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  • 1. Articolo di Docenti dei Dipartimenti STEBICEF e SAAF sulla copertina di Agosto 2018 di “Insect Science” (100%)

    30-lug-2018 8.48.06

    Articolo di Docenti dei Dipartimenti STEBICEF e SAAF sulla copertina di Agosto 2018 di “Insect Science” Docenti, Dipartimenti STEBICEF e SAAF, Insect Science, Un gruppo di docenti dell’Università di Palermo è stato premiato con la copertina di Agosto 2018 del Volume 25 di Insect Science (Wiley Library), una prestigiosa rivista scientifica internazionale. L’importante riconoscimento è andato a un’équipe palermitana costituita da Barbara Manachini (SAAF), Giuseppe Bazan (STEBICEF), Rosario

  • 2. 57po_c12p1_agr11_pennacchio_cv (21%)

    26-ott-2022 10.22.31

    -environmental Technology – BAT Center”, 2020-present. - Chair of the International PhD course in “Insect Science and Biotechnology”, 2002-2016. - Chair of the European Network of PhD Schools in “Insect Science”, 2010-present. - Head of the Department of Agricultural Entomology and Zoology “F. Silvestri ... course in “Insect Science and Biotechnology”. Coordinator; 2005- 2008, value € 200K. - MIPAAF

  • 3. 3cl_francesco pennacchio cv aug 2019-Copia_optimize (21%)

    20-apr-2020 13.36.58

    in “Insect Science and Biotechnology”, 2002-2016. - Chair of the European Network of PhD Schools in “Insect Science”, 2010-present. - Head of the Department of Agricultural Entomology and Zoology “F ...   2   € 220K • MIUR - International PhD course in “Insect Science and Biotechnology ... . -2014- Host regulation and nutritional exploitation by parasitic wasps. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 6:74-79. 26. DI LELIO I., CACCIA S., COPPOLA M., BUONANNO M., DI PRISCO G., VARRICCHIO P

  • 4. 3cl_battisti cv en 2019 (17%)

    20-apr-2020 13.36.57

    , Hortscience, Insect Science, Insects, Integrative Zoology, Journal of Biogeography, Journal of Forest Science ... of Insect Science, Journal of Tropical Forest Science, Oecologia, Oikos, Phytoparasitica, PNAS

  • 5. Pubblicazioni STEBICEF anno 2018 - quartile q1, q2, q3, q4 (class. WOS) (12%)

    3-ott-2019 10.22.37

    2018 Insect Science q1 10.1111/1744-7917.12588

  • 6. cv_tavella (12%)

    8-apr-2021 13.35.36

    greenhouse whitefly and poinsettia thrips on gerbera plants. - Insect Science 27: 510-518. (Open

  • 7. cv_magda (12%)

    5-mar-2021 9.48.43

    Degree in Biology at the University of Milan (1972/73). Since 2005 Magda de Eguileor is full professor (Zoology). Member of the teaching staff of the PhD program in Insect Science and Biotechnology and director of the PhD program in Cell and Molecular Biology. From 1972, she takes actively part in the research carried on in the Electron Microscopy laboratory of the Department of Biology of the University of Milan. Starting from 2000 she works in the Laboratory of Invertebrates

  • 8. WILEY elenco titoli (11%)

    15-mar-2021 11.31.25

    -2583 Insect Molecular Biology INS 1744-7917 Insect Science IEAM 1551-3793 Integrated

  • 9. cv mantovani (11%)

    11-mar-2021 11.39.28

    and the R2 non-LTR retrotransposon. Insect Science, 24: 409-417. 117. SCAVARIELLO C., LUCHETTI

  • 10. 57po_c12p1_agr11_rapisarda_cv (11%)

    26-ott-2022 10.22.31

    the parasitoid Bracon nigricans. Proceedings of 2nd Annual meeting of the European PhD Network «Insect Science», Tours, France: 72. 145. Zappalà L., Bernardo U., Biondi A., Cocco A., Deliperi S., Delrio G

  • 11. Bando elezione rappresentanti docenti CPDS 2023-CV Lo Verde Gabriella (11%)

    17-lug-2023 2.15.25

    Insect Science, International Journal of Pest Management, Phytoparasitica, Bulletin

  • 12. WILEY TITOLI ELEGGIBILI complessivo (11%)

    4-lug-2024 11.16.14

    Insect Conservation and Diversity 17524598 Insect Molecular Biology 13652583 Insect Science