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Ricerca avanzata per:

Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Current students (100%)

    20-nov-2018 21.46.40

    Current students Current students, dottorato, unipa Name Surname E-mail Nationality Cycle Research area Vincenzo Giuseppe Genova Italian XXXIV Statistics Chiara Di Maria Italian XXXIV Statistical methods Salvatore Polizzi Italian XXXIII Financial Economics – Banking and Financial Services Pietro Vassallo Italian XXXII Big data analytics; Network analysis; Data Science; Statistical

  • 2. Current Students (100%)

    20-nov-2018 22.08.02

    Current Students Current Students, dottorato, unipa GIOVANNI BOSCAINO


    3-set-2018 11.13.06


  • 4. McKinsey & Company - Proud Leaders & Diversity Connect (9%)

    18-gen-2022 13.23.16

    McKinsey & Company - Proud Leaders & Diversity Connect leadership, McKinsey, ingegneria gesstionale, unipa We are happy to share an exclusive McKinsey event designed to inspire early stage career professionals and current students and help shape their personal leadership style. Application deadline is January 30, 2022 For more information, visit: MARIANGELA PIAZZA /sites/portale/_categories/comunicatostampa/

  • 5. McKinsey & Company - Proud Leaders & Diversity Connect (9%)

    18-gen-2022 13.34.16

    McKinsey & Company - Proud Leaders & Diversity Connect leadership, ingegneria gestionale, McKinsey, unipa We are happy to share an exclusive McKinsey event designed to inspire early stage career professionals and current students and help shape their personal leadership style. Application deadline is January 30th 2022. For more information, visit: MARIANGELA PIAZZA /sites/portale/_categories/comunicatostampa/

  • 6. Stakeholder consultation (9%)

    4-nov-2023 0.29.53

    , various dedicated events have been organized during which faculty and current students

  • 7. Events and initiatives (9%)

    4-nov-2023 0.41.46

    who have successfully entered the workforce meet with all current students to share their experiences

  • 8. Events and initiatives (9%)

    4-nov-2023 20.20.39

    who have successfully entered the workforce meet with all current students to share their experiences

  • 9. Events and initiatives (9%)

    26-ott-2023 14.05.00

    who have successfully entered the workforce meet with all current students to share their experiences

  • 10. Stakeholders (9%)

    8-mag-2024 19.09.48

    , various dedicated events have been organized during which faculty and current students

  • 11. 2021-07-09 Tirocini LM-90 (8%)

    29-lug-2021 10.12.17

    at their Geneva headquarters for current students and recent graduates, helping them develop their

  • 12. 2021-07-09 Tirocini LM-90 (8%)

    29-lug-2021 10.12.17

    at their Geneva headquarters for current students and recent graduates, helping them develop their

  • 13. Application Form (Part B) (7%)

    19-mar-2024 14.52.32

    to: i) alumni of the former Erasmus Mundus GLITEMA Master Degree; ii) current students and alumni