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1. Nuovo accordo P.I.S. con l'University of São Paulo - School of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences 09/05/2017 (100%)
7-apr-2021 11.27.08Nuovo accordo P.I.S. con l'University of São Paulo - School of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences 09/05/2017 Nuovo accordo PIS, University of São Paulo - School of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences, unipa Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo University of São Paulo - School of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences Human Sciences and Cultural Heritage School Brazil - São Paulo Agreement - "Portuguese Agreement" (Prof.ssa
2. Information Summer School in Human Sciences 2023_Finlandia (65%)
25-gen-2023 11.28.49? Sign up for the Summer School in Human Sciences! The Summer School takes place in May – June and ... of Jyväskylä are welcome to apply to the Summer School in Human Sciences. You can choose one or more ... 2023. Further information on the Summer School in Human Sciences can be found below and at www.jyu.fi/hs-summerschool. ***** International Summer School in Human Sciences 22 May - 9 June ... School in Human Sciences University of Jyväskylä E-mail: hsss@jyu.fi www.jyu.fi/hs-summerschool
3. Summer School in Human Sciences 2023 alla Università di Jyväskylä, Finlandia (47%)
25-gen-2023 11.30.01Summer School in Human Sciences 2023 alla Università di Jyväskylä, Finlandia opportunità_internazionali, notizia, sum Pubblichiamo di seguito le informazioni relative alla Summer School in Human Sciences 2023 organizzata dall'Università di Jyväskylä, Finlandia, partner di Unipa all'interno dell'Alleanza Forthem. Information Summer School in Human Sciences 2023_Jyväskylä, Finlandia BIAGIA RUSSO
4. Offerta a.y.2015.2016 Human Sciences and Cultural Heritage School pag 1 (35%)
1-lug-2015 12.33.05 -
5. Offerta a.y.2015.2016 Human Sciences and Cultural Heritage School pag 2 (35%)
1-lug-2015 12.33.38 -
6. Program of Didactics'Theory and History (2021-2022_Second semester) (21%)
3-set-2021 16.02.08educational courses for teaching human sciences. Making Judgements 1. Evaluating congruence between ... , Cultural Anthropology) provided for in the high school study plan of Human Sciences. The students will use ... Sciences in the Human Sciences High School. -Identifying the development phases of didactic research ... . -Designing learning units to effectively teach Philosophy and Educational Sciences in the Human Sciences
7. curric-ingl pagina web uni marco buzzoni (20%)
17-apr-2020 10.32.42der Humanwissenschaften” [The Epistemological and Methodological Status of Human Sciences ... of Philosophy and Human Sciences” (Sezione di Filosofia e Scienze Umane) of the “Dipartimento di Studi ... . 85-104. 30. The Unconscious as the Objet of the Human Sciences, as key speaker to the symposium ... ), in E. Agazzi and G. Di Bernardo (eds.), Relations between Natural Sciences and Human Sciences ... [Popper, Brentano and the Epistemological and Methodological Status of Human Sciences]. Brentano-Studien
8. Program of Didactics'Theory and History (2021-22) (18%)
16-set-2021 14.53.05educational courses for teaching human sciences. Making Judgements 1. Evaluating congruence between ... Educational Sciences in the Human Sciences High School. -Identifying the development phases of didactic ... . -Designing learning units to effectively teach Philosophy and Educational Sciences in the Human Sciences High School. TEACHING METHODS The teacher will carry out lessons in presence with the support
9. Home institution degree with international experience (mobility period) in one (or more) partner university (18%)
9-mag-2016 15.09.00email: antonino.martorana@unipa.it Universidade Federal da Paraìba Human Sciences and Cultural Heritage School - Law and ... Study program email: enrico.camilleri@unipa.it Sichuan International University Human Sciences and ... email: duccio.colombo@unipa.it TUNISI Universitè de Tunis Human Sciences and Cultural Heritage School LM 2
10. Agreement Double (or more) degrees - EU - Germany (18%)
15-set-2020 16.49.08of 8 Georg August Universität Göttingen Human Sciences and Cultural Heritage School LM 2: Archeology ... Universität Hamburg: UHH Human Sciences and Cultural Heritage School LM-15 - Ancient philology, literature ... Program LM 15 email: daniela.bonanno@unipa.it 6 of 8 University of Education Karlsruhe Human Sciences and
11. What's New (18%)
27-mar-2020 10.21.32Additional ACT 1 Memorandum of Cooperation Double Master's Degree - Unipa - Georg August Universität Göttingen Georg August Universität Göttingen, Germany, LM 2, double degrees, Unipa Georg August Universität Göttingen Human Sciences and Cultural Heritage School LM 2: Archeology Additional ACT 1 ... of Education Karlsruhea, unipa University of Education Karlsruhe Human Sciences and Cultural Heritage School ... Paulo University of São Paulo - School of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences Human Sciences and
12. Brochure Scienze umane - english (15%)
9-ott-2015 9.23.142015 Human Sciences and Cultural Heritage School ambiti disciplinari, offerta formativa, Subjects, Educational Offer, sbocchi occupaziona INFO Professional opportunities Manager didattici Scuola Marilena Grandinetti delle Scienze Umane marilena.grandinetti@unipa.it e del Patrimonio Culturaledi Palermo Roberta Macaione Palazzina Würth roberta.macaione@unipa.it Viale delle Scienze | Cultural ... Unipa | Stampa Centro Stampa Unipa Modern Human Sciences requirements of the Cultures (DEMS
13. Germany (15%)
31-lug-2019 15.54.41August Universität Göttingen Human Sciences and Cultural Heritage School LM 2: Archeology Agreement ... of Education Karlsruhe, Germany, LM 38, double degrees, unipa University of Education Karlsruhe Human Sciences and Cultural Heritage School LM 38: Modern languages for communication and international
14. scienze_umaneINGLESE light (15%)
11-giu-2015 13.58.442015 Human Sciences and Cultural Heritage School ambiti disciplinari, offerta formativa, Subjects, Educational Offer, sbocchi occupaziona INFO Professional opportunities Manager didattici Scuola Marilena Grandinetti delle Scienze Umane marilena.grandinetti@unipa.it e del Patrimonio Culturaledi Palermo Roberta Macaione Palazzina Würth roberta.macaione@unipa.it Viale delle Scienze | Cultural ... Unipa | Stampa Centro Stampa Unipa Modern Human Sciences requirements of the Cultures (DEMS
15. Brazil (15%)
26-feb-2018 10.43.381 of 1 Brazil, Sao Paulo, Extra UE, mobility, unipa BRAZIL Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo University of São Paulo - School of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences Human Sciences and Cultural Heritage School Brazil - São Paulo Agreement - "Portuguese Agreement" (Prof.ssa Prestigiacomo) Contacts +39.0912389921 Study program L 11 - Curriculum: LINGUE E LETTERATURE MODERNE Study program L 11 - Curriculum: MEDIAZIONE LINGUISTICA
16. Archive (15%)
26-feb-2018 10.52.15da Paraìba Human Sciences and Cultural Heritage School - Law and Social-Economic Studies School Brazil ... , Curitiba, Extra UE, mobility, unipa Universidade Federal do Paraná Human Sciences and Cultural
17. Double (or more) degrees (15%)
9-mag-2016 15.09.00@unipa.it Human Sciences and Cultural Heritage School LM 2: Archeology Germany: Göttingen Agreement ... ) Contacts +3909123897405 Study program email: claudio.luparello@unipa.it Human Sciences and Cultural
18. Nuova Convenzione PIS Universitat São Paulo (15%)
8-giu-2017 11.21.30Nuova Convenzione PIS Universitat São Paulo nuova convenzione, PIS, Brazil, unipa Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo University of São Paulo - School of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences Human Sciences and Cultural Heritage School Brazil - São Paulo Agreement - "Portuguese Agreement" (Prof.ssa Prestigiacomo) Contacts +39.09123861846 - +39.0912389922 Study program L 11 - Curriculum: LINGUE E LETTERATURE MODERNE Study program L 11
19. Ilaria Scolaro (15%)
2-ott-2024 8.45.18, must assert a significant role in the human sciences by addressing highly relevant issues such ... in the human sciences by addressing highly relevant issues such as diversity, sustainability, and
20. Ilaria Scolaro (15%)
2-ott-2024 8.44.20, must assert a significant role in the human sciences by addressing highly relevant issues such ... in the human sciences by addressing highly relevant issues such as diversity, sustainability, and