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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Early Career Researchers - Challenges, Support Measures and Strategies within the FORTHEM Alliance (100%)

    15-nov-2021 9.35.29

    online articolo, notizia, unipa, fit forthem, forthem, Early Career Researchers Martedì 16 novembre, dalle 9.15 alle 12.00, nell'ambito delle attività del progetto FIT FORTHEM, si tiene online il quinto incontro del ciclo di workshop in lingua inglese "Professional Research Management in Multicultural Exchange" dal titolo "Early Career Researchers - Challenges, Support Measures and ... . Visualizza il programma Early Career Researchers - Challenges, Support Measures and Strategies within

  • 2. Programma_Early Career Researchers (31%)

    15-nov-2021 9.30.21

    University of Latvia Early Career Researchers face a number of challenges during their ... of a university to support and prepare their early career researchers for these challenges as best ... to this event is the hope to further improve the conditions for our early career researchers ... will be on existing challenges in the support of early career researchers and how the FORTHEM partners ... GA No: 101017248 Agenda Early Career Researchers - Challenges, Support Measures

  • 3. Get fit for your future: the FIT FORTHEM online boot camp for early career researchers (31%)

    30-mag-2022 16.59.48

    Get fit for your future: the FIT FORTHEM online boot camp for early career researchers articolo, notizia, unipa, fit forthem FEDERICA PULEO /sites/portale/redazioneweb/.content/immagini/miniatura_2nd-FIT-Forthem-Boot-Camp.png /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/home_page/avvisi/

  • 4. Final_Report_merged_en (17%)

    8-mar-2013 14.10.16

    between supervisors and 2.25 early career researchers are fairly and efficiently handled Researcher’s ... researchers, including the early stage & early career researchers is actively promoted 426 ... between supervisors and early career researchers are fairly and efficiently handled 95 Gender balance

  • 5. (12%)

    8-mar-2013 14.10.13

    activities 3.02 - Autonomy and creativity of all researchers, including the early stage & early career researchers is actively promoted 1.05 - The R.I. makes sure that the overall potential

  • 6. Objectives (12%)

    19-mag-2022 11.07.41

    download Download Event flyer Publishing across Disciplinary Boundaries: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges articolo, notizia, unipa, Publishing across Disciplinary Boundaries: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges EARLY SCHOLARS WORKSHOP EMANUELA MIRAGLIA Objectives articolo, notizia, unipa The workshop aims to provide early career researchers with the opportunity to elaborate on the benefits and controversies of publishing high-quality interdisciplinary studies. Over the last years

  • 7. Target & Topics (12%)

    19-mag-2022 10.50.57

    download Download Event flyer Publishing across Disciplinary Boundaries: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges articolo, notizia, unipa, Publishing across Disciplinary Boundaries: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges EARLY SCHOLARS WORKSHOP EMANUELA MIRAGLIA Target & Topics articolo, notizia, unipa The workshop is open to early career scholars (i.e., Ph.D. students in their final stage of the Ph.D. program and early career researchers) developing interdisciplinary research

  • 8. Objectives (12%)

    19-mag-2022 10.54.15

    Objectives articolo, notizia, unipa The workshop aims to provide early career researchers with the opportunity to elaborate on the benefits and controversies of publishing high-quality interdisciplinary studies. Over the last years, growing calls for more interdisciplinarity have proliferated hugely in management, organisation, marketing, and accounting research, which are traditionally intertwined areas in the business field due to their behavioural, social, and institutional dimensions. Young

  • 9. Target & Topics (12%)

    19-mag-2022 10.55.53

    Target & Topics articolo, notizia, unipa The workshop is open to early career scholars (i.e., Ph.D. students in their final stage of the Ph.D. program and early career researchers) developing interdisciplinary research on themes of interest that can include (not exhaustively): Business Ethics, Sustainability, and Social Innovation; Corporate Governance and Control in Family Firms; Cultural and Sociological Approaches to Market Dynamics; Forms and Social Dynamics of Organisational

  • 10. Publishing_across_Disciplinary_Boundaries_FLYER (12%)

    19-mag-2022 10.58.58

    Publishing across Disciplinary Boundaries Theoretical and Methodological Challenges Early Scholars Workshop Palermo, 8-9 September 2022 Workshop Conveners Pasquale Massimo Picone Sonia Quarchioni Faculty Members Daniela Argento, Kristianstad University (Sweden) Gerardo Patriotta, University of Warwick (UK) Giuseppe Pedeliento, University of Bergamo (Italy) Objectives The workshop aims to provide early career researchers with the opportunity to elaborate on the benefits and

  • 11. “GET fit FOR YOUR FUTURE”: il boot camp dedicato ai ricercatori ad inizio carriera (12%)

    6-mag-2022 7.53.49

    » Visualizza il programma CLAUDIO RUOCCO /sites/portale/_categories/articolo/

  • 13. Current Projects (12%)

    8-mar-2022 10.40.23

    rights and food sovereignty. - 1 training course on food sovereignty for early career researchers; - 1

  • 14. Post-doctoral Scholarship "Roberto Camagni" - 1st Edition (12%)

    22-feb-2024 13.15.11

    Post-doctoral Scholarship "Roberto Camagni" - 1st Edition articolo, notizia, unipa The Italian section of the Regional Science Association International (AISRe) supports the development of early career researchers (scholars younger than 35 years and who have received their PhD certificate no more than three before the application deadline) by granting a scholarship for a research visiting period in a hosting research institution in the European (EU27 + UK) territory. The scholarship

  • 15. Call for participants_ ISP Palermo 2024 (12%)

    12-gen-2024 12.25.42

    (University of Palermo). Attendance is open to students, PhD students and early career researchers. If

  • 16. Call for Participants_ISP Palermo (12%)

    6-nov-2023 12.00.02

    students and early career researchers. If you are interested, please reach out

  • 17. Fattori Prof CV (10%)

    7-apr-2020 9.06.41

    techniques for early career researchers and higher degree students, School of Biomedical Sciences, Monash

  • 18. Publishing Connect Workshop Palermo March 2015 (10%)

    17-apr-2015 9.03.14

    :// Elsevier Publishing Campus live from end April 2015

  • 19. FINAL PROGRAM GELSTRAT 2021 (10%)

    30-ago-2021 12.19.24

    . Participation of early career researchers is welcomed and encouraged. The field workshop aims


    1-set-2021 10.34.18

    . Participation of early career researchers is welcomed and encouraged. The field workshop aims