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Ricerca avanzata per:

Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage (100%)

    25-lug-2014 11.27.28

    Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage Journal, Conservation Science, Cultural Heritage Il Dipartimento STEBICEF è sponsor scientifico del Journal Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage (CSCH) - Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage is an international peer reviewed historic-technical ... STEBICEF è sponsor scientifico del Journal Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage (CSCH) - Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage is an international peer reviewed historic-technical journal which

  • 2. Seconda Conferenza Internazionale “Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage”. (74%)

    29-nov-2017 10.41.46

    Seconda Conferenza Internazionale “Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage”. articolo, notizia, Green Conservation, Cultural Heritage Nei giorni del 16 e 17 Novembre 2017, nelle splendide cornici dell’Istituto I.E.ME.S.T. (Istituto Mediterraneo di Scienza e Tecnologia) e dell’Orto Botanico di Palermo (Università degli Studi di Palermo), si è svolta la Seconda Conferenza Internazionale “Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage”. pdf locandina

  • 3. International Program on World Cultural Heritage Studies 2018 - Summer program "Monitoring the historic buildings" (74%)

    7-set-2018 13.54.24

    Orto Botanico, via Lincoln 2 38.113403 13.372664900000018 International Program on World Cultural Heritage Studies 2018 - Summer program "Monitoring the historic buildings" articolo, notizia, unipa, International Program on World Cultural Heritage Studies 2018, "Monitoring the historic buildings" L'Orto Botanico di Palermo ospiterà l'International Program on World Cultural ... specifiche nel campo scientifico/tecnologico del World Cultural Heritage ed in particolare

  • 4. Workshop internazionale: "Palermo: Cultural Heritage, Migration and Sustainable Development" (69%)

    15-giu-2018 9.26.38

    Workshop internazionale: "Palermo: Cultural Heritage, Migration and Sustainable Development" articolo, notizia, unipa, Workshop internazionale: "Palermo: Cultural Heritage, Migration and Sustainable Development" Lo sviluppo di strategie innovative per la promozione del patrimonio culturale e di forme di turismo sostenibile sarà al centro del workshop internazionale: "Palermo: Cultural Heritage, Migration and Sustainable Development". Da lunedì 18 a sabato 30

  • 5. Atti "Diagnostic for Cultural Heritage" (65%)

    25-giu-2014 12.58.11

    Diagnostics for Cultural Heritage: ANALYTICAL APPROACH FOR AN EFFECTIVE CONSERVATION ... FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE: ANALYTICAL APPROACH FOR AN EFFECTIVE CONSERVATION” Palermo – 10 Giugno 2013 ... for Cultural Heritage: Analty ical Approah c For An eEff ctive Conservation, tenutosi a Palermo il 10 giug ... di conservazione. Il workshop Diagnostics for Cultural Heritage: Analytical Approach For An Effective ... of the Cultural Heritage of the Mediterranean Cities. Balkema Publishers, Sevilla (2002) From 437 to 441

  • 6. CV Eng (45%)

    21-feb-2014 12.20.05

    CV Eng DICAM, ING-IND/22, Cultural Heritage I’m a researcher in the field of material science, particularly in the application of material science to the conservation and restoration of Cultural Heritage, and to the formulation and characterization of hydraulic mortars based on air hardening lime. In the recent years I focused my attention on the diagnostics and characterization of materials ... Restoration of Cultural Heritage, the second is “Characterization of Building Materials” in the degree

  • 7. InFolio nr 40 - dicembre 2022 (43%)

    17-apr-2023 11.48.26

    di dialogo e di preservation of our cultural heritage. incontro rivolto soprattutto ai giovani ... Martì Ciriquian, from Universidad qualities of cultural heritage in the examined areas de Alicante ... del patrimonio cultural y la infraestructura verde of cultural heritage from design scenarios ... , where the enhancement of cultural heritage constitutes a strong economic potential for development. The focus on such ... by the EC Tools, local cultural heritage with the aim of assessing the as a methodological approach

  • 8. cv_campana (40%)

    14-apr-2021 10.06.53

    Cultural Heritage, under the auspices of UNESCO and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. I was invited ... at the University of Siena, ATS Ldt, aimed at technology transfer for Cultural Heritage. From September ... Cultural Heritage, engaged in teaching and research. Position  2018 - Achieved the National ... of History and Cultural Heritage. 2003-2006 Contract professor, Dept. of Archaeology and History ... , area Culture and Cultural Heritage, of the department for higher education and research, for the new

  • 10. Schede_1_31 (38%)

    6-lug-2022 9.49.35

    of safeguarding monumental assets and the architectural and cultural heritage of which the Sicilian territory

  • 11. iHERITAGE: ICT Mediterranean platform for UNESCO cultural heritage (35%)

    6-mar-2021 17.09.39

    iHERITAGE: ICT Mediterranean platform for UNESCO cultural heritage progetto, ricerca, beni culturali, Presentazione dei LIVING LAB del progetto ENI CBC MED "iHERITAGE: ICT Mediterranean platform for UNESCO cultural heritage" L'evento di presentazione dei Living Lab è finalizzato ad illustrare le attività che si prevedono al fine di implementare la valorizzazione e migliorare ... for UNESCO cultural heritage" 8 marzo 2021 - ore 9.00 /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/primo_piano/

  • 12. Materials Section (33%)

    16-giu-2015 17.17.56

    Materials Section Materials, Cultural Heritage, Composite materials, Polymeric and bio-polymeric nanocomposites, Semiconductors, High k materials, Research, Dicam The Materials Section of DICAM includes several research groups mainly involved in the fields of Material Science and Technology and Applied Physical Chemistry, with specific competences in the structure and properties of materials ... are active in the fields of Conservation and Restoration of Buildings and Cultural Heritage, of corrosion

  • 13. Project Cultural Heritage (32%)

    8-mar-2013 17.36.40

    CULTURAL HERITAGE OBJETIVES: Schools, Institutions and Educational centers can promote its cultural patrimony of their region, through the dissemination of cultural heritage (dance, folklore, art, cuisine, music, crafts, movies, etc. ) in Valencia, Spain for at least a week. In addition for students and teachers it is an international experience. WHAT WE PROVIDE Instalations: We have installations where you can promote your performance (for example: exhibitions, music events

  • 14. Cultural Heritage project - Valencia Spagna (31%)

    8-mar-2013 17.36.40

    Cultural Heritage project - Valencia Spagna unipa, portale, universita Associazione degli imprenditori del turismo e del commercio nella Comunità Valenciana L'Associazione degli Imprenditori del turismo e del commercio della Comunità Valenciana organizza attività ed eventi per la promozione della cultura europea regionale (gastronomia, eventi d'arte, degustazione di locali prodotti, folklore ... Cultural Heritage Project Association of Entrepreneurs in the Tourism and Commerce in the Valencian

  • 15. Settembre 2020 - Workshop online The Heritage of Walking (30%)

    2-nov-2022 11.12.38

    Settembre 2020 - Workshop online The Heritage of Walking Heritage-Making, webinar, Cultural Heritage, Terza Missione, studenti, NEET The Heritage of Walking. Workshop sulle Passeggiate patrimoniali alla luce della Convenzione Quadro del Consiglio d’Europa sul valore del Patrimonio culturale per la Società (Faro 2005) Il workshop sulle “Passeggiate patrimoniali” prevede l’intervento di studenti, giovani laureati, dottorandi, dottori di ricerca dell’Ateneo palermitano. Le varie proposte

  • 16. cv_brumana (30%)

    30-mag-2023 11.08.20

    to multi-dimension Cultural Heritage domain; algorithms implementation, deep learning applied ... . students in Geodesy and Geomatics (5 credits), GIS for cultural Heritage. 16/10/1995–31/08/2001 ... restoration. Cultural heritage: challenges, new perspectives and technology innovation. Toward informative ... , P., Doulamis, A., Martins, J., Wallace, M. (Eds.). Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage ... paper EUROMED 2016 EuroMed 2016 Euromed Digital heritage: progress in cultural heritage documentation

  • 17. Subjects in English A.Y. 2017-2018 - Second Year (30%)

    8-nov-2017 13.04.34


  • 18. Restani Curriculum vitae (29%)

    2-apr-2020 16.40.07

    of Bologna, School of Arts, Humanities, and Cultural Heritage, Campus of Ravenna ACADEMIC POSITIONS ... of Cultural Heritage — Campus of Ravenna 2000-2015 Associate Professor of Musicology and Musical Heritage, University of Bologna, Department of Cultural Heritage — Campus of Ravenna RESEARCH COMMITTEES AND ... European Project Culture 2000, Images of Music - A Cultural Heritage - Scientific contributions ... for Greek and Roman Music and Its Cultural Heritage, 2006 Co-founding member

  • 19. Programma HWU 2023 (29%)

    20-ott-2023 14.01.04

    universitario 8 novembre Migrazioni e Creatività e CAMPUS ED. 19 Cittadinanza Cultural Heritage Introduce ... innovation on cultural heritage and CCIs Aula 11 Europe’s cultural heritage and arts & promoting ... CLUSTER 2 Research and innovation on cultural heritage and CCIs Aula 11 Europe’s cultural heritage and ... Cittadinanza Cultural Heritage Introduce: Giusto Picone Aula 11 KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Maurizio Bettini ... HORIZON EUROPE CLUSTER 2 Research and innovation on cultural heritage and CCIs Aula 11 Europe’s

  • 20. Programma HWU 2023 vers 30_10 (29%)

    31-ott-2023 9.34.38

    Research and innovation on cultural heritage and CCIs Aula 11 Europe’s cultural heritage and arts ... . 19 Cittadinanza Cultural Heritage Introduce: Giusto Picone Aula 11 KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Maurizio ... di Palermo HORIZON EUROPE CLUSTER 2 Research and innovation on cultural heritage and CCIs Aula 11 Europe’s cultural heritage and arts e promoting our values 17.10-18.00 at home and abroad Modera: Aurelio ... e Creatività e CAMPUS ED. 19 Cittadinanza Cultural Heritage Introduce: Giusto Picone Aula 11