 54-63 d.C. (35%)
8-mar-2013 22.33.16(AD 63-AD 65?), in C. Deroux (Ed.), Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History, X, Bruxelles
8-mar-2013 18.51.43Latin Literature 12 Latin Language and Literature 12 Group of optional educational activities
13. cv prof. fusillo (35%)
26-mag-2022 10.58.15. Reading the End in Greek and Latin Literature, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1997, pp. 209-227