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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. PROGETTO Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 (100%)

    14-mar-2022 14.56.48

    PROGETTO Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 darch, architettura, Smart Rehabilitation 3.0, Erasmus+ EU Project, Nell’ambito del Progetto Erasmus+ Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 (2019-1-ES01-KA203-065657) si terrà dal 20 al 24 Marzo 2022 a Barcellona, presso la Università Politecnica della Catalogna, lo Short-term joint staff training (C5) sull’innovazione tecnologica nel campo del recupero architettonico, finalizzata alla riabilitazione d’uso e all’abitabilità del costruito in area mediterranea

  • 2. Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Project (89%)

    3-giu-2022 10.42.37

    Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Project darch, architettura, Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Erasmus+ EU Project, Rehabilitation 3.0, Technological innovation in heritage buildings restoration/rehabilitation, eventidarch Nell’ambito del Progetto Erasmus+ Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 (2019-1-ES01-KA203-065657) si terrà dal 6 al 10 Giugno 2022 a Nicosia, presso la University of Cyprus, Department of Architecture, lo Short-term joint staff training (C8) sulla tradizione e sull’innovazione tecnologica nel campo

  • 3. Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Project - Corso intensivo di formazione (83%)

    18-set-2021 9.22.13

    Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Project - Corso intensivo di formazione darch, architettura, Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Erasmus+ EU Project, Rehabilitation 3.0, Technological innovation in heritage buildings restoration/rehabilitation, Short-term joint staff training Course, eventidarch Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Project 2019-1-ES01-KA203-065657 C6 - Short-term joint staff training in Technological innovation in heritage buildings restoration From 20th to 24th September 2021 UNIPA, Palermo, Italy Si terrà

  • 4. Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 - Corso intensivo di formazione (83%)

    20-ott-2021 12.03.05

    Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 - Corso intensivo di formazione darch, architettura, Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Erasmus+ EU Project, Rehabilitation 3.0, Technological innovation in heritage buildings restoration/rehabilitation, Short-term joint staff training Course Si terrà presso l'Università di Kaunas, dal 25 al 29 ottobre 2021 il Corso intensivo di formazione intitolato “C7 - Short-term joint staff training in Technological innovation in heritage buildings restoration” nell’ambito del progetto

  • 5. Meeting Erasmus Plus “Project Design Activities in progress and expected results” (77%)

    2-mar-2016 8.30.16

    Meeting Erasmus Plus “Project Design Activities in progress and expected results” students, Meeting, Erasmus Plus, Venerdì 4 marzo 2016, nella Chiesa di Sant’Antonio Abate allo Steri, avrà luogo il Meeting “Project Design Activities in progress and expected results”. L’iniziativa è prevista nell’ambito del programma Erasmus+ Program Higher education KA107 - International credit mobiity Grant ... Marcenò, Responsible Erasmus+ project LM-81 13.00 - Lunch 15.00 - Technical roundtable for administrative

  • 6. Meeting Erasmus Plus “Project Design Activities in progress and expected results” (77%)

    2-mar-2016 8.30.16

    Meeting Erasmus Plus “Project Design Activities in progress and expected results” students, Meeting, Erasmus Plus, Venerdì 4 marzo 2016, nella Chiesa di Sant’Antonio Abate allo Steri, avrà luogo il Meeting “Project Design Activities in progress and expected results”. L’iniziativa è prevista nell’ambito del programma Erasmus+ Program Higher education KA107 - International credit mobiity Grant ... Marcenò, Responsible Erasmus+ project LM-81 13.00 - Lunch 15.00 - Technical roundtable for administrative

  • 7. science (33%)

    18-ott-2021 9.43.32

  • 8. Programme-Guide (28%)

    8-mar-2013 17.33.54

  • 10. Erasmus Project (28%)

    21-mag-2021 9.11.21

    Erasmus Project promise, ostetricia, erasmus Erasmus Project 2021-2022 MARCO ANDREA COTTONE

  • 11. cv_freda-corretto (28%)

    8-apr-2021 13.35.33

    , finanziamento 2011, nell’ambito dei progetti EACEA – LLP – Erasmus Multilateral Project. Dal 2012

  • 12. Legal Reasoning and Cognitive Science_Syllabus (28%)

    4-ott-2021 15.26.31

    is connected with the Erasmus KA2 Project RECOGNISE - Legal Reasoning and Cognitive Science (https

  • 13. Esiti_CdD_18-09-2020 (28%)

    21-set-2020 7.55.34

    SI E’ DELIBERATO POSITIVAMENTE 10.Approvazione dell’Interim Report 18 mesi del progetto Erasmus+ SPRING (Project Number 601117-EPP-1-2018- 1-IT-EPPKA2-KA) – Responsabile Scientifico prof. Salvatore

  • 14. Outgoing Students (28%)

    19-nov-2017 20.00.38

    Biotechnologies and Molecular Medicine of the Università degli Studi di Palermo and I took part to the “Erasmus + Studio” project. From Febrary to July 2017 I was a student of the Univesitat Autonoma

  • 15. Legal reasoning and cognitive science.scheda.trasparenza_ENG (28%)

    2-gen-2023 10.20.49

    is connected with the Erasmus KA2 Project RECOGNISE - Legal Reasoning and Cognitive Science (https

  • 16. Legal reasoning and cognitive science_training program_ENG (28%)

    22-ott-2021 15.07.18

    is connected with the Erasmus KA2 Project RECOGNISE - Legal Reasoning and Cognitive Science (https

  • 17. curriculum vitae Inglese- Ines Ferrara (28%)

    16-nov-2018 11.24.57

    with scholarship at University of Gothenburg Erasmus PLUS Project- UNIPA Krefting Research

  • 18. présentation univ de monastir-tunisie (28%)

    23-apr-2014 9.43.26

    University of Monastir E-GOV-TN Erasmus Mundus Project – Tarak BOURAOUI © , Nantes 2013 REPUBLIC OF TUNISIA MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH * Presentation Founded in 2004 16 academic institutions 2 regions (Monastir, Mahdia) 26,098 students University of Monastir Monastir Mahdia * Missions Training Scientific research University of Monastir Technology transfer Employability International cooperation Mainly … … and more * Training

  • 19. Scheda LRCS 2023_24_ENG (28%)

    31-lug-2023 9.26.55

    with the Erasmus KA2 Project RECOGNISE - Legal Reasoning and Cognitive Science (https