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Ricerca avanzata per:

Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. 3 Posizioni di dottorato presso Universita' del Salento / CNR NANOTEC - Lecce (100%)

    27-mag-2019 9.00.47

    3 Posizioni di dottorato presso Universita' del Salento / CNR NANOTEC - Lecce CNR NANOTEC, dottorato , lecce In the framework of the cooperation between CNR Institute of Nanotechnology (CNR NANOTEC) and University of Salento we are looking for highly motivated, enthusiastic and outstanding candidates for research positions in the following areas: 1. Design and fabrication of optoelectronic devices based on nanotechnologies for applications in building integration. 2. Design and fabrication

  • 2. cv prof. suranna (17%)

    1-giu-2022 8.58.56

    del CNR NANOTEC (cfr protocollo CNR 1146 del 30/7/2015), ha partecipato al progetto ... all’Istituto di Nanotecnologia (CNR NANOTEC), alle attività di ricerca relative al progetto TECNOMED PUGLIA

  • 3. abstract-book180529 (9%)

    20-giu-2018 10.30.06