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  • 1. REP. 797_2023 - Grant Agreement-101083460-WIMBY (100%)

    10-gen-2024 9.04.34

    Annex 2a Additional information on unit costs and contributions (if applicable) 2 Annex 3 Accession ... information........................................................................................................................30 13.2 Classified information ... and information received for policy, information, communication, dissemination and publicity ... ......................................................................... 35 17.3 Quality of information

  • 2. REP. 797_2023 - Grant Agreement-101083460-WIMBY (100%)

    1-feb-2024 15.28.33

    Annex 2a Additional information on unit costs and contributions (if applicable) 2 Annex 3 Accession ... information........................................................................................................................30 13.2 Classified information ... and information received for policy, information, communication, dissemination and publicity ... ......................................................................... 35 17.3 Quality of information

  • 3. 2024_REP_1522_Grant Agreement - GAP-101128861-1 (88%)

    20-mag-2024 10.30.19

    ............................................................................ 22 13.1 Sensitive information ...  Classified information ... 16.3 Rights of use of the granting authority on materials, documents and information received for policy, information, communication, dissemination and publicity purposes ... ......................................................................... 27 17.3 Quality of information — Disclaimer

  • 4. INFORMATION LITERACY: attivazione ed erogazione (85%)

    22-dic-2022 17.27.38

    INFORMATION LITERACY: attivazione ed erogazione articolo, notizia, unipa A partire dal 5 gennaio 2023, sarà disponibile sulla piattaforma e-learning di Ateneo, l'attività formativa Information ... /scopri-i-servizi/corsi-in-biblioteca/lab-information-literacy/ DANIELA ALFANO A partire dal 5 gennaio 2023, sarà disponibile sulla piattaforma e-learning di Ateneo, l'attività formativa Information ... /biblioteche/scopri-i-servizi/corsi-in-biblioteca/lab-information-literacy/ /sites/portale/_categories/notizia

  • 5. REP. 202_2023 - Grant_Agreement_Core_Blue4all_Sarà (80%)

    10-gen-2024 9.04.29

    for the action Annex 2a Additional information on unit costs and contributions (if applicable) 2 Annex 3 ... information........................................................................................................................32 13.2 Classified information ... , documents and information received for policy, information, communication, dissemination and publicity ... ......................................................................... 37 17.3 Quality of information

  • 6. REP. 202_2023-CDA - Grant_Agreement_Core_Blue4all_Sarà (80%)

    1-feb-2024 16.00.57

    for the action Annex 2a Additional information on unit costs and contributions (if applicable) 2 Annex 3 ... information........................................................................................................................32 13.2 Classified information ... , documents and information received for policy, information, communication, dissemination and publicity ... ......................................................................... 37 17.3 Quality of information

  • 7. 2022_REP_44-engage4bio_ca_FINAL_Signatures_complete (63%)

    10-ott-2023 13.15.17

    ............................................................................................................................. 21 10 Non-disclosure of information ... of the Project, such as data, knowledge or information, which is generated in the Project ... structure of the Project, of any significant information, fact, problem or delay likely to affect the Project. Each Party shall promptly provide all information reasonably required by a Consortium ... the accuracy of any information or materials it supplies to the other Parties. Breach

  • 8. REP. 1578_2023_CDA-Amendment_-_AMD-101060537-9 HORIZON BLUEREV (60%)

    1-feb-2024 16.03.15

    on the Portal Grant Preparation screens. PROJECT Grant Preparation (General Information screen) — Enter ... — HORIZON-CL6-2021-GOVERNANCE-01 PROJECT SUMMARY Project summary Grant Preparation (General Information ... . Each partner will be responsible to send timely information to the PC. PC will manage and steer ... for the information sharing; ii) rules for sharing information and documents among partners; iii) tools ... a document detailing contact data, responsibilities nomination and related information (e.g. escalation

  • 9. Seminario interdisciplinare organizzato dalla Scuola di Dottorato (54%)

    16-mag-2024 9.29.55

    interdisciplinare organizzato dalla Scuola di Dottorato dell'Università di Palermo, dal titolo INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEMS “Principles of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)" INTERDISCIPLINARY SEMINAR INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEMS “Principles of Information and Communication Technology (ICT ... Prof. Salvatore Vitabile, PhD Full Professor of Information Processing Systems, Coordinator ... of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)" organizzato dalla Scuola di Dottorato UNIPA

  • 10. 2022_REP_31-CT00000672 (53%)

    9-ott-2023 13.14.40

    .......................................................................................................................... 12 ARTICLE 15. Proprietary Information ... . LEGACY DATA: means the data or information disclosed by TEOT relative to permits, licenses, wells ... /or TEOT GROUP (“TEOT PERSONNEL”). PROPRIETARY INFORMATION: means know-how, manufacturing processes ... the completion of the SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. CONTRACTOR shall provide TEOT with all information and results ... of the unpredictability clause. ARTICLE 15. Proprietary Information Ownership Each PARTY remains sole

  • 11. 2022_REP_1-Project_partnership_ageeement_UNIPA_BLUE_DEFINITIVE (52%)

    10-ott-2023 13.15.10

    UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PALERMO, DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE DELLA TERRA E DEL MARE This Agreement ... , DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE DELLA TERRA E DEL MARE, Via Archirafi 22, I-90123 Palermo, Italy ... on which work on the Project starts: 1st March 2022 “Confidential Information” Any information (other ... disclosure, in the public domain. “Data” Any information or data gathered or created as a part ... “FOIA” The Freedom of Information Act 2000, any subordinate legislation made under that Act from time

  • 12. 3_contrat_subvention_Blue_Adapt Firmato (50%)

    17-dic-2020 12.14.53

    ») La Presidenza della Regione Siciliana, – Dipartimento Regionale della La Presidenza della Regione Siciliana, – Dipartimento regionale della Programmazione, agissant en tant qu’Autorité ... da parte del (dei) partner, il Beneficiario Principale è incaricato di toute information requis ... de les communiquer à l’Autorité de Gestion. Toute information e. è responsabile ... présenté aucun rapport ou aucune information puo’ applicare delle sanzioni di cui all’Articolo 12

  • 13. 4_signedconvention de subvention patiner juin 2020(firmato) (50%)

    17-dic-2020 12.27.02

    , – Dipartimento Regionale della La Presidenza della Regione Siciliana, – Dipartimento regionale ... information requis par le contrat, notamment en ce qui concerne les con (tutti) i partner ... l’Autorité de Gestion. Toute information communiquée, ainsi que toute demande adressée ... rapport ou aucune information suite à la demande de l’Autorité de Gestion dans les délais fixés

  • 14. Corsi sulle soft skills per studenti - Progetto europeo FORTHEM (48%)

    24-feb-2023 16.57.52

    information: -Get that job! Wednesday, March 22,09:00-17:30 CET - More information: https://uni ... , March 23, 09:00-12:30 CET More information:

  • 15. Locandina A4_DEF (48%)

    16-mag-2024 9.27.52

    SCUOLA DI DOTTORATO DELL’UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PALERMO INTERDISCIPLINARY SEMINAR INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEMS “Principles of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)” Welcome Greetings Prof. Antonio Russo Vice-Head of PhD School of UNIPA Prof. Francesco Lo Piccolo Head of Architecture Department, DARCH Speaker Prof. Giovanni Cicceri, PhD Researcher, UNIPA Discussant Prof. Salvatore Vitabile, PhD Full Professor of Information Processing Systems, Coordinator of the Master Degree


    28-set-2020 19.15.06

    ) from a parent sample 3.9, with 3.00 being the most primitive extraterrestrial provided by the Dipartimento ... information); those of Semarkona and Bishunpur contain 0.45 0.11 Oxygen Isotopes and 0.23 0.13 wt ... INFORMATION Table S1. Chemical composition of ferroan olivine in type II chondrules of Semarkona, Bishunpur, and Additional supporting information may be found in Piancaldoli. the online version

  • 17. (44%)

    11-dic-2023 15.08.51

    di information e media literacy. Art. 3 Utenti Ai fini dell’erogazione dei servizi delle ... destinati agli studenti UniPA (Information literacy). Art. 19 Supporto alla Didattica 1. Le biblioteche

  • 18. REP. 2482_2023- Capsenhar_subsidy contract-2 -Sarà (43%)

    10-gen-2024 9.04.30

    Dipartimento regionale della The Presidency of the Sicilian Region – regional Department for Planning, in its ... Generale per i Rapporti con L’Unione Europea IS Information System IVA Imposta sul Valore Aggiunto JS ... \2022 e le decisioni del Comitato Direttivo. q) Decreto del Dirigente Generale del Dipartimento ... . 03/2023 has been ratified s) Decreto del Dirigente Generale ad interim del Dipartimento regionale ... e/o di modifiche dell’AdG con particolare riferimento ai all requests for information and/or modifications

  • 19. REP. 2482_2023- Capsenhar_subsidy contract-2 -Sarà (43%)

    1-feb-2024 15.33.02

    Dipartimento regionale della The Presidency of the Sicilian Region – regional Department for Planning, in its ... Generale per i Rapporti con L’Unione Europea IS Information System IVA Imposta sul Valore Aggiunto JS ... \2022 e le decisioni del Comitato Direttivo. q) Decreto del Dirigente Generale del Dipartimento ... . 03/2023 has been ratified s) Decreto del Dirigente Generale ad interim del Dipartimento regionale ... e/o di modifiche dell’AdG con particolare riferimento ai all requests for information and/or modifications

  • 20. CV_Sulli_set2021 (42%)

    8-set-2021 15.30.42

    Universitario da luglio 2000 a novembre 2001. Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare dell’Università ... MAGIC (MArine Geohazards Along the Italian Coasts), finanziato dal Dipartimento della Protezione ... Convergenza dal 01-11-2010 al 31-10-2012 Responsabile scientifico delle Convenzioni tra Dipartimento ... di carote di sedimenti dal 30/09/2004 a oggi Responsabile scientifico Convenzione tra Dipartimento ... Risorse dal 15-06-2013 al 31-12-2014 Responsabile scientifico della convenzione tra Dipartimento