Ricerca avanzata per:
Risultati della ricerca
1. molecole (100%)
1-feb-2018 11.50.15e Chimica, Università di Palermo. Keywords: Biophysics, Advanced Methods, Bio-nanotechnologies
2. Training School internazionale di biofisica (100%)
1-feb-2018 11.55.07Training School internazionale di biofisica training school, internazionale , biofisica, Biophysics, Advanced Methods, Bio-nanotechnologies,zebrafish Dal 6 al 9 febbraio 2018 si svolgerà la “training school” internazionale di biofisica presso l'Aula Seminari, DIFC, Viale delle Scienze Ed. 18 “MOLECULE IN(ter)ACTION: from in vitro to zebrafish” Prof. Valeria Vetri, Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica, Università di Palermo. locandina dell'evento CECILIA MACALUSO 6-9 Febbraio 2018 presso l'Aula
3. Attività formative (37%)
2-lug-2024 8.22.27advanced methods of super resolution (Stimulated emission depletion microscopy - STED, Photoactivated ... fluorescence microscopy, light sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) and the most advanced methods ... microscopy (LSFM) and the most advanced methods of super resolution (Stimulated emission depletion
4. Educational activities (37%)
2-lug-2024 8.25.25microscopy (LSFM) and the most advanced methods of super resolution (Stimulated emission depletion ... fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) and the most advanced methods of super resolution (Stimulated emission ... (LSFM) and the most advanced methods of super resolution (Stimulated emission depletion microscopy
5. 02_mainardi_curriculum (35%)
16-apr-2020 8.56.09on Biosignal interpretation I. Advanced methods for study- ing cardiovascular and respiratory systems ... and Biology (Issue 8, Nov/Dec 2006). 11/2014 Biosignal interpretation I. Advanced methods
6. cv_liguori (30%)
17-apr-2020 12.00.55Rubber Profile. In: International Workshop on Advanced Methods for Uncertainty Estimation
7. CV Ciro Spataro-1 (30%)
20-mar-2021 12.42.55on Advanced Methods for Uncertainty Estimation in Measurement, nelle edizioni del 2007, 2008 e 2009 ... . In: Advanced Methods for Uncertainty Estimation in Measurement, 2009. AMUEM 2009. IEEE International
10. ING-INF/06 - Biomedical Information Engineering (25%)
11-giu-2019 16.13.33conditions. The core research activity is the development of advanced methods for the processing
11. UNIVERSITAET HAMBURG Germany Di Giovanni (25%)
3-mar-2020 14.14.43Romanticism and the Gothic Imagination 53-550 H.P. Lovecraft and Neo-British Tradition 53-572 Advanced Methods of Literary and Cultural Analysis 53-553 From Corsets to Craftivism: Fashion in Literature
12. TAOMM027giugno (25%)
12-giu-2018 11.28.47limitations of these methods. Furthermore, key note lectures on advanced methods will be given
13. AIM Projects (25%)
3-giu-2020 16.41.19; damage analysis and itspertinent evaluation through advanced methods of computational mechanics
14. 7 (25%)
5-apr-2017 16.05.57on aerospace structures. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: Ability to apply standard and advanced methods of analysis, calculation and structural design in the framework of fatigue and fracture
15. new-page (25%)
14-gen-2014 13.16.02deal with: - mathematical modelling of wastewater treatment plants - advanced methods for sensitivity
16. Brochure seminario RAK 13-14-17-06-2016 (25%)
7-giu-2016 9.59.40will be presented advanced methods for optimization of function of more variables. All described methods
17. Pubblicazioni recenti (25%)
20-gen-2014 12.35.46Pubblicazioni recenti Candela, Papers, International Journals A. Candela, G. Brigandì, G.T. Aronica, Estimation of Flood Design Hydrographs using bivariate analysis (copula) and distributed hydrological modelling, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 2, 27-79, 2014, Special Issue: Advanced methods for flood estimation in a variable and changing environment. doi:10.5194/nhessd-2-27-2014. www.nat-hazards-earth-syst-sci-discuss.net/2/27/2014/ A. Candela, G. Freni, G. Mannina, G. Viviani
18. Pubblicazioni recenti (25%)
20-gen-2014 12.55.09Pubblicazioni recenti Candela, Papers, International Journals A. Candela, G. Brigandì, G.T. Aronica, Estimation of Flood Design Hydrographs using bivariate analysis (copula) and distributed hydrological modelling, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 2, 27-79, 2014, Special Issue: Advanced methods for flood estimation in a variable and changing environment. doi:10.5194/nhessd-2-27-2014. www.nat-hazards-earth-syst-sci-discuss.net/2/27/2014/ A. Candela, G. Freni, G. Mannina, G. Viviani
19. More recent pubblications (25%)
20-gen-2014 13.05.53More recent pubblications Candela, papers, international journals, A. Candela, G. Brigandì, G.T. Aronica, Estimation of Flood Design Hydrographs using bivariate analysis (copula) and distributed hydrological modelling, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 2, 27-79, 2014, Special Issue: Advanced methods for flood estimation in a variable and changing environment. doi:10.5194/nhessd-2-27-2014. www.nat-hazards-earth-syst-sci-discuss.net/2/27/2014/ A. Candela, G. Freni, G. Mannina, G. Viviani
20-gen-2014 12.59.37. Discuss., 2, 27-79, 2014, Special Issue: Advanced methods for flood estimation in a variable and