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1. ERC Grant Boot Camp - Strategies for Success (100%)
5-feb-2025 12.59.29Ed. 14 - Campus UniPa articolo, notizia, unipa, evento, alleanza FORTHEM, ERC grant, ricercatori Da martedì 25 a giovedì 27 febbraio, nell’Aula 1.4 dell’Edificio 14 (Campus di Viale delle Scienze) si tiene l’ERC Grant Boot Camp. L’iniziativa, organizzata dall’Università degli Studi di Palermo nell’ambito delle attività dell’Alleanza FORTHEM, si propone di supportare i ricercatori ... dedicata ERC Grant Boot Camp - Strategies for Success FEDERICA PULEO /sites/portale/redazioneweb
2. ERC Grant Boot Camp: Strategies for Success (47%)
5-feb-2025 14.50.54ERC Grant Boot Camp: Strategies for Success articolo, notizia, unipa, forthem, ricercatori, L'Università degli Studi di Palermo nell’ambito dell’Alleanza FORTHEM organizza l’ERC Grant Boot Camp, un evento pensato per supportare i ricercatori nella preparazione di una proposta per il bando ERC. L’evento si svolgerà interamente in lingua inglese dal 25 al 27 febbraio 2025 e offrirà ... da beneficiari esperti di ERC Grant; L’iniziativa è aperta ai ricercatori Unipa e delle universitÃ
3. 2_PPT ERC (26%)
10-mag-2013 12.29.11bridging gap between research - earliest stage of marketable innovation up to €150,000 for ERC grant holders ERC Grant schemes Consolidator Grants consolidators (7-12 years after PhD) up to € 2.75 ... competitive: Average success rate 12% │ * ERC grant distribution to countries of HI ERC Starting and ... to help ERC grant-holder to bridge the gap between their research and the earliest stage ... Proof of Concept │ * PoC scheme was introduced in 2011 to allow researchers who are already ERC grant
4. Bollettino Bandi 2023-08 (18%)
21-lug-2023 10.17.40-2023 Il 20 settembre 2023 si terrà l’evento online ERC grant competitions 2024. Durante ... of di città Concept Evento: ERC Grant Competition 25 26 27 28 29 30 Boosting
5. allegato1_english (12%)
11-apr-2022 12.30.20______ ERC Grant Type (for ERC grants only) ___________ requirement d) of art. 2 of this notice
6. allegato_1_english_modified (12%)
12-apr-2022 8.41.06code______________ start date ______ end date ______ ERC Grant Type (for ERC grants only) ___________ requirement
7. Esiti CdA - 23/07/2013 (12%)
3-set-2013 16.19.00entrata e maggiore spesa-Progetto denominato BRIDGE ERC Grant Agreement n. 305377 presentato
8. 5349_application_form__english_2023 (12%)
3-ago-2023 11.52.29______ end date ______ ERC Grant Type (for ERC grants only) ___________ requirement d) of art. 2
9. 5349_application_form__english_2023.doc (12%)
1-ago-2023 14.57.29entitled______________identification code______________ start date ______ end date ______ ERC Grant Type (for ERC grants
10. Bollettino Bandi 2023-09 (12%)
15-set-2023 13.55.46Evento: ERC Grant Competition 25 26 27 28 29 30 Boosting Digital Skills of young
11. tracce prova orale digi (12%)
11-set-2024 13.14.55della qualità della terza missione dipartimentale; - ERC grant schemes; - Inserimento
13. 7 PQ_IDEAS ott 2012 (11%)
8-mar-2013 17.37.12Initiated to help ERC grant-holder to bridge the gap between their research and the earliest stage
14. unipa_piano strategico_21-23_inglese_web (11%)
13-apr-2023 10.31.25of attractiveness for ERC grant as a result of the strategic policies imple- winners mented • Limited
15. Verbale Collegio Revisori 554 23 07 2013 om contrattaz (11%)
5-set-2013 10.00.25per maggiore entrata e maggiore spesa-Progetto denominato BRIDGE ERC Grant Agreement n. 305377 presentato
16. 1° numero_bollettino -iniziative di ricerca (11%)
22-mag-2019 10.35.31unconventional and innovative approaches. The Proof of Concept European Research Council - Grants are for ERC grant holders who want to check the market and/or innovation 19/09/2019 ERC – H2020  potential
17. Presentazione_11_07_19 (11%)
29-lug-2019 10.31.59- earliest stage of marketable innovation up to €150,000 for ERC grant holders Elementi chiave
18. bollettino_3_ luglio 2019 (11%)
10-lug-2019 14.32.14Research Council - Grants are for ERC grant holders who want to check the market and/or innovation 19
19. presentazione_luglio_2019 (11%)
26-giu-2019 10.28.42- earliest stage of marketable innovation up to €150,000 for ERC grant holders Elementi chiave
20. Presentazione_apre (11%)
19-set-2024 9.19.00- earliest stage of marketable innovation up to €150,000 for ERC grant holders Elementi chiave