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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. PROROGA scadenza Call for Projects - #hackUniTO for Ageing al 30 settembre 2016. (100%)

    21-giu-2016 12.24.57

    PROROGA scadenza Call for Projects - #hackUniTO for Ageing al 30 settembre 2016. PROROGA, Call for Projects, hackUniTO, Ageing, 2016, primopiano Già 400 ricercatori registrati e 130 progetti pubblicati! Progetto #hackUniTO for Ageing, dedicato ai ricercatori impegnati sul tema dell'invecchiamento sano e attivo, proroga scadenza al 30 settembre 2016. Si consiglia ai professori e ricercatori UNIPA interessati, di pubblicare i progetti sulla piattaforma entro la fine di luglio, per assicurarsene

  • 2. Call for projects (64%)

    9-gen-2024 15.20.31

    will take place in Berlin between September and December 2024. The theme of this call for projects ... per email. For questions about the residency and the call for projects, you can contact Bianca Bozzeda ... CALL FOR PROJECTS – AUTUMN 2024 The French-German Cultural

  • 3. forthem alliance call for projects short-term mobility 2020 (54%)

    30-ott-2019 12.21.47

    FORTHEM Alliance Call for Projects: Short-term collective mobility projects 2020 1. Context The FORTHEM Alliance The “FORTHEM Alliance” is a “European University” project funded in the Erasmus+ framework and composed of state-funded, comprehensive universities installed in various European ... in response to this call for projects. Student mobility and living costs for the 10 activities will be funded ... :// For this first call for projects, covering actions from 1st April

  • 4. forthem alliance call for projects short-term mobility nov 19 (54%)

    28-ott-2019 11.56.33

    FORTHEM Alliance Call for Projects: Short-term collective mobility projects 2020 1. Context The FORTHEM Alliance The “FORTHEM Alliance” is a “European University” project funded in the Erasmus+ framework and composed of state-funded, comprehensive universities installed in various European ... in response to this call for projects. Student mobility and living costs for the 10 activities will be funded ... :// For this first call for projects, covering actions from 1st April

  • 5. FORTHEM Alliance Call for Projects Short term collective mobility projects 2020-2021 (52%)

    25-giu-2020 16.17.30

    fostering outreach within European regions, transnational higher education and mobility FORTHEM Alliance Call for Projects: Short-term collective mobility projects 2020-2021 1. Context The FORTHEM Alliance The “FORTHEM Alliance” is a “European University” project funded ... activities per university), on the basis of proposals made in response to this call for projects ... /). For this second call for projects, covering actions from 1st March 2021 to the end of February 2022

  • 6. FORTHEM Alliance Call for Projects Short term collective mobility projects 2020-2021 (52%)

    26-giu-2020 14.22.30

    fostering outreach within European regions, transnational higher education and mobility FORTHEM Alliance Call for Projects: Short-term collective mobility projects 2020-2021 1. Context The FORTHEM Alliance The “FORTHEM Alliance” is a “European University” project funded ... activities per university), on the basis of proposals made in response to this call for projects ... /). For this second call for projects, covering actions from 1st March 2021 to the end of February 2022

  • 7. FORTHEM Alliance Call for Projects: Short term collective mobility projects 2020-2021 (52%)

    30-lug-2020 14.44.51

    FORTHEM Alliance Call for Projects: Short term collective mobility projects 2020-2021 forthem, bando docenti, bando staff, bando altro FORTHEM ALLIANCE: BANDO PER DOCENTI, STAFF E ASSOCIAZIONI ... (FORTHEM Alliance Call for Projects Short term collective mobility projects 2020-2021) oppure contattare l’Ufficio FORTHEM Unipa ( Download bando: FORTHEM Alliance Call for Projects Short term collective mobility projects 2020-2021 CLAUDIO RUOCCO /sites/portale/_categories

  • 8. FORTHEM Alliance Call for Projects: Short-term collective mobility projects 2020 (35%)

    4-mar-2020 16.26.29

    FORTHEM Alliance Call for Projects: Short-term collective mobility projects 2020 articolo, notizia, unipa, primopiano, european universities, call, erasmus+, Nell'ambito delle attività previste dal progetto FORTHEM è stato pubblicata la prima call per le Short-term collective mobility projects 2020. Le proposte possono essere presentate dalle Associazioni Studentesche iscritte nell'apposito Albo di Ateneo e dai docenti dell'Università degli Studi di Palermo e dovranno essere trasmesse a mezzo

  • 10. bando_bs ric_50-2023_la bella (25%)

    24-apr-2023 10.03.40

    )”, nell’ambito della “Call for Projects on ALS Research Pilot Grant 2019”; Visto il deliberato assunto ... Call for Projects on ALS Research Pilot Grant, Codice Progetto: PRJ-0386 - Responsabile Scientifico ... mutation”, da far gravare su: Progetto “T- A-MN” – 2019 ARISLA Call for Projects on ALS Research Pilot ... bearing a TARDBP G376D mutation”, da far gravare su Progetto “T-A-MN” – 2019 ARISLA Call for Projects ... motorneurons bearing a TARDBP G376D mutation”, da far gravare su: Progetto “T-A-MN” – 2019 ARISLA Call

  • 11. 20230214_IDD_Call_for_projects_2023 (22%)

    15-feb-2023 8.54.41

    this call for projects to identify and showcase the most impactful, inclusive and sustainable ... candidacy as host city of the Universal Expo for 2030, the call welcomes projects that value ... in every document provided for the call. - Eligible projects will be pre-selected; the three

  • 12. Forthem-Sixth-Call-25-26 (22%)

    2-lug-2024 11.31.43

    fostering outreach within European regions, transnational higher education and mobility FORTHEM Alliance Sixth Call for Projects: Short-term collective mobility projects 2025-2026 Among many actions taking place within the FORTHEM alliance, one of them is short-term student ... physically on site in one university city. This sixth call for projects covers actions from 1st March ... universities based on proposals made in response to this call for projects. FORTHEM Alliance

  • 13. bando_bs_164-2022_la bella (22%)

    5-ott-2022 11.01.38

    di € 20.000,00, da far gravare su: Progetto “T-A-MN” – 2019 ARISLA Call for Projects ... -A-MN” – 2019 ARISLA Call for Projects on ALS Research Pilot Grant, Codice Progetto: PRJ-0386 ... ”, da far gravare su Progetto “T-A-MN” – 2019 ARISLA Call for Projects on ALS Research Pilot Grant ... -derived Motor Neurons bearing a pG376D TDP-43 mutation (T-A-MN)”, nell’ambito della “Call for Projects on ALS Research Pilot Grant 2019”; Visto il deliberato assunto dal Consiglio del Dipartimento

  • 14. Call for projects_Collective short term mobilitiy programmes (19%)

    28-giu-2021 8.28.48

    fostering outreach within European regions, transnational higher education and mobility FORTHEM Alliance Third Call for Projects: Short-term collective mobility projects 2021-2022 1. Context The FORTHEM Alliance The “FORTHEM Alliance” is a “European University” network funded in the Erasmus ... per university), based on proposals made in response to this call for projects. Student mobility and living ... . For this third call for projects, covering actions from 1st March 2022 to the end of February 2023

  • 15. Newsletter Students 2021 Summer-3 (18%)

    28-giu-2021 7.49.04

    Call for Projects information and news, read the FORTHEM Student newletter. Read more, get ... for countries. announce that it has chosen the During the third call for projects, participants

  • 16. Proroga scadenza progetto #hackUniTO for Ageing (18%)

    21-giu-2016 18.24.11

    Proroga scadenza progetto #hackUniTO for Ageing articolo, notizia, unipa Per espressa richiesta delle Università e degli Organismi di ricerca coinvolti di ricente nell'iniziativa, è stata prorogata la scadenza della "Call for Projects" relativa al progetto #hackUniTO for Ageing. Pertanto la scadenza della call for projects - dedicata ai ricercatori impegnati sul tema dell'invecchiamento sano e attivo - è stata fissata al 30 settembre 2016. Si consiglia però ai professori e ricercatori

  • 17. Bando - residenza Kultur Ensemble per professionist* dell'audiovisivo presso l'Harun Farocki Institut di Berlino (18%)

    9-gen-2024 15.24.44

    Bando - residenza Kultur Ensemble per professionist* dell'audiovisivo presso l'Harun Farocki Institut di Berlino articolo, notizia, unipa Bando Call for projects BIAGIA RUSSO Bando Call for projects /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/primo_piano/

  • 18. commissione bs 164-2022 la bella (18%)

    21-nov-2022 11.18.01

    su "T-A-MN" 2019 ARISLA Call for Projects on ALS Research Pilot Grant, Codice Progetto ... motorneurons bearing a TARDBP G376D mutation”, da far gravare su "T-A-MN" 2019 ARISLA Call for Projects on ALS Research Pilot Grant, Codice Progetto: PRJ-0386; Responsabile Scientifico: Prof

  • 19. commissione_bs 50-2023 la bella (18%)

    20-giu-2023 10.50.16

    ARISLA Call for Projects on ALS Research Pilot Grant; Responsabile Scientifico: Prof. Vincenzo La Bella ... su "T-A-MN" - 2019 ARISLA Call for Projects on ALS Research Pilot Grant; Responsabile

  • 20. 17 Verbale Collegio dei Revisori dei Conti 21 12 2021 (16%)

    3-feb-2022 17.22.05

    - Call: ISFP-2017-AG-CSEP (Call for projects on the Civil Society Empowerment Programme (CSEP ... : ISFP-2017-AG-CSEP (Call for projects on the Civil Society Empowerment Programme (CSEP) – campaigns