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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Workshop I (100%)

    18-mar-2014 19.43.07

    Workshop I Gender, Generation, Migration, Family, Morocco CONVEGNO Sguardi di genere e sapere ... the cultural models of family that act in the socio-economic contexts in the Mediterranean area, aiming ... variables, gender relationships and the presence of women in family living spaces. In particular, contributions related to the following areas, will be selected: - Family history and working life ... Italy PAROLE CHIAVE: Gender, Generation, Migration, Family, Morocco ABSTRACT This contribution

  • 2. Workshop I ‒ I modelli culturali familiari e il ruolo delle donne nell’area che costeggia il Mediterraneo (94%)

    19-mar-2014 16.42.20

    il Mediterraneo Gender, Generation, Migration, Family, Morocco CONVEGNO Sguardi di genere e sapere ... models of family that act in the socio-economic contexts in the Mediterranean area, aiming ... variables, gender relationships and the presence of women in family living spaces. In particular, contributions related to the following areas, will be selected: - Family history and working life of women ... between Morocco and Italy PAROLE CHIAVE: Gender, Generation, Migration, Family, Morocco ABSTRACT

  • 3. Glossary_Global-ANSWER (82%)

    8-mag-2024 13.02.58

    distinguishes him or her from according to UNICEF, rests on three funda- the family group to which ... . ne in all the social spaces in which they develop, including the family, school, community and others ... who arrive as a family or accompanied by own development, which is why it is an adult, children who do not arrive as a family necessary to actively promote the de- but respond to a family migration ... of a family and, in all cases, to recognise main guarantor of the rights of children the child’s

  • 4. Guide-on-conceptual-and-methodological (77%)

    8-mag-2024 13.02.59

    family life; and the asylum and to obtain the recognition of a enforcement of habeas corpus and ... the free family members of third-country natio- movement of workers effective. One of the nals (Directive 2003/86/EC on the right rationales of EU policy in the field of migra- to family reunification ... . EU citizens in the EU ght to free movement and residence by EU citizens and their family members. Apart ... of “family mem- ted to the human mobility of citizens of EU ber” under secondary legislation (Directive

  • 5. verbale.ccs 1455 del 14_12_2021 (71%)

    4-apr-2024 17.50.10

    Il Consiglio non avendo nulla incontrario approva all'unamità e seduta stante. @font-face {font-family ... -pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif; mso-ascii-font ... -family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi; mso-fareast- language:EN-US;}.MsoChpDefault {mso-style-type:export-only; mso-default-props:yes; font-family:"Calibri" ... -font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme- font:minor

  • 6. cv prof. lazzarotti (68%)

    7-apr-2022 12.31.09

     Progetto di ricerca “Family Up” (2016/2017): progetto finanziato dall’Università LIUC ... di famiglia. Output finale: i) stesura libro collana LIUC “Family Up! Il giovane imprenditore ... sul mercato.  Da dicembre 2020, co-direttore di FABULA, laboratorio di ricerca LIUC sul Family ... innovation performance of family firms: exploring the role of family management”, Economia Aziendale ... .  The article PELLEGRINI L., LAZZAROTTI V. (2019), “How governance mechanisms in family firms impact

  • 7. h2020-manuale_amga_last (67%)

    26-lug-2017 17.17.11


    13-feb-2017 8.32.42

    adults had infringed their right to respect for their private and family life and amounted ... . On 26 November 2008 Law no. 3719/2008, entitled “Reforms concerning the family, children and ... a family with a maximum of legal, financial and social safeguards. The report also made reference ... -marital unions from the standpoint of the right to private and family life, and observed ... on the bill, referred in particular to the concept of family life, the content of which was not static

  • 9. PDW THEME (63%)

    9-mag-2019 15.41.31

    Development Workshop Proposal PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF MANAGEMENT IN FAMILY FIRMS Boston Marriott Copley ... , Family Business Review (FBR) has launched a special issue on Psychological Foundations of Management in Family Firms. Guest editors have called for papers that make use of psychological research and especially, research on the psychology of social relationships, to advance family business studies ... of Management in Family Firms. In order to appreciate the relevance and significance of the topic

  • 10. cv_laghi (60%)

    5-mar-2021 9.48.42

    ; Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health; Family Relations; Child & Family Social Work; Journal ... and Family Studies; International Archives of Addiction Research and Medicine; Frontiers-Section

  • 11. curriculum_PERA_ALESSANDRA (8) (59%)

    11-apr-2022 16.26.36

    duties of cash in family law; Editors: M.D. Panforti (Italia), A. Miranda (Italia), O. Roy (Francia), C ... di Palermo, dal titolo “Family Law: social and technological development and innovations ...   Socio della International Society of Family Law (ISFL) Socio della Associazione Italiana di Diritto ... per la ricerca di un modello efficiente, in Familia, vol. 4-5, 2006, pp. 901-929. 3. A. Pera, Family ... World Conference of the International Society of Family Law (ISFL) – Brigham Young University – Salt

  • 12. S.Tomaselli - Family Business (59%)

    17-set-2019 10.50.05

    Salvatore Tomaselli - FAMILY BUSINESS <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> Video Menu Home Advanced English M. Romeo Statistical Methods V. Muggeo Game Theory S. Modica ... Planning and Control S. Quarchioni Family Business S. Tomaselli Business Strategy M. Ruisi

  • 13. MEETING/A Scienze Politiche “The Common Core of European Family Law” (59%)

    8-mar-2013 13.55.19

    MEETING/A Scienze Politiche “The Common Core of European Family Law” unipa, portale, universita Venerdì 15 e sabato 16 febbraio, studiosi di tutta Europa saranno alla Facoltà di Scienze Politiche per prendere parte al III general meeting “The Common Core of European Family Law”. “Il meeting si svolgerà a Palermo – spiega il preside della facoltà Antonello Miranda - sia perché si vuole dare ... della International Society of Family law associazione che raccoglie a livello mondiale gli studiosi di diritto

  • 14. MEETING/A Scienze Politiche “The Common Core of European Family Law” (59%)

    8-mar-2013 13.55.21

    MEETING/A Scienze Politiche “The Common Core of European Family Law” unipa, portale, universita Venerdì 15 e sabato 16 febbraio, studiosi di tutta Europa saranno alla Facoltà di Scienze Politiche per prendere parte al III general meeting “The Common Core of European Family Law”. “Il meeting si svolgerà a Palermo – spiega il preside della facoltà Antonello Miranda - sia perché si vuole dare ... della International Society of Family law associazione che raccoglie a livello mondiale gli studiosi di diritto

  • 15. Il “DEMS” al 30° Congresso mondiale dell’International Society of Family Law (59%)

    29-ago-2023 10.09.43

    Il “DEMS” al 30° Congresso mondiale dell’International Society of Family Law articolo, notizia, unipa, upcoming, events, Conclusosi il 30° Congresso mondiale dell’International Society of Family Law, la più antica e importante associazione internazionale di studiosi del diritto di famiglia comparato, a cui ha partecipato l'Università degli Studi di Palermo con un gruppo di dodici tra professori ... dell’International Society of Family Law a cui ha partecipato UNIPA con un gruppo di dodici... /sites

  • 16. Succession Planning and Regeneration In family businesses for New Growth through an innovative training programme (56%)

    24-ago-2023 10.38.31

    Succession Planning and Regeneration In family businesses for New Growth through an innovative training programme articolo, notizia, unipa Abstract: The project's aim was to bring together universities and consulting/training firms, from multi-disciplinary backgrounds and with diverse experiences ... competitive Europe, through the regeneration of family businesses. Partners aimed to develop a practical and innovative training programme to facilitate family businesses become more profitable, competitive

  • 17. Aroldi (54%)

    12-ott-2017 17.09.12

    to draw a network of relationships that overlaps and intersects with family relations, sometimes ... sites, family and media, family relationships MEDIA EDUCATION – Studi, ricerche, buone pratiche ... -bonding e di bridging, ma risultino meno rilevanti rispetto a quelle di family-bonding. La prima ragione ... , mentre il family bonding consente di condividere emotivamente questo momento con gli altri membri ... rispetto a quella verticale, e a favorire il peer bonding e il bridging rispetto al family bonding

  • 18. corte edu 2014 (53%)

    13-feb-2017 8.38.38

    that her right to private and family life had been violated when the full recognition of her new gender ... had the possibility, by registering their relationship, to benefit from family-law protection ... are general provisions in the civil codes or family-law provisions stating that after a change ... to private and family life had been violated when the full recognition of her new gender was made ... of the Convention reads as follows: “1. Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family

  • 19. PDW List of organizers and panelist scholars (52%)

    9-mag-2019 12.47.50

    IN FAMILY FIRMS Boston Marriott Copley Place Simmons on Friday, Aug 9 2019, 1:00PM - 3:00PM HOME THEME ... & Family Business and Director of the Centre for Family Business Management at the Free University ... research focuses on innovation and strategic management of family enterprises. In September 2015, Family Capital ranked him among the world’s top 25 star professors for family business. He serves as Associate Editor of Family Business Review and his research has been published widely in leading

  • 20. O071 - CIG Z6A27622B3 - Abbonamento rivista (52%)

    24-mag-2019 11.02.31

    DEL’APPALTO II.1) Oggetto dell’appalto: Abbonamento Family law 2019 - ISSN 0014-7281. Mercato ... : Richiesta preventivo - Family law 2019 Oggetto: Richiesta preventivo - Family law 2019 Mittente: Daniela Costantini <> Data ... Family law (print) anno 2019 - ISSN 0014-7281 Il CIG di riferimento alla richiesta preventivo è ... , 09:37 Richiesta preventivo - Family law 2019 Oggetto: Richiesta preventivo - Family law 2019