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Ricerca avanzata per:

Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. information sheet incoming student (100%)

    10-mar-2015 12.59.52

    INFORMATION SHEET ERASMUS INCOMING STUDENTS Dear Partner/Dear Student, We receive your email and we are pleased to give you some information about our Institution: - Our semesters are October ... :// We will check them and we will send ... processed. - for all didactic information (lectures, timetable, credits, ecc.) you should ... and it isn’t mandatory. For starting date and other information you should contact directly

  • 2. Unipa e Information literacy: il contributo del Settore (92%)

    10-nov-2023 15.35.23

    Unipa e Information literacy: il contributo del Settore articolo, Settore monitoraggio analisi e sviluppo dei servizi bibliotecari e di reference digitale, Information literacy, life long learning ... in piattaforma e-learning di Ateneo Information Literacy per l’apprendimento della metodologia ... relativa ad un Laboratorio di Information Literacy obbligatorio destinato alle matricole. Il 20 luglio 2021 Il Consiglio di Amministrazione nella seduta del 20 luglio 2021 delibera con alcune modifiche

  • 3. Prolusione_Dottorato HC in Information and Communication Technologies a Alfonso Farina (89%)

    25-mar-2024 13.02.09

    Conferimento del titolo di Dottore di ricerca honoris causa in “Information and Communication ... Conferimento del titolo di Dottore di Ricerca honoris causa in “Information and Communication ... Conferimento del titolo di Dottore di Ricerca honoris causa 22 marzo 2024 in “Information and ... marzo 2024 in “Information and Communication Technologies - ICT” a Alfonso Farina 5 ... in “Information and Communication Technologies - ICT” a Alfonso Farina 7 Laudatio Prof.ssa Patrizia

  • 4. Information & Library Literacy - Workshop for incoming students (75%)

    21-dic-2023 14.18.58

    Information & Library Literacy - Workshop for incoming students articolo, notizia, unipa, information and library literacy FEDERICA PULEO /sites/portale/redazioneweb/.content/immagini/miniatura_information-and-library-literacy.jpg /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/home_page/avvisi/

  • 5. Quarto trimestre 2021 (72%)

    10-gen-2022 17.18.28

    SRL SX.U. pagamento lavanderia Di EBSCO INFORMATION 170020 13649 01/10/2021 1,037.52 47572 SX.U. Pubblicazioni pagamento SERVICES S.R.L. Di EBSCO INFORMATION 170020 ... . Di EBSCO INFORMATION 170020 13649 01/10/2021 1,037.52 47572 SX.U. Pubblicazioni pagamento SERVICES S.R.L. Di EBSCO INFORMATION 170020 13649 01/10/2021 1,037.52 47572 SX.U. Pubblicazioni pagamento SERVICES S.R.L. Di EBSCO INFORMATION 170020 13649 01/10/2021 1,037.52 47572

  • 6. REP. 797_2023 - Grant Agreement-101083460-WIMBY (70%)

    1-feb-2024 15.28.33

    Annex 2a Additional information on unit costs and contributions (if applicable) 2 Annex 3 Accession ... information........................................................................................................................30 13.2 Classified information ... and information received for policy, information, communication, dissemination and publicity ... ......................................................................... 35 17.3 Quality of information

  • 7. Information literacy (64%)

    29-nov-2022 18.47.20

    , Information literacy, Il Sistema bibliotecario e Archivio storico di Ateneo persegue da anni l’obiettivo ... formativa “Information Literacy” (cod. materia 22385) in piattaforma e-learning di Ateneo come ... di Information/Library literacy destinato agli Incoming students, come previsto dall'Obiettivo 2/2023 assegnato dal Direttore Generale. ROSA ANGELA ANZALONE Unipa e Information literacy: il contributo del Settore ... , Information literacy, life long learning L’Ateneo partecipa dal 2012 al Gruppo

  • 8. Terzo trimestre 2021 (63%)

    6-ott-2021 15.18.37

    di pulizia e lavanderia pagamento S.R.L.S. EBSCO Di 170020 9042 01/07/2021 183,15 47572 INFORMATION SX.U ... 47572 INFORMATION SX.U. Pubblicazioni pagamento SERVICES S.R.L. Di Spese ... produttive (IRAP) EBSCO Di 170020 9254 05/07/2021 87,13 47572 INFORMATION SX.U.

  • 9. information and communication technologies (62%)

    25-lug-2017 12.19.00

    Scheda 7 TITOLO DI DOTTORATO (in italiano): INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (INTERNAZIONALE) TITOLO DI DOTTORATO (in inglese): INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AREE ... Vehicles cooperation for object manipulation  ICT for smart cities based on connection of information ... reliable and require to deal with innovative forms of control models and information aggregation ... of the information about the human brain activity. This information is essential for understanding both

  • 10. Framework_EN (61%)

    8-mar-2013 21.55.16

    as are necessary to complete the establishment of an effec- tive European system of information exchange covering all aspects of language learning, teaching and research, and making full use of information ... foreigners staying in their own country to do so; . 1.2 to exchange information and ideas with young ... and of exploiting the full potential of new communication and information technologies. 1.3 ... to information, more intensive personal interaction, improved working relations and a deeper mutual

  • 11. 2024_REP_1522_Grant Agreement - GAP-101128861-1 (61%)

    20-mag-2024 10.30.19

    ............................................................................ 22 13.1 Sensitive information ...  Classified information ... 16.3 Rights of use of the granting authority on materials, documents and information received for policy, information, communication, dissemination and publicity purposes ... ......................................................................... 27 17.3 Quality of information — Disclaimer

  • 12. REP. 202_2023-CDA - Grant_Agreement_Core_Blue4all_Sarà (53%)

    1-feb-2024 16.00.57

    for the action Annex 2a Additional information on unit costs and contributions (if applicable) 2 Annex 3 ... information........................................................................................................................32 13.2 Classified information ... , documents and information received for policy, information, communication, dissemination and publicity ... ......................................................................... 37 17.3 Quality of information

  • 14. Ricerca Unipa sulla meccanica quantistica pubblicata sul prestigioso Nature Partner Journal (npj) Quantum Information (Nature research journal) (47%)

    15-mag-2020 15.01.49

    ) Quantum Information (Nature research journal) articolo, notizia, unipa, ricerca, ingegneria, fisica ... sono stati pubblicati su un prestigioso Nature Research journal, npj Quantum Information, che pubblica lavori di grande rilevanza scientifica nel campo della quantum information science. Lo studio, coordinato ... in Information and Communication Technologies del Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Alessia Castellini e Giuseppe Compagno del Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica. La quantum information science è uno dei campi

  • 15. Information processing systems - Principles of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) (46%)

    16-mag-2024 10.12.51

    ;Information processing systems - Principles of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)" ... . Salvatore Vitabile, PhD Full Professor of Information Processing Systems, Coordinator of the Master Degree ... Advanced Diagnostics, UniPa Visualizza la locandina Information processing systems - Principles of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) FEDERICA PULEO /sites/portale/redazioneweb/.content

  • 16. Quarto trimestre 2020 (45%)

    7-gen-2021 12.02.01

    di trasferta EBSCO Di 170020 11882 02/10/2020 37.84 47572 INFORMATION SX.U. Pubblicazioni pagamento SERVICES S.R.L. EBSCO Di 170020 11882 02/10/2020 37.84 47572 INFORMATION SX.U

  • 17. masulli_cv (41%)

    24-mag-2022 16.36.27

    . Buffart e E. Leeuwenberg di Structural Information Theory. • 1 Giugno 1983 - 31 Ottobre 2001 ... l’Universita` di Nijmegen (Olanda) nel gruppo di H. Buffart e E. Leeuwenberg di Structural Information ... al SETIT 2012, 6th International Conference: Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and ... of Engineering and Informatics, Amity Institute of Information Technology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh ... la Structural Information Theo- ry di E. Leeuwenberg e H. Buffart, che e` basata su una definizione

  • 18. h2020-call-pt-ria-ia-2018-20_en (41%)

    10-apr-2018 10.24.45

    Information on Evaluation added - scoring of proposals as 1 they were submitted, rather than ... information Topic Call Identifier Type of Action Deadline Id e ple t Acronym Proposal title* Max 200 ... confidential information. • Use plain typed text, avoiding formulae and other special characters. If ... Proposal ID Acronym 1 - General information Topic Call Identifier Type of Action Deadline Id e ple t ... committees and other interested parties . • Do not include any confidential information. • Use

  • 19. Information and communication Technologies (40%)

    25-lug-2017 12.19.00

    da borsa di studio (1 borsa riservata a laureati 11 asteio), di Dottorato di ricerca in “INFORMATION ANO ... in “INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TEUflNOLOOIES (IN CONVENZIONE CON CNR E AVENS PLUS S.R.L)” i posti con borsa ... i I u’i riservata a laureati all’estero), di Dottorato di ricerca in “INFORMATION ANO COMMUNICATION IFtEN

  • 20. cv_sebe (40%)

    8-apr-2021 13.35.36

    Niculae Sebe University of Trento Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science ... , Social Signal processing, Multimedia Information Retrieval, Brain-computer Interfaces. Education ... is the analysis of multimedia information retrieval techniques toward extracting affective information from multimedia data (e.g., movies). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA ... the information that characterizes each part of the object along with their mutual spatial relations