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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Seminario (100%)

    15-dic-2017 13.10.04

    Seminario fluorescence, light sheet microscopy, Biophysics Martedì 20 Dicembre 2016 Aula Specializzazione, DIFC, Viale delle Scienze Ed. 18, ore 15.30 Deep and Fast Imaging of Thick 3D Samples by means of Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy. Giuseppe Sancataldo, Nanophysics Department, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova, Italy, Dibris, Università di Genova, Genova, Italy, Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany Abstract del seminario CECILIA MACALUSO /sites/portale

  • 2. Seminar (93%)

    22-mar-2021 9.14.11

    Seminar articolo, notizia, seminar, Biophysics, Fluorescence, membrane, nanotechnology Wednesday , 7.04.2021 - h 15:30 On line Seminar TEAMS Code:n0jbw6v Understanding virus assembly via quantitative fluorescence microscopy Prof. Salvatore Chiantia,– Cell Membrane Biophysics – University of Potsdam The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link. CECILIA MACALUSO Wednesday , 7.04.2021 - h 15:30 On line Seminar TEAMS Code:n0jbw6v Understanding virus assembly via quantitative

  • 3. Dottoranda di Ricerca in Fisica e Chimica, vince una delle borse di studio bandite dalla SIBPA (81%)

    26-feb-2021 9.54.06

    Dottoranda di Ricerca in Fisica e Chimica, vince una delle borse di studio bandite dalla SIBPA notizia, unipa, Dottorato, Biophysics, Fluorescence La Dott. Sara Anselmo, Dottoranda di Ricerca in Fisica e Chimica, ha vinto una delle borse di studio bandite dalla SIBPA - Società Italiana di Biofisica Pura e Applicata - per partecipare al ‘65th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting’, il congresso della American Biophysical Society che è in corso di svolgimento, in modalità virtuale, dal 22 al 26

  • 4. Curriculum_Cottone (73%)

    23-nov-2018 12.26.37

    Biophysics(FWB)” Erice 7-12 Settembre 2015, E' stata componente del comitato organizzatore del “Italian National ... delle tre sezioni parallele “Computational Biophysics I, II, III”, ... componente del comitato organizzatore del “4rd Conference on Frontiers in Water Biophysics (FWB)” Erice, 22-27 Maggio 2017

  • 5. CalendarioLezioni_LM_2021-22_Isem (72%)

    4-ott-2021 8.13.53

    :30 15:00 Biophysics Biophysics 15:00 15:30 Biophysics Biophysics Phys Biosystems 15:30 16:00 Biophysics Biophysics Phys Biosystems 16:00 16:30 Biophysics Biophysics Phys Biosystems 16:30 17:00 Biophysics Biophysics Phys Biosystems 17:00 17:30 Phys Biosystems 18:00 19:00 ORARIO I ANNO

  • 6. molecole (70%)

    1-feb-2018 11.50.15

    e Chimica, Università di Palermo. Keywords: Biophysics, Advanced Methods, Bio-nanotechnologies

  • 7. Training School internazionale di biofisica (70%)

    1-feb-2018 11.55.07

    Training School internazionale di biofisica training school, internazionale , biofisica, Biophysics, Advanced Methods, Bio-nanotechnologies,zebrafish Dal 6 al 9 febbraio 2018 si svolgerà la “training school” internazionale di biofisica presso l'Aula Seminari, DIFC, Viale delle Scienze Ed. 18 “MOLECULE IN(ter)ACTION: from in vitro to zebrafish” Prof. Valeria Vetri, Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica, Università di Palermo. locandina dell'evento CECILIA MACALUSO 6-9 Febbraio 2018 presso l'Aula

  • 8. CV_eu_ValeriaVetri2022 (70%)

    17-mag-2022 10.56.38

    of Biophysics «ANTONIO BORSELLINO» 36th Course: Multidimensional Optical fluorescence microscopy ... Scientifico e Comitato Organizzatore: Advanced Biophysics school “MOLECULE IN(ter)ACTION ... -2014  Relatore alla scuola di specializzazione internazionale “Advanced Biophysics school “MOLECULE ... ” sessione “Biophysics, Biomedicine and modeling 3” 3-10-2019 - Congresso della società “Association of Resources for Biophysical Research in Europe — Living Molecules: towards integrative biophysics

  • 9. Militello Valeria_CV (65%)

    10-feb-2020 13.47.49

    la Vicepresidente e componente del CdA del COBS. E’ Revisore del MIUR nei settori ERC PE3_20 Biophysics, PE4_2 Spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques, LS1_6 Biophysics. E’ Socio fondatore, componente ... European Journal of Biophysics. Dal 2018 ad oggi fa parte dell’Editorial Board della rivista ... Biophysics), SIF (Società Italiana di Fisica). E’ stata responsabile della collaborazione di ricerca ... in Journal of Biophysics (ISSN: 1687-8000 (Print) ISSN: 1687-8019 (Online) DOI: 10.1155/8041

  • 10. chirico_cv (64%)

    14-apr-2020 11.19.32

    PhD in Biophysics (univ. of Milano, I). 1990 Post-doc in Biophysics at the European Molecular ... . The research activity of G.C. is in laser spectroscopy and microscopy for biophysics and photonics. The main research interests of GC are in nanotechnology applied to biophysics and medical physics and ... ). H-factor = 27; citations = 2600 Research keywords: Biophysics, optical microscopy ... . 1998-2002 member of scientific committee of the biophysics section of INFM (Istituto Nazionale

  • 11. cv prof. chirico giusepppe (64%)

    31-mag-2022 12.01.29

    covers biophysics, photonics and nanotechnology. He spent two postdoc periods at the European ... in 2000. Since 2000 GC is actively researching in nanotechnology applied to biophysics and medical ... -------------------------------------- -- 1998-2002. member of the scientific committee of the biophysics section of INFM ... , Journal of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering Online; -- 2015-present. member of the Editorial ... of the VI School Of Pure And Applied Biophysics on Multimodal Methods for Cell Imaging and Tracking

  • 12. 57po-c5p3-fis07-castellani (60%)

    27-ott-2022 10.34.09

    a PhD in Physics. He is full Professor at the Bologna University in Applied Physics-Biophysics and is the Director of the Galvani center for Bioinformatics, Biophysics and Biocomplextity. He holds ... : Biophysics: Network model of Immune System Final score Excellent March 1992 Sc.M. Physics Bologna University Field: Biophysics: Mathematical model of Immune System Final score 110/110 December 1988 Sc.M. Biology Bologna University Field: Chemistry-Biophysics: X ray diffraction

  • 13. Partnership (60%)

    2-lug-2024 8.18.52

    a double degree program may be available for suitable research projects with topics related to biophysics ... biology M. Cammarata European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Grenoble, France biophysics G. Schirò Institut de Biologie Structurale, CNRS Grenoble, France biophysics F.Trompier Institute for Radiological ... be available for suitable research projects with topics related to biophysics and pharmaceutical ... European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Grenoble, France biophysics G. Schirò Institut de Biologie

  • 14. Partnership (60%)

    2-lug-2024 8.15.46

    with topics related to biophysics and pharmaceutical sciences- Ref. Prof. V. Foderà Co-tutorship PhD ... , France biophysics G. Schirò Institut de Biologie Structurale, CNRS Grenoble, France biophysics ... projects with topics related to biophysics and pharmaceutical sciences- Ref. Prof. V. Foderà ... Grenoble, France biophysics G. Schirò Institut de Biologie Structurale, CNRS Grenoble, France biophysics F.Trompier Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety France medical physics

  • 15. PROPOSTA-23-24-TSSU (59%)

    11-lug-2023 15.43.14

    , Irvine. (STAFF) • Aprile 2008-International School of Biophysics «ANTONIO BORSELLINO» 36th Course ... Organizzatore: Advanced Biophysics school “MOLECULE IN(ter)ACTION: from in vitro to zebrafish” 6/02 ... di specializzazione internazionale “Advanced Biophysics school “MOLECULE IN(ter)ACTION: from in vitro to zebrafish ... - Congresso nazionale di fisica della materia condensata “FISMAT 2019” sessione “Biophysics ... Research in Europe — Living Molecules: towards integrative biophysics of the cell” (ARBRE)_session

  • 16. CV_Valeria Militello (52%)

    8-mar-2013 15.55.13

    Editore Principale di un Volume Speciale in Journal of Biophysics nel 2011.  Associata ... . 7th EBSA European Biophysics Congress. Genova Italy, Eur Biophys J. 38(12), 2009. 53. V. Vetri ... (International Biophysics Congress), Montpellier, Francia, 2005. 64. V. Vetri, Librizzi F, Militello V ... as a solvent dependent phase transition”. 11th International Biophysics Congress, Budapest 1993 ... “Dynamic properties of the mutant hemoglobin beta67 Val->Thr” 11th International Biophysics Congress

  • 17. Militello (52%)

    14-nov-2014 8.51.01

    of Biophysics nel 2011.  Associata alle seguenti società scientifiche: EBSA (European Biophysical Society ... of glycated Bovine Serum Albumins. 7th EBSA European Biophysics Congress. Genova Italy, Eur Biophys ... at different pH values” IBC (International Biophysics Congress), Montpellier, Francia, 2005. 64 ... Biophysics Congress, Budapest 1993. 81. E. Bucci, C. Fronticelli, A. Cupane, M. Leone, V ... ” 11th International Biophysics Congress, Budapest 1993. 82. Cupane A., E. Vitrano, M. Leone, V

  • 18. Faculty of Science (46%)

    9-mag-2016 16.24.42

    Educational Programme 1st Year Credits Cellular Biology 6 Molecular Genetics 9 Molecular Physiology with Elements of Biophysics – Integrated Course: - Molecular Physiology - Elements of Biophysics 6 3 Genetic and Cytogenetic Methodologies 6 Genetics of Microorganisms 6 Biochemical Methodologies 6 ... ; - Genetics; - Molecular Biology; - Molecular Physiology; - Biophysics; - Recombinant Technologies ... Biology; - Physiology; - Biochemistry; - Molecular Biology; - Genetics; - Microbiology; - Biophysics

  • 19. Collaborazioni Internazionali - Partnership (ciclo XXXVIII) (46%)

    14-lug-2023 13.18.41

    with topics related to biophysics and pharmaceutical sciences- Ref. Prof. V. Foderà Programma di dottorato ... , France biophysics G. Schirò Institut de Biologie Structurale, CNRS Grenoble, France biophysics F.Trompier ... for fluorescence dynamics , University of California, Irvine Irvine, USA biophysics Departments

  • 20. De Luca Giuseppe_CV (46%)

    17-giu-2024 9.01.37

    Applied Biophysics, Molecule in(ter)action: from nano to macroscale, Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ... Ottobre 2023 48th Course of International School of Biophysics "Antonio Borsellino", Memos for biophysics into the future: Lightness, quickness, exactitude, visibility, multiplicity, and ... -assembly in microscale compartments, 48th Course of International School of Biophysics "Antonio