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  • 1. 2012 JME Di Betta Amenta 08997764 (100%)

    24-set-2013 11.54.09

    arena. Rarely has the whole media industry been made an instrument of industrial policy in which state ... by [Paolo Di Betta] at 12:25 15 June 2012 MEDIA AS INSTRUMENTS IN INDUSTRIAL POLICY 111 three ... from evaluations on an industrial policy. Our research questions (RQs) concern whether there is an economic ... ) to Downloaded by [Paolo Di Betta] at 12:25 15 June 2012 MEDIA AS INSTRUMENTS IN INDUSTRIAL POLICY ... the industrial policy is effective in reducing revenue inequality, it is, nevertheless, ineffective

  • 2. modelloA_2015JW9NJT (3) (91%)

    12-gen-2017 12.30.05

    ; (Part I), "Industrial leadership" (Part II), "Societal challenges" (Part III ... industrial leadership through research, technological development, demonstration and innovation

  • 3. 2010 RDES_2_DiBetta_Amenta (55%)

    24-set-2013 11.52.13

    in the interval [0,1]. The HI has been extensively analysed in statistics and widely used in industrial ... (Italy), 1998. As regards industrial economics, see A. P. JACQUEMIN, H.W. DE JONG, European Industrial

  • 4. GUIDO ALA (51%)

    6-nov-2022 10.53.27

    , the mentor of several master degree thesis, the mentor of many students in internships in various industrial ... Electrical Engineering (IEEE EEEIC18) e 2nd IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power System Conference EUrope

  • 5. 25-03-2014-20_CDA_Piano_Strategico_Triennale_13_15 (47%)

    19-dic-2014 11.46.09

    la quota minima del 20% delle assunzioni di professori provenienti da ruoli o da percorsi di ricerca ... I regolamenti esistenti in Ateneo riguardanti la chiamata di professori e dei ricercatori ... , nel rispetto del codice etico, la chiamata dei professori di prima e di seconda fascia nel ... di professori di seconda fascia e ricercatori a tempo indeterminato in servizio nell'Università

  • 6. PROGRAMMA "Museologia e gestione dei beni museali" A.A. 2023-2024 (47%)

    19-giu-2024 16.45.07

    de spectacle vivant Simona Perniciaro El patrimonio industrial y los museos: evolución histórica y ... Gianfranco Alighieri Writing text for museums of technology the case of the Industrial Gas Museum in Athens

  • 7. Biosketch (47%)

    19-nov-2023 15.05.21

    Research (MIUR), Italy 2017-current National Scientific Qualification as Professor of Industrial ... (co-investigator), Department of Industrial and Digital Innovation (DIID), University of Palermo, Palermo

  • 8. SALVATORE PASTA (47%)

    17-nov-2023 14.33.30

    Research (MIUR), Italy 2017-current National Scientific Qualification as Professor of Industrial ... (co-investigator), Department of Industrial and Digital Innovation (DIID), University of Palermo, Palermo

  • 9. 2012 Rural Tourism Di Betta Amenta 10.5539jms.v3n1p33 (44%)

    24-set-2013 12.40.55

    (regressors). Since industrial smokestack plants, farms, and hotels are common everywhere in Italy ... with the same sign of the coefficient of addedvalue (more industrial activity) and of arrivals (which

  • 10. CURR_Mazzola_RSAI (44%)

    4-set-2015 12.59.22

    Association International, Italian Industrial Economics Asscoiation, University of Pennsylvania ... of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2000, 43, 199-221. - Firms’ linkages and industrial districts

  • 11. Curriculum_Vitae_Giorgio_Baiamonte (42%)

    9-gen-2020 13.11.00

    : “INNOvative treatments and Valorisation of Agro-industrial by- products, Wastewater and Waste (INNOVAW2 ... of the reclamation works of the industrial area ex Nissometal in c.da Panuzzi in Nissoria (EN), financed

  • 12. CV-UK (42%)

    9-apr-2024 16.21.58

    IN INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH PROJECTS 1- Horizon 2020 Project “ReWaCEM, Ressource recovery from industrial ... experimental studies ", Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Volume 167, 1

  • 13. CV (42%)

    9-apr-2024 20.03.46

    , Ressource recovery from industrial waste water by cutting edge membrane technologies”, 2016-2019 ... con i professori Franz Ziegler e Rudolf Heuer. -Visiting Professor presso il Politecnico di Vienna su invito dei Professori Franz Ziegler e Rudolf Heuer (22 Aprile- 4 Maggio 2002). -Visiting Professor presso il Politecnico di Vienna su invito dei Professori Franz Ziegler e Rudolf Heuer (27 Giugno- 4 Luglio 2005 ... per l’area 08 (Ingegneria civile ed Architettura), fascia dei professori associati dal 2007. -Membro Concorso

  • 14. Proposta di argomenti di n. 2 tesi (42%)

    10-apr-2020 11.40.34

    on improving the quality inspection of industrial products through the use of robot-delivered non-destructive

  • 15. brochure_STAM_def (42%)

    29-set-2021 11.20.53

    2238 - MEDITERRANEAN FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 20216 AGROINDUSTRY SUSTAINABLE SYSTEMS AND PLANTS C.I. 12 CFU Mariangela Vallone She is associate professor in Agricultural Mechanics at the University of Palermo. My research focuses on agricultural mechanics and mechanization, precision farming, agri-food plants, real time monitoring and control systems, risk assessment for agricultural and agro-food industry operators. FOOD PRODUCTION AND AGRO-INDUSTRIAL PLANTS (Modulo) 6

  • 16. GUIDO ALA (42%)

    26-giu-2022 16.51.06

    on Environment and Electrical Engineering (IEEE EEEIC18) e 2nd IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power

  • 17. Note biografiche (42%)

    29-mar-2024 11.20.50

    on Environment and Electrical Engineering (IEEE EEEIC18) e 2nd IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power

  • 18. bio-sketch (39%)

    4-giu-2013 9.04.07

    an industrial experience as an energy engineering in the Municipal Gas Company of Palermo, he joined

  • 19. localizzazione2 (39%)

    23-ott-2013 11.40.50

    Economia Regionale Accessibilità e localizzazione (bozza, uso didattico personale per lo studente) Prof. Vincenzo PROVENZANO copyright La copertina originale del volume di Weber (1929) The model The minimum point: Interior olution Varignon model Modello di Weber: un breve focus • Material Index (Alfred Weber's Theory of Industrial Location) ‘Ratio between the sum of the weights of the localized materials and the weight of the final product. A material index which is larger than one

  • 20. Curriculum (39%)

    3-feb-2014 16.40.03

    Curriculum Curriculum, CV, Personal Informations Master of Science in Civil Engineering (Hydraulics section) in 1993, University of Palermo; Associate Professor of Hydraulics at the University of Palermo since 2001; author of more than 100 publications in national and international conferences, ISI journals, book chapters. His scientific interest is mainly focused on the numerical modelling of three-dimensional incompressible flows in different civil, environmental and industrial applications