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1. Other information (100%)
9-mag-2016 15.08.56Other information English Language, Arabic language, Practice periods There is a closed link between UNIPA and the labour market: 3rd students of 1st cycle degree courses and 2nd year students of the 2nd cycle experience practice periods within public or private companies and agencies; Single courses are awarded with credits. Each credit corresponds, on average, to 25 hours (frontal teaching, individual study, practice and laboratory); English language is taught in all 1st and 2nd cycle degree
2. curriculum lancioni (40%)
24-apr-2020 7.26.38Arabic Language, Università di Cagliari, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche. 2000-2002 Storia della Lingua ... Workshop “Arabic Language and Islamic Heritage: Historical Background and Contemporary Perspectives ... Humanities Italian-Israeli Workshop “Arabic Language and Islamic Heritage: Historical Background and
4. Faculty of Educational Science (27%)
9-mag-2016 16.24.31(Advanced Course) 6 Arabic Language (Advanced Course) 6 Spanish Language (Advanced Course) 6 English
5. Programma (23%)
9-set-2016 10.42.19AULA MAGNA and Religious Syncretism of Coptic Magic in Arabic Language” “Itala in Arabic: a risky
6. 3670 allegato rtda-19-profili_en (23%)
7-set-2022 12.27.28Discipline L-OR/12 - ARABIC LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Location of the Department of Humanities research
7. 92 english version bando 2022 (23%)
17-gen-2023 9.27.52- Description: The Arabic language acquires a literary relevance for the Christians of the East