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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Application Form (100%)

    15-mag-2014 7.15.42

    Application Form application, form, psicologia ApplicationForm italiano ApplicationForm Inglese ApplicationForm spagnolo GIANFRANCO MUSACCHIA

  • 2. IrriLab Software Application (97%)

    21-set-2018 15.55.41

    IrriLab Software Application IrriLab,Software,Application,irrigation, IrriLab is a simple and innovative software application, which optimizes the design of rectangular microirrigation units, maximizing water use efficiency and saving pressure energy and irrigation unit costs. It can be applied to almost all regularly sloped fields. It is based on a simple geometrical sketch of the irrigation unit, which is simply defined by any value of the slope for the laterals and for the manifold. A DEMO

  • 4. Guide to the application procedure for incoming students 2016-2017 (65%)

    28-apr-2017 12.35.28

    Welcome to the application procedure for Incoming ERASMUS Students This is a Step by Step Guide ... stay. Until you click on “send application form” your data won’t be registered, so please before ... APPLICATION FORM” (before arriving in Palermo): To insert all Erasmus data (home university, learning ... . --- Your data are already showed, click next. STEP 1: Application form • Select your Academic ... learning agreement is complete, click on “next” STEP 3: Summary of application and

  • 5. Call doctorate 2013/14 (53%)

    1-giu-2015 18.25.21

    Call doctorate 2013/14 reopen, doctorate, application The University of Palermo announces the reopening of the call for the application to the admission to the Research Doctorate Courses researved to abroad graduated students for the Academic Year 2013/2014 (XXIX Cycle) - deadline 10 May 2014. Further details are available at this link. Download Application GIORGIO MANNINA /sites/portale/_categories/articolo/

  • 6. 2024_ITA_PresentazioneMentors4u_Round Application (47%)

    6-feb-2024 15.07.38

    Mentors4u Round 2024 Agenda • Introduzione a Mentors4u • Mentors4u: il progetto in pratica • Il processo di application e i criteri di selezione 2 La nascita di Fondazione NOVA A Novembre 2022, dall’unione di NOVA-MBA e Mentors4u è nata Fondazione NOVA. L'organizzazione si impegna a diventare ... • Introduzione a Mentors4u • Mentors4u: il progetto in pratica • Il processo di application e i criteri ... • Introduzione a Mentors4u • Mentors4u: il progetto in pratica • Il processo di application e i criteri

  • 7. PhD - Application (42%)

    1-giu-2015 18.23.30

    PhD - Application dicam, PhD, call Doctor of Philosophy - Application GIORGIO MANNINA /sites/portale/_categories/articolo/

  • 8. Slide-IstruzioniCandidatura_ENG (41%)

    15-apr-2022 11.15.09

    THE EDUCATIONAL OFFER Before submitting the application, the educational offer must be checked on the website of the foreign university to identify the activities to be carried out CHECK THE APPLICATION DEADLINES If selected, the candidates will have to carry out a procedure called "application ... :// BANDO ERASMUS+ STUDIO A.A. 2020/21 How do I apply? Fill in the Application ... How is the online application structured? EInratesmrnuast+io Dneapl aRretlmateionnt/sS Ochffoiocel d–aOy U

  • 9. New Call/Doctorate 2013 (41%)

    1-giu-2015 18.26.39

    New Call/Doctorate 2013 doctorate, call, application The University of Palermo announces a public selection by qualifications and examinations, written and oral exams, for PhD Research Courses – A.A. 2013/2014 – with the financial centre at the University of Palermo. The three-year courses and the related places available for foreign students are listed in the call below. For each doctoral program is indicated the location of the course, the number of places with/ without grant and also

  • 10. New call - PhD 2014 (41%)

    1-giu-2015 18.24.41

    New call - PhD 2014 PhD application, student, DICAM The University of Palermo announces a public selection by qualifications and examinations, written and oral exams, for PhD Research Courses – A.A. 2014/2015 – with the financial centre at the University of Palermo. The three-year courses and the related places available for foreign students are listed in the call below. For each doctoral program is indicated the location of the course, the number of places with/ without grant and also

  • 11. Seminario "Application of the Multiple Timescale Spectral Analysis" (41%)

    9-apr-2019 10.51.37

    Seminario "Application of the Multiple Timescale Spectral Analysis" Ingegneria, news, dottorato, Unipa Giorno 10 Aprile 2019, alle ore 15.00, presso l'aula consiglio dell'ex DICAM, Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 8, nell’ambito delle attività formative per gli allievi di Dottorato, si svolgerà il seminario dal titolo "Application of the Multiple Timescale Spectral Analysis" ... il seminario dal titolo "Application of the Multiple Timescale Spectral Analysis", tenuto dal Prof


    13-feb-2017 8.32.42

    (“the Convention”) on 6 and 25 May 2009 respectively. The first application (no. 29381/09) was lodged by two Greek ... in Athens. 2. The applicants in application no. 29381/09 were represented by Greek Helsinki Monitor, a non-governmental organisation based in Glyka Nera (Athens). The applicants in application ... of Court). On 3 February 2011 that Section decided to give notice of the application to the Government. It also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time

  • 13. h2020-manuale_amga_last (40%)

    26-lug-2017 17.17.11

    , 26.10.2012, p.1). Rules of Application (RAP) — Commission Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1268/2012 of 29 October 2012 on the rules of application of l Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 966/2012 of the European

  • 14. Seminario: Demand for Capital under Imperfect Capital Markets: A Review and an Application. (39%)

    11-mag-2016 12.05.17

    Seminario: Demand for Capital under Imperfect Capital Markets: A Review and an Application. dseas-cds, dseas-bacheca, dseas,seminario, Giovedi 19 Maggio 2016 dalle ore 14 alle ore 16, aula Mineo, Dip. SEAS (2° piano) il Prof. Christos Kallandranis del Department of Accounting, Finance & ... "Demand for Capital under Imperfect Capital Markets: A Review and an Application." ... for Panel Data: Monte Carlo Evidence and an Application to Employment Equations”, Review of Economic

  • 15. Erasmus DepartmentSchoolDay-IstruzioniCandidatura-EN (37%)

    6-apr-2021 19.50.49

    the application deadlines the language requirements Erasmus+ Department/School day – AA. 2021/22 ... submitting the application, the educational offer must be checked on the website of the foreign university to identify the activities to be carried out CHECK THE APPLICATION DEADLINES If selected, the candidates will have to carry out a procedure called "application form“ to provide their data ... /. 2020/21 Fill in the Application on the Student Portal (Portale Studenti) Erasmus+ Department

  • 16. Seminario Making Public Displays Interactive: From Application Design to Long-Term Deployment (34%)

    22-ott-2017 16.30.55

    Seminario Making Public Displays Interactive: From Application Design to Long-Term Deployment articolo, notizia, unipa, seminario, public display, interactive, diid Giovedì 26 ottobre 2017, alle ore 14, presso l'aula "Rubino" (Viale delle Scienze, edificio 8, I piano il dott. Ivan Elhart dell'Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) di Lugano (CH), terrà un seminario dal titolo: Making Public Displays Interactive: From Application Design to Long-Term

  • 17. abstract-book180529 (34%)

    20-giu-2018 10.30.06

    rue du Pr. Benoît Lauras F-42000, Saint-Etienne, France ** Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica ... . Possibilities of application further and their thermal history. An interesting example is increase

  • 18. Bando, Modulistica, Graduatoria (33%)

    30-ott-2023 13.46.54

    Bando, Modulistica, Graduatoria darch, architettura, dottorato, bando, modulistica, graduatoria, call for application, phd, architecture, arts, planning La selezione dei dottorandi si svolge attraverso la valutazione del progetto di ricerca, dei titoli e di un colloquio. Ciascun candidato ha l’obbligo di indicare nella compilazione della domanda online, uno o più curricula, secondo l’ordine di priorità a cui è interessato. Per informazioni sui bandi e sulle graduatorie visita la pagina

  • 19. Homestay application form (32%)

    17-apr-2015 12.49.04

    Nagoya University International Summer Seminar 2015 Home-stay application sheet : 姓 Family name 名 First name 国籍 Nationality 性別 Sex 生年月日 Date of birth 年齢 Age YYYY/MM/DD 学部・学科  Major 来日した日:Date of arrival YYYY/MM/DD Email address (活字体 Print) ニックネーム Nickname Phone number カタカナの名前 Your name in KATAKANA 現住所 Address in Japan 話せる言語 Languages you can speak Zip code: 趣味・好きなこと Hobbies, Special interests 飲酒 Consume

  • 20. Attività formative (32%)

    2-lug-2024 8.22.27

    . Lessons will focus on the application of advanced organic synthesis techniques for drug development ... the application of innovative techniques, such as microwave, click chemistry, solid-phase synthesis, and flow ... resonance techniques: decoupling, polarization transfer, NOE effect and its application ... the required chemical-physical and biological properties for their safe and effective application ... chemical-physical and application properties. Case studies: nanoparticles, one- (nanowires and nanorods