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1. 3670 allegato rtda-19-profili_en (100%)
7-set-2022 12.27.28) Location of the Department of Cultures and Societies and Department of research activity: Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement Location of the Department of Cultures and Societies ... of Cultures and Societies Location of the Department of Economics, Business and Statistics – teaching activity: Department of Cultures and Societies Scientific The research activities are consistent ... of Agrigento) Location of the Department of Cultures and Societies (campus of research activity
2. bando-rtdb_79 posti-piano-straord2 _en_al (80%)
21-mag-2021 9.23.37of publications: 15 DEPARTMENT OF CULTURES AND SOCIETIES Italian Competition Sector S.C. 10/B1 ... Societies Palermo Place of employment for the Educational activities: Department of Cultures and ... of Cultures and Societies Palermo Place of employment for the Educational activities: Department of Cultures ... of employment for the research activities: Department of Cultures and Societies Palermo Place of employment for the Educational activities: Department of Cultures and Societies Foreign language Knowledge
3. bando_25 rtda_en_al (78%)
22-giu-2021 10.08.09the resolutions issued by Departments of Cultures and Societies; Law; Engineering; Maths and Computer Sciences ... : DEPARTMENT OF CULTURES AND SOCIETIES Italian Competition Sector: S.C. 12/A1 Private Law 1 vacancy ... : Department of Cultures and Societies; Siege of Didactic activities: Department of Cultures and ... Siege of the research activities: Department of Cultures and Societies; Siege of Didactic activities: Department of Cultures and Societies; Foreign language Knowledge: English Max number
4. bando - rtda-innovazione_en_al (73%)
11-ott-2021 14.37.09by the Departments of Cultures and Societies; Architecture; Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced ... on innovation topics" DEPARTMENT OF CULTURES AND SOCIETIES - Italian National University Council ... of Cultures and Societies; - Siege of Didactic activities: Department of Cultures and Societies; - Max ... Societies; - Siege of Didactic activities: Department of Cultures and Societies; - Max number ... station - Siege of the research activities: Department of Cultures and Societies; - Siege of Didactic
5. Germania (72%)
22-ott-2024 11.18.56Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg - Department of Cultures and Societies LM 15: Ancient philology ... of Cultures and Societies LM 85: Pedagogical Sciences Agreement Study Programm LM 85 email: giuseppina.daddelfio@unipa.it Georg August Universität Göttingen - Department of Cultures and Societies LM 2 ... - email: claudio.luparello@unipa.it Universität Hamburg: UHH - Department of Cultures and Societies LM-15 ... - Department of Cultures and Societies LM-15 - Ancient philology, literature and history Agreement
6. bando - rtda-green_en_al (68%)
11-ott-2021 14.37.09of Cultures and Societies; Architecture; Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced Diagnostics ... " DEPARTMENT OF CULTURES AND SOCIETIES - Italian National University Council (CUN) Field: 10 ... station - Siege of the research activities: Department of Cultures and Societies; - Siege of Didactic activities: Department of Cultures and Societies; - Max number of publications: 12 - Foreign ... of the research activities: Department of Cultures and Societies; - Siege of Didactic activities
7. Agreement Integrated course of study (PIS) - EXTRA EU - Tunisia (65%)
22-mar-2021 12.33.37Tunisia articolo, notizia, unipa 1 of 6 Universitè de Tunis Department of Cultures and Societies LM 2: Archeology Agreement Study program LM 2 Contacts +3909123899455 email: chiara.portale@unipa.it 2 ... email: maurizio.carta@unipa.it 4 of 6 Université de Tunis el Manar Department of Cultures and Societies LM 59 ... of Cultures and Societies LM 81: Cooperation and Development New Agreement Agreement Study program LM ... Department of Cultures and Societies LM 92: Communication Theory New Agreement Agreement Study program LM
8. Percorso Integrato di Studi (PIS) (65%)
3-lug-2024 16.57.58de Tunis - Department of Cultures and Societies LM 2: Archeology - Study program LM 2 Agreement ... - Department of Cultures and Societies LM 59 - Advertising and communication for the public and ... @unipa.it Université de Tunis el Manar - Department of Cultures and Societies LM 81: Cooperation and ... @unipa.it Université de Tunis el Manar - Department of Cultures and Societies LM 92: Communication
9. Percorso Integrato di Studi (PIS) (65%)
3-lug-2024 17.01.34de Tunis - Department of Cultures and Societies LM 2: Archeology - Study program LM 2 Agreement ... - Department of Cultures and Societies LM 59 - Advertising and communication for the public and ... @unipa.it Université de Tunis el Manar - Department of Cultures and Societies LM 81: Cooperation and ... @unipa.it Université de Tunis el Manar - Department of Cultures and Societies LM 92: Communication
10. Tunisia (65%)
21-dic-2022 11.36.11- email: marco.didonato@unipa.it Universitè de Tunis - Department of Cultures and Societies LM 2: Archeology ... @unipa.it Université de Tunis el Manar - Department of Cultures and Societies LM 59 - Advertising and ... +3909123897911 - email: marilena.macaluso@unipa.it Université de Tunis el Manar - Department of Cultures and Societies LM 81: Cooperation and Development - Study program LM 81 New Agreement - Agreement Contacts ... and Societies LM 92: Communication Theory - Study program LM 92 New Agreement - Agreement Contacts
11. annex1 tecnologo culture e società itserr_en (65%)
16-nov-2023 7.21.00) Category D3 Duration 18 months (renewable) Location of the Department of Cultures and Societies ... of Cultures and Societies research activity: Qualifications for LM-15 PHILOLOGY, LITERATURES AND HISTORY ... of the Department of Cultures and Societies research activity: Qualifications for LM-18 – Computer ... ) Category D3 Duration 18 months (renewable) Location of the research Department of Cultures and Societies activity: Qualifications for access LM-19 INFORMATION AND PUBLISHING SYSTEMS LM‐43
12. en_bando 26 posti associati art. 18_ c. 1-2019_en (62%)
9-lug-2019 14.32.05-ANT/07 Classical archaeology Place of employment: Department of Cultures and Societies Palermo ... : Department of Cultures and Societies - Palermo Tasks - scientific and educational commitment ... of Philosophy Place of employment: Department of Cultures and Societies - Palermo Tasks - scientific and ... of the Departments of Architecture; Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced Diagnostics; Cultures and ... Departments of: ARCHITECTURE BIOMEDICINE, NEUROSCIENCES AND ADVANCED DIAGNOSTICS CULTURES AND
13. bozza bando tecnologi itserr_en_def (62%)
16-nov-2023 7.21.00/2023 of the Director of the Department of Cultures and Societies with which, given the continuing ... of the Department of Cultures and Societies with which, given the continuing need to fill the positions ... positions for 18 months, to be allocated to the Department of Cultures and Societies to support ... to the Department of Cultures and Societies with profile and admission requirement as indicated in Attachment 1 ... , Experts, Connections and Centers) project, PI prof. Fabrizio D'Avenia – Department of Cultures and
14. 5521138 bando_pnrr-innovarisi_prof.ssa d'agostino_en (62%)
11-dic-2024 10.36.17the note from the Director of the Department of Cultures and Societies, received on 29/07/2024 ... at the Department of Cultures and Societies, in scope of the INNOVARISI project; HAVING RECOGNIZED ... PER LA RICERCA U.O. ASSEGNI DI RICERCA - Department of Cultures and Societies ... with the University of Palermo, through the STeBiCeF Department (leader) and the Department of Cultures and ... and Societies n. 7916/2024 – prot. n. 131314 of 08/05/24 which established the acceptance
15. Tunisia (56%)
13-feb-2024 10.53.02of Cultures and Societies LM 59 - Advertising and communication for the public and private sectors Agreement ... el Manar - Department of Cultures and Societies LM 81: Cooperation and Development New Agreement ... de Tunis el Manar - Department of Cultures and Societies LM 92: Communication Theory New Agreement
16. 2507_bando 22 posti ordinari art. 18_ c.1_en (55%)
2-lug-2021 8.45.02of Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced Diagnostics, Cultures and Societies; Surgical, Oncological and ... RECLUTAMENTO E SELEZIONI CONTEST N. 5 - Departments of CULTURES AND SOCIETIES PEDAGOGICAL, PHYSICAL ... : M-STO/02 – Modern History Place of employment: Department of Cultures and Societies Tasks ... – Philosophy and Theory of languages Place of employment: Department of Cultures and Societies Tasks
17. bando-15-posti-associati-art-18_c1_en (55%)
21-feb-2020 10.55.53of Cultures and Societies - Palermo Tasks - scientific and educational commitment: those relating ... of the Departments of Architecture; Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced Diagnostics; Cultures and Societies; Political and International Relations Sciences; Surgical, Oncological and Oral Sciences ... Hospital Max number of publications: 20 Foreign language Knowledge: English CULTURES AND ... Didactic Scientific sector: L-ANT/02 Greek History Place of employment: Department of Cultures and
18. 2796_en_bando_5-tecnologi_pnrr (55%)
21-apr-2023 8.42.15, to be assigned to the Department of Cultures and Societies; HAVING CONSIDERED that for this procedure ... of the Department of Cultures and Societies no. 23, issued on 13/02/2023, with which it has been requested ... RESILIENCE, to be assigned to the Department of Cultures and Societies; GIVEN the resolution no. 05/06 ... , economic position D3, to be assigned to the Department of Cultures and Societies; HAVING CONSIDERED
19. bando associati-art.18 -c4_5-posti_en_final (48%)
16-lug-2019 10.06.32of the Departments of Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced Diagnostics; Cultures and Societies; Surgical ... RECLUTAMENTO E SELEZIONI DEPARTMENT OF CULTURES AND SOCIETIES Vacancy n. 1 Italian National ... : Department of Cultures and Societies Palermo Tasks - scientific and educational commitment: those
20. bando 17 posti associati art. 18_ c. 1_en (48%)
14-set-2020 13.40.44; Cultures and Societies; Political and International Relations Sciences; Surgical, Oncological and Oral ... BIOMEDICINE, NEUROSCIENCES AND ADVANCED DIAGNOSTICS CULTURES AND SOCIETIES POLITICAL SCIENCES ... sector: L-LIN/13: German Literature Place of employment: Department of Cultures and Societies Palermo