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1. English Version (100%)
11-dic-2014 10.35.22English Version English Version, Presentation, Timetable, Modules, CMB Presentation Timetable Modules ROBERTO MONSU'
2. Timetable (100%)
11-dic-2014 10.32.44Timetable Timetable,English Version, CMB TimeTable 2014/2015 ROBERTO MONSU'
3. Presentation (100%)
11-dic-2014 10.30.29Presentation Presentation, English Version, CMB, The Master of Science (MSc) in Cellular and Molecular Biology is designed to provide an in-depth insight into prokaryotic and eukaryotic biology. To this purpose, educational project aims to transfer, at cellular and molecular level, those knowledges concerning cell/cell and cell/matrix interactions, biochemical and molecular mechanisms regulating protein turnover and folding in order to elucidate their role in the control of cellular activities
4. Bando_per_doppio_titolo_LM_BCM_2014 (37%)
27-ott-2014 15.57.21://www.unipa.it/cmb/it/ La domanda dovrà pervenire a mezzo raccomandata A/R entro il 10/12/2014
5. English Version (37%)
11-dic-2014 10.35.27English Version English Version, Presentation, Timetable, Modules, CMB Presentation Timetable Modules ROBERTO MONSU'
6. Timetable (37%)
11-dic-2014 10.32.50Timetable Timetable,English Version, CMB TimeTable 2014/2015 ROBERTO MONSU'
7. Presentation (37%)
11-dic-2014 10.30.37Presentation Presentation, English Version, CMB, The Master of Science (MSc) in Cellular and Molecular Biology is designed to provide an in-depth insight into prokaryotic and eukaryotic biology. To this purpose, educational project aims to transfer, at cellular and molecular level, those knowledges concerning cell/cell and cell/matrix interactions, biochemical and molecular mechanisms regulating protein turnover and folding in order to elucidate their role in the control of cellular activities
8. cv_rtda_signed_leonardi (32%)
24-mag-2022 16.36.27: 1. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (JMAA) 2. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin (CMB