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  • 1. cv_rubini (100%)

    14-apr-2021 10.47.56

    Categorization CHILD DEVELOPMENT Albarello F, Crocetti E., Rubini M. (2019). I and Us: A Longitudinal ... Categorization. THE JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, vol. -, p. 1-13, ISSN: 0022-4545, doi: 10.1080 ... : Multiple categorization and social identity complexity as antecedents of health equality. GROUP ... ., (2016). Humanizing Outgroups Through Multiple Categorization: The Roles of Individuation and ... Prati F, Menegatti M, Rubini M (2015). The Beneficial Role of Multiple Categorization and

  • 2. cv prof. rubini (100%)

    7-apr-2022 12.41.35

    Categorization CHILD DEVELOPMENT Albarello F, Crocetti E., Rubini M. (2019). I and Us: A Longitudinal ... Categorization. THE JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, vol. -, p. 1-13, ISSN: 0022-4545, doi: 10.1080 ... : Multiple categorization and social identity complexity as antecedents of health equality. GROUP ... ., (2016). Humanizing Outgroups Through Multiple Categorization: The Roles of Individuation and ... Prati F, Menegatti M, Rubini M (2015). The Beneficial Role of Multiple Categorization and

  • 3. cv_sebe (99%)

    8-apr-2021 13.35.36

    and Machine Intelligence, Special Issue on Fine-grained Visual Categorization (together with J

  • 4. mario pezzotti curriculum vitae (48%)

    22-apr-2020 14.19.47

    gene predictions, functional annotation, categorization and integration of the predicted gene

  • 5. cv_palumbo_firmato digitalmente (48%)

    21-apr-2020 17.10.30

    categorization through archetypal analysis. In A. Petrucci and R. Verde, editors, Statistics and Data

  • 6. cv_pezzotti (48%)

    8-apr-2021 13.35.35

    annotation, categorization and integration of the predicted gene sequencesBMC Res Notes. May 3;5(1

  • 7. gallucci_cv (48%)

    26-mag-2022 9.40.33

    ). An exploratory TMS study on prefrontal lateralization in valence categorization of facial expressions

  • 8. cv prof. paolopin (48%)

    14-apr-2022 15.01.33

    Categorization and Neighborhood Effects”; Anna Papaccio (Siena) “Essays on Markets and Networks

  • 9. EFACIS Book of Abstracts (41%)

    12-mag-2015 18.19.24

    he had other qualities which raised him above this banal categorization. Gallagher created

  • 10. Book of Abstracts - _definitivo_ (41%)

    1-giu-2015 10.11.23

    above this banal categorization. Gallagher created the conditions for a pioneering, post-independence