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Ricerca avanzata per:

Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Siglato MOU con il College of Environmental Science and Engineering della Tongji University di Shanghai (100%)

    10-dic-2019 12.38.56

    Siglato MOU con il College of Environmental Science and Engineering della Tongji University di Shanghai articolo, notizia, unipa, Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, Cina, internazionalizzazione Un Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) tra l’Università degli Studi di Palermo e il College of Environmental Science and Engineering della Tongji University è stato siglato a Shanghai per promuovere la didattica e la ricerca scientifica nei settori del Water and Wastewater

  • 2. Siglato accordo per programma doppio titolo con la Tianjin Chengjian University (Cina) (62%)

    6-dic-2019 9.25.45

    Siglato accordo per programma doppio titolo con la Tianjin Chengjian University (Cina) articolo, notizia, unipa, doppio titolo, Tianjin, Cina, Environmental Science and Engineering Un accordo per l’avvio di un percorso di studi a doppio titolo in Environmental Science and Engineering è ... technologies for the environment”, curriculum “Environmental Science and Engineering”, (LM 35) di UniPa e il Master Degree Program in “Environmental Science and Engineering” della School of Environmental and

  • 3. Siglato accordo per la prima laurea doppio titolo con la Tianjin Chengjian University (Cina) (60%)

    6-dic-2019 9.24.00

    ) articolo, notizia, unipa, MIUR, Tianjin Chengjian University, doppio titolo, Environmental Science and Engineering, Cina, internazionalizzazione Un accordo per l’avvio di un percorso di studi a doppio titolo in Environmental Science and Engineering è stato siglato a Tianjin (Cina) tra l’Università degli ... “Environmental Science and Engineering”, (LM 35) di UniPa e il Master Degree Program in “Environmental Science and Engineering” della School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering della TCU, prevede

  • 4. cv cao (26%)

    8-gen-2018 12.36.08

    Coordinator of the International PhD program in Environmental Science and Engineering July 2000 ... program in Environmental Science and Engineering July 2000 – Mach 2015 Comune di Genova ... President of the Admission Committee for PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering October ... President of the Admission Committee for PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering May ... . 2003 President of the Admission Committee for PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering

  • 5. verbale 27-05-2020 (23%)

    3-set-2020 15.00.33

    Innovative Technologies for the Environment (curriculum in Environmental Science and Engineering (LM 35) per Unipa ed Environmental Science and Engineering of the School of Environmental and Municipal ... and Innovative Technologies for the Environment (curriculum in Environmental Science and Engineering ... Technologies for the Environment” (curriculum in Environmental Science and Engineering (LM 35) per Unipa ed “Environmental Science and Engineering of the School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering

  • 6. 289 07 11 2019 esiti (19%)

    11-nov-2019 12.06.19

    for the environment, curriculum in Environmental Science and Engineering (LM-35) dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo, il Master Degree Program in “Environmental Science and Engineering of the School ... di cooperazione tra l’Università degli Studi di Approvata Palermo e il College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai (Repubblica Popolare Cinese) 2 Piazza Marina

  • 7. 1244 07 11 2019 esiti (16%)

    11-nov-2019 12.06.53

    di Palermo Approvata e il College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai ... in Environmental Science and Engineering (LM-35) dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo, il Master Degree Program in “Environmental Science and Engineering of the School of Environmental and Municipal

  • 8. Annex 1 - Gdansk University of Technology LM 35 (16%)

    8-apr-2020 10.59.04

    Annex 1. 1. Study programme for a GDANSK Student enrolled in MSc Studies in Environmental Engineering wishing to obtain the Engineering and Innovative Technologies for the Environment” curriculum in Environmental Science and Engineering (LM35) at the UNIPA 1.1. List of Subjects to be taken at the HOME Institution Danzika STUDENT - Subjects at Danzika Name and Subject at the Home ... Technologies for the Environment” curriculum in Environmental Science and Engineering (LM35

  • 9. Supplementary Agreement Intern. Double Master s Agreement - Tianjin C. University - Eng (16%)

    26-gen-2021 10.12.58

    ” curriculum in Environmental Science and Engineering (LM35) at the UNIPA 1.1. List of Subjects ... “Engineering and Innovative Technologies for the Environment” curriculum in Environmental Science and Engineering (LM35) at UNIPA (see Annex). 2. For anything beyond this Supplementary Agreement

  • 10. Intern. Double Master s Agreement - Gdansk University of Technology LM 35 (16%)

    5-nov-2020 11.45.58

    Annex 1. 1. Study programme for a GDANSK Student enrolled in MSc Studies in Environmental Engineering wishing to obtain the Engineering and Innovative Technologies for the Environment” curriculum in Environmental Science and Engineering (LM35) at the UNIPA 1.1. List of Subjects to be taken at the HOME Institution Danzika STUDENT - Subjects at Danzika Name and Subject ... Technologies for the Environment” curriculum in Environmental Science and Engineering (LM35

  • 11. ALLEGATO_A_23_24_II_semestre (16%)

    25-set-2023 15.07.05

    University NA 5 6 for the environment, CINA UE curriculum in Environmental Science and Engineering LM-35 ... in Environmental Science and Engineering LM-35" 0519 : Biological Scienze e Tecnologie

  • 12. Supplementary Agreement International Agreement Double Master s Degree - Tianjin C. University (13%)

    26-gen-2021 10.23.21

    ” curriculum in Environmental Science and Engineering (LM35) at UNIPA (see Annex). 2. For anything beyond ... in Environmental Science and Engineering (LM35) at the UNIPA 1.1. List of Subjects to be taken

  • 13. Intern. Double Master s Agreement - Tianjin C. University - Unipa LM 35 (13%)

    26-gen-2021 10.24.32

    ” curriculum in Environmental Science and Engineering (LM35) at UNIPA (see Annex). 2. For anything beyond ... in Environmental Science and Engineering (LM35) at the UNIPA 1.1. List of Subjects to be taken

  • 14. cvcassiani-it (11%)

    17-apr-2020 10.26.50

  • 15. CvCassiani-IT (11%)

    22-apr-2020 14.19.47

  • 16. Progetti di Ricerca 2020 - (Research Projects Year 2020) (11%)

    12-mag-2021 13.50.38

    /05/2020 5 ANNI 6 Environmental Science and Engineering con la Babes-Bolay University of Cluj-Napoca

  • 17. Riconoscimenti internazionali per docente UniPa (11%)

    5-dic-2019 13.10.20

    in Environmental Science and Engineering. La cerimonia si è tenuta presso l’istituto di Tianjin (Cina

  • 18. 14.Esiti del CDD del 08.10.2019 (11%)

    13-feb-2020 10.57.55

    DELIBERATO POSITIVAMENTE 34. Proposta di accordo bilaterale tra il College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tonjii University, Shanghai – CINA e l’Università di Palermo; SI È DELIBERATO

  • 19. Seduta N.5 del 28 Maggio 2020 (11%)

    30-nov-2020 9.15.47

    di collaborazione scientifica non onerosa con la Facoltà di Environmental Science and Engineering

  • 20. cv_nm_may_2021 (11%)

    26-mag-2022 10.58.15

    (1991-2017) to Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Environmental Science and Engineering classes. 2