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    26-mag-2017 17.18.43

    PhD PROGRAMME IN HUMAN RIGHTS: EVOLUTION, PROTECTION AND LIMITS articolo, notizia, unipa, PhD Programme, Human rights, Evolution protection and limits UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PALERMO DIPARTIMENTO DI GIURISPRUDENZA PhD PROGRAMME IN HUMAN RIGHTS: EVOLUTION, PROTECTION AND LIMITS PhD Rules and Regulation Art. 1 – Administration. The Phd Programme in Human Rights: evolution, protection and limits ... in the field of human rights, confronting its subject matter from the perspective of numerous

  • 2. Tutor per l'attività didattica e di orientamento per il settore Human Rights (68%)

    27-apr-2022 19.00.11

    Tutor per l'attività didattica e di orientamento per il settore Human Rights Tutorato, Human Rights, servizi agli studenti Si informa che è operativo il servizio di tutorato per gli studenti e le studentesse. In particolare, per l’ambito degli Human Rights la tutor è la studentessa di laurea magistrale Costanza Simona Lomaglio ( GABRIELLA D'AGOSTINO /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/bacheca/

  • 3. Phd programme - Human Rights (61%)

    18-mag-2015 13.16.23

    Phd programme - Human Rights diritti umani,, human rights About the PhD Programme News Activities and Seminars Faculty Regulations and Forms Links and useful materials Summer School Legal Clinic Students area ALDO SCHIAVELLO

  • 4. ANNALI-2009_LXIII (45%)

    30-mag-2013 14.43.12

    . * Professore associato di Economia e gestione delle imprese - Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali

  • 5. Glossary_Global-ANSWER (41%)

    8-mag-2024 13.02.58

    ............................................................................................................................36 Human rights ... Human rights approach ... litical change from a human rights perspecti- (Practical Social Work Series, 71, pu- ve in these ... adolescents, the term “child” being defi- respect the human rights of migrants during ned as “every human ... the human rights of children and ACNUR y Universidad Pontificia Comillas. adolescents. (2022

  • 6. Human Rights Security (40%)

    19-mag-2015 14.25.42

    PhD Program in Human Rights: Evolution, Protection and Limits HUMAN RIGHTS & SECURITY ... Human Rights, Security & the International Legal Order Aldo Schiavello Mariano Croce Director ... Hans-Jörg Albrecht Max Planck Institut Law, Security & Human Rights Alessandro Colombo Carla ... 9:00 am Health Emergencies & Human Security Right to Security & Human Rights Responsibility ... Università degli Studi di Palermo Scuola delle Scienze Giuridiche ed Economico-Sociali Dipartimento

  • 7. Human Rights Security (3) (39%)

    18-mag-2015 8.25.08

    Piazza Bologni n. 8 - 90134 - Palermo (Pa) Italy PhD Program in Human Rights: Evolution, Protection and Limits HUMAN RIGHTS & SECURITY: JUSTIFYING EXCEPTIONS Monday, 15th Tuesday, 16th Wednesday, 17th 9:00 am Greetings Genealogy of Security Human Rights, Security & the International ... ; Human Rights Alessandro Colombo Carla Monteleone Università di Milano Università di Palermo ... ; Human Rights Responsibility to Protect Lorenzo Del Federico Fulvio Attinà Università di Chieti

  • 8. Palermo-Graduate-Workshop_Call (36%)

    22-apr-2015 11.17.03

    1st Palermo Human Rights & Democracy Graduate Workshop 11th – 13th November 2015 ... Piazza Bologni, 8, 90134 Palermo (PA) The PhD Programme in “Human Rights: Evolution, Protection ... PhD’s to the 1st Palermo Human Rights and Democracy Graduate Workshop, that will be held in Palermo ... are invited to join the PhD Students in Human Rights from University of Palermo for a workshop dedicated to the debate about the current trends and challenges for human rights and democracy

  • 9. Call Summer school 2015 (33%)

    1-apr-2015 10.18.32

    Juridiques et Politiques, Université de Paris - Nanterre Summer Course Human Rights and Security: Justifying Exceptions Palermo, 15th – 20th June 2015 The Summer Course on Human Rights ... of Palermo PhD Program on Human Rights, jointly with the European Academy of Legal Theory ... a double relationship with human rights: the violated rules typically include norms posited ... declaration represents a securitization move par excellence); human rights are, on the other hand

  • 10. Indipendenza nordafricana | Tradizione giuridica confuciana | Seminari (30%)

    6-mag-2022 13.53.09

    Indipendenza nordafricana | Tradizione giuridica confuciana | Seminari Human Rights, Legal Traditions, Cooperazione sviluppo e migrazioni, Culture e Società, Unipa Lunedì 9 maggio 2022, nell'ambito dell'attività dei corsi di studio per la Laurea Magistrale in Cooperazione, Sviluppo e Migrazioni, si svolgeranno i seguenti seminari: ¤ Corso in Human rights: Theory and policies (prof.ssa Serena Marcenò) Ore 9-12 | Campus, Edificio 19, Aula Seminari A Intervengono: Antonio Maria Morone, Università

  • 11. Summer School_Human Rights Reloaded (30%)

    8-giu-2023 10.11.08

    PH.D. IN HUMAN RIGHTS SUMMER SCHOOL TH RD 19 -23 JUNE 2023 DEPARTMENT OF LAW VIA MAQUEDA 172 HUMAN RIGHTS RELOADED THIRTY YEARS OF THE PH.D. PROGRAM IN HUMAN RIGHTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF PALERMO TH ... . Program in Human Rights Chair: Isabel Trujillo University of Palermo 11.00 Luigi Ferrajoli Roma Tre University Global Constitutionalism and Human Rights Chair: Cinzia De Marco University of Palermo 15.30 ... ; Nicolò Iannello University of Palermo Sereny Project: Human Rights and Prevention of Youth

  • 12. Human Rights Security (29%)

    18-mag-2015 8.27.23

    Human Rights Security articolo, notizia, unipa Human Rights Security (3) RAFFAELE DI FRANCO /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/bacheca/

  • 13. Guide-on-conceptual-and-methodological (29%)

    8-mag-2024 13.02.59

    of concern that affect the human rights of the people we receive in Europe, especially in the Euro ... ), it is important to enable social workers to make a stronger contribution to the impact of human rights in order to fight global injustices and inequalities and pro- mote human rights for everybody ... of social work: “principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and respect ... . FRAMEWORK.OF.HUMAN.MOBILITY.IN.THE.UE 1.1 Migration and Asylum vention on Human Rights. With regard to other causes

  • 14. Summer Course “Human Rights in Courts” (28%)

    7-giu-2017 9.44.32

    Summer Course “Human Rights in Courts” articolo, notizia, unipa, summer school Avviso: "Sono ancora aperte le iscrizioni per la partecipazione al Summer Course “Human Rights in Courts” che si svolgerà presso l’Aula Dottorandi del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dal 26 al 30 giugno 2017. Fino al 16 giugno p.v. è possibile inviare istanza di partecipazione e relativi allegati al seguente indirizzo di posta elettronica: .” FEDERICO RUSSO /sites/portale/_categories

  • 15. call_summer_school_june_2013_director_prof_Celano (27%)

    14-ott-2013 12.22.00

    ” SUMMER COURSE Human Rights in Practice: between Norms, Facts and Rhetoric Palermo, 3rd-8th June 2013 The Summer Course on “Human Rights in Practice: between Norms, Facts and Rhetoric” (from now on, Summer Course) has been organized by the University of Palermo PhD Program on Human Rights ... relevance of the international practice of human rights; human rights and legal pluralism; human ... of “practice” in international law, with focus on human rights; 2) The rhetoric of human rights; 3) Legal

  • 16. call_summer_school_june_2013_director_prof_Celano (27%)

    17-apr-2013 10.49.42

    ” SUMMER COURSE Human Rights in Practice: between Norms, Facts and Rhetoric Palermo, 3rd-8th June 2013 The Summer Course on “Human Rights in Practice: between Norms, Facts and Rhetoric” (from now on, Summer Course) has been organized by the University of Palermo PhD Program on Human Rights ... relevance of the international practice of human rights; human rights and legal pluralism; human ... of “practice” in international law, with focus on human rights; 2) The rhetoric of human rights; 3) Legal

  • 17. Call Summer School Gullo (27%)

    14-apr-2014 17.32.44

    Juridiques et Politiques, Université de Paris - Nanterre SUMMER SCHOOL: Human Rights ... by the University of Palermo PhD Program on Human Rights, jointly with the European Academy of Legal ... of the environment and human rights has gained understanding. Dignity, freedom and equality, the core of the current debate on human rights, cannot be fully uphold in a world whose nature is depleted. Economic ... . At the same time, the promotion of human rights, as the right to information and to politic participation

  • 18. Summer School “Migrants, Human Rights, Democracy” (26%)

    3-giu-2020 15.44.09

    Summer School “Migrants, Human Rights, Democracy” articolo, notizia, unipa, formazione, Lunedì 11 giugno prenderà avvio la 12° edizione della Summer School “Migrants, Human Rights, Democracy”, promossa dal Dipartimento Scienze psicologiche, pedagogiche e della formazione (Università di Palermo). Realizzata in collaborazione con il Cambridge Centre for Applied Research in Human Trafficking, la Summer School prevede la partecipazione di 45 corsisti provenienti da Europa e USA, Afghanistan

  • 19. Corporate Liability for Human Rights violations in third countries (26%)

    25-ott-2017 12.18.07

    Corporate Liability for Human Rights violations in third countries unipa, dems, eventi Salva Salva Salva Salva SALVATORE LORITO Corporate liability for Human Rights Violations in third countries 2 novembre 2017, aula 2, Dipartimento DEMS e delle Relazioni internazionali Salva /sites/portale/_categories/evento/

  • 20. Call Summer School Gullo[2] (26%)

    18-apr-2014 8.55.27

    Juridiques et Politiques, Université de Paris - Nanterre SUMMER SCHOOL: Human Rights ... by the University of Palermo PhD Program on Human Rights, jointly with the European Academy of Legal ... of the environment and human rights has gained understanding. Dignity, freedom and equality, the core of the current debate on human rights, cannot be fully uphold in a world whose nature is depleted. Economic ... . At the same time, the promotion of human rights, as the right to information and to politic participation