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  • 1. Piattaforme per la pubblicazione ad accesso aperto in ambito H2020 e HE (100%)

    19-gen-2024 12.47.53

    Piattaforme per la pubblicazione ad accesso aperto in ambito H2020 e HE open research europe, ore, scienza aperta, h2020, HE, open science, pubblicazione, open access, open peer review, sba, unipa, servizi per la ricerca Per il deposito in ambito H2020 e HE è anche possibile utilizzare ORE (Open Research Europe, Si tratta di una piattaforma di pubblicazione ad accesso aperto per la pubblicazione di ricerche derivanti da Horizon 2020 e Horizon Europe

  • 2. Annali della Facoltà di Economia (82%)

    26-feb-2015 12.43.32

    il Chang Jiang e lo Huang He. La complessa conformazione del territorio cinese include numerosi

  • 3. IEEE_magazine_I_2014 (75%)

    8-mag-2014 10.43.48

    . He received the Master’s Guido Ala (M ’02) received the Laurea degree in radiofrequencies and ... dissertation, 2006. In 2003, he was also with Renault Dr. Ala won an award from the National Tele- Technocentre, Guyancourt, France. In 2006, he joined the Xlim lab- communications Corporation and a prize from oratory as a postdoctoral fellow, Limoges. Since 2009, he is an a local Public Administration. In 1994, he received the Ph.D. assistant Professor at Xlim laboratory, University of Limoges

  • 4. Guida-alla-compilazione-del-progetto-formativo-per-tirocini-curriculari_ENG (74%)

    18-apr-2023 10.24.17

    Machine Translated by Google Management o f t he t raining p roject f or curricular internships t hrough t he u se o f the p latform Manual f or h ost s tructures (Public ... 2 Prerequisites 2 Life c ycle of the training p roject 3 Guide t o the introduction of t he training p roject 4 1 Machine Translated by Google Introduction This is a guide for t he Host ... , which explains how to enter t he training p roject o f the student who will h ave to carry

  • 5. GUIDO ALA (73%)

    6-nov-2022 10.53.27

    , 1989, he earned the “Laurea” degree (Master's degree) in Electrical Engineering (cum laude and ... reported in his master’s thesis, he won an award from the National Telecommunications Corporation (now ... , he complies with military service obligations. From November 1990 to October 1993, he attends the University of Palermo as a PhD student. In 1994 he earnt the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering ... to 1996 he was a teacher in the permanent staff of the Italian Technical High Schools. In 1997 he

  • 7. Framework_EN (66%)

    8-mar-2013 21.55.16

    to the lan- guages of other peoples (whether learnt at school or college, or by direct experience), he or she ... which he or she sets for himself or herself or with which he or she is confronted. • A task ... if a translation already exists, ask another learner to show what he or she has done, use a dic- tionary, try to work out some kind of meaning on the basis of the few words or structures he or she

  • 8. solelunaPA2020_catalogo (64%)

    3-lug-2020 12.52.59

  • 11. REP. 202_2023 - Grant_Agreement_Core_Blue4all_Sarà (62%)

    10-gen-2024 9.04.29

    Project: 101094014 — BLUE4ALL — HORIZON-MISS-2021-OCEAN-02 Ref. Ares(2022)8439164 - 06/12/2022 HE ... in PIAZZA MARINA 61, PALERMO 90133, Italy, 1 Project: 101094014 — BLUE4ALL — HORIZON-MISS-2021-OCEAN-02 HE ... -02 HE MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0 1 Annex 1 Description of the action Annex 2 Estimated budget ... — HORIZON-MISS-2021-OCEAN-02 HE MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0 TERMS AND CONDITIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS ... -2021-OCEAN-02 HE MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0 9.4 Recipients of financial support to third parties

  • 12. REP. 202_2023-CDA - Grant_Agreement_Core_Blue4all_Sarà (62%)

    1-feb-2024 16.00.57

    Project: 101094014 — BLUE4ALL — HORIZON-MISS-2021-OCEAN-02 Ref. Ares(2022)8439164 - 06/12/2022 HE ... in PIAZZA MARINA 61, PALERMO 90133, Italy, 1 Project: 101094014 — BLUE4ALL — HORIZON-MISS-2021-OCEAN-02 HE ... -02 HE MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0 1 Annex 1 Description of the action Annex 2 Estimated budget ... — HORIZON-MISS-2021-OCEAN-02 HE MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0 TERMS AND CONDITIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS ... -2021-OCEAN-02 HE MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0 9.4 Recipients of financial support to third parties

  • 13. 22_Mariachiara_Angelucci_Hormos3ns_2011 (59%)

    8-mar-2013 22.33.00

    Hecataeus of Miletus, who wrote a Περίοδος Γῆς in two books, in which he describes the coasts ... to research (ἱστορία).2 To each of the places he visited during his many travels he dedicated a work in which he reported both what came from his direct experience and observation and the stories he ... school or if he followed more than one, in accordance with a typical practice of his times.9 The wide variety of topics he dealt with, his attitude to research which emerges from the surviving fragments

  • 15. solelunaPA21_Catalogo (57%)

    5-lug-2021 16.33.55

    di linee traccia l’immagine del suo volto». / «A man sets out to draw the world. As the years go by, he ... , rooms, instruments, stars, horses, and individuals. A short time before he dies, he discovers ... , non fa mai marcia indietro nel suo he never forsakes his loving plan or repents of che è

  • 16. sole-luna-doc-pa-21-catalogo (57%)

    2-lug-2021 12.45.52

    di linee traccia l’immagine del suo volto». / «A man sets out to draw the world. As the years go by, he ... , rooms, instruments, stars, horses, and individuals. A short time before he dies, he discovers ... , non fa mai marcia indietro nel suo he never forsakes his loving plan or repents of che è

  • 17. Brochure -en-jean-monnet (55%)

    22-feb-2016 21.24.32

    . In particular: He teaches courses on Comparative Criminal Law (1992- 2006) and European and ... law of University of Palermo (2005-08). He will take the scientific coordination ... . He devoted two different research stays abroad to studying this relationships: in 2012, he ... (York University, Toronto); while in 2013 he was a Jemolo Fellow at the Nuffield College, Oxford. He is part of the ‘Bordercriminologies’ project, based in the University of Oxford. He

  • 18. Brochure-jm_en-26 (55%)

    26-feb-2016 14.53.27

    . In particular: He teaches courses on Comparative Criminal Law (1992- 2006) and European and ... of University of Palermo (2005-08). He will take the scientific coordination of the Project ... an expertise on the relationships between criminal law, criminalisation, and irregular migration. He devoted two different research stays abroad to studying this relationships: in 2012, he ... (York University, Toronto); while in 2013 he was a Jemolo Fellow at the Nuffield College, Oxford. He

  • 19. brochure-seminari-nesmes-marzo-aprile-2019 (55%)

    28-feb-2019 16.01.20

    ; Criminal lawyers; member of law and Bioethic observatory, uneSCo. He taught in various universities ... , luiSS Guido Carli, rome. He is the director of management and Public administration Policies, luiSS School of Government. He taight at the university of macerata, messina, milano Cattolica and Palermo. He was director of the School of journalism “mario Francesce” and director of Social Science, university of Palermo. He is member of Scientific Council, Bachelet Centre; Full; research Fellow and

  • 20. brochure_Ciclo seminariale Progetto "The New Era of Smuggling in the Mediterranean Sea" (NESMeS (55%)

    28-feb-2019 16.17.42

    ; Criminal lawyers; member of law and Bioethic observatory, uneSCo. He taught in various universities ... , luiSS Guido Carli, rome. He is the director of management and Public administration Policies, luiSS School of Government. He taight at the university of macerata, messina, milano Cattolica and Palermo. He was director of the School of journalism “mario Francesce” and director of Social Science, university of Palermo. He is member of Scientific Council, Bachelet Centre; Full; research Fellow and