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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Administrative regulation (100%)

    27-giu-2016 10.15.29

    Administrative regulation Administrative,regulation,saf.doctorate,biodiversity, Administrative regulation of the Doctorate (in Italian) MARIO MINACAPILLI /sites/portale/_categories/articolo/

  • 2. economic-freedom-of-the-world-2016-data-by-country (73%)

    7-ott-2016 12.58.30

    6.04 6.11 6.11 6.12 5.98 5.98 6.25 6.43 Albania 516 (i) Administrative requirements ... 6.02 Algeria 516 (i) Administrative requirements 1.5 2.67 2.15 3.31 3.11 2.54 ... 5.17 5.67 5.64 5.98 Angola 516 (i) Administrative requirements 2.17 2.17 ... 5.54 5.2 5.08 5.18 5.18 5.07 5.05 4.94 5.06 4.94 Argentina 516 (i) Administrative ... 5.77 5.88 5.84 6.28 6.69 6.73 6.83 6.72 Armenia 516 (i) Administrative requirements

  • 3. Sicily Report Open Government 2015 (52%)

    24-apr-2015 10.57.54

    of poltical-administrative orientation art. 13, c. 1, lett. a); art. 14 x x Sanctions for failure ... , lett. d) X x Cosultants and collaborators art. 15, c. 1, 2 x x Top-level administrative tasks art. 15 ... Aggregated data of administrative activity art. 24, c. 1 X x Proceedings types art. 35, c. 1, 2 x x ... information for citizens and businesses art. 34, c. 1, 2 x Organs of poltical-administrative ... art. 15, c. 1, 2 x x Top-level administrative tasks art. 15, c. 1, 2; art. 41, c. 2, 3 X x Managers

  • 4. Administrative Staff (44%)

    23-apr-2020 7.01.21

    Administrative Staff articolo, notizia, unipa Incoming Staff Training Service The University of Palermo organizes staff training weeks addressed to the technical administrative staff of European universities (with which the University has a bilateral agreement). The Erasmus+ Program enables administrative staff to take advantage of the "Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training", or a period of training at higher education institutions and / or companies present within one of the countries

  • 5. ebook english Prof Armao 8 giugno 15(1) (38%)

    29-set-2015 10.39.53

    frontier of administrative transparency 7 2. Administrative transparency after the Legislative Decree ... of administrative procedure 16 4. The administrative transparency sy- stem in the Sicilian region 21 5 ... of the research carried out in the course compendium of European Administrative Law of the academic year ... Martino' on Administrative Transparency. Subsequently it was the subject of a lecture held on May ... of administrative transparency The Open Government or open Administration col- lects the set of institutions

  • 6. ebook english Prof Armao 8 giugno 15(1) (38%)

    23-nov-2015 15.10.02

    frontier of administrative transparency 7 2. Administrative transparency after the Legislative Decree ... of administrative procedure 16 4. The administrative transparency sy- stem in the Sicilian region 21 5 ... of the research carried out in the course compendium of European Administrative Law of the academic year ... of San Martino' on Administrative Transparency. Subsequently it was the subject of a lecture held on May ... of administrative transparency The Open Government or open Administration col- lects the set of institutions

  • 7. h2020-manuale_amga_last (36%)

    26-lug-2017 17.17.11

    ........................................................................................... 296 ARTICLE 45 — ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL PENALTIES ... Research Centre (JRC) established in [official address in full], if it signs the 'Administrative ... : or the Administrative Arrangement], the beneficiaries accept the grant and agree to implement it under ... of linked third parties] [OPTION if the JRC participates: 3b Administrative Arrangement] Annex

  • 8. 102 english version bando 2022 (35%)

    17-gen-2023 9.27.47

    € 24.000 on the above-mentioned project, sent by the Administrative official of the Department above ... to the equipment, the necessary resources and the needed technical - administrative services ... - Official in charge for the administrative procedure Pursuant to the provisions of art. 5 ... by the Administrative official of the Department above-mentioned; DECREES Art. 1 - Duration

  • 9. Administrative seat (34%)

    20-gen-2015 19.44.43

    Administrative seat articolo, notizia, unipa Sede amministrativa Università degli Studi di Palermo DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE GIURIDICHE, DELLA SOCIETA' E DELLO SPORT Via Maqueda, 172 - Palermo Il dottorato afferisce alla scuola di dottorato in “Diritto sovranazionale e diritto interno della facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell’università di Palermo _ Via Maqueda, 172 - 90134 Palermo – Tel. 091/238.92.213/228 – Fax 091 23860809 – 091 6111268 E-mail ALDO SCHIAVELLO

  • 10. Law_And_Public_Administration_Saltari_Lorenzo (32%)

    21-mag-2014 12.11.12

    that will be conducted in particular with respect to the global administrative law. They will cover: Global Standards, Global Administrative Law Principles, The Global Enforcement of Decisions, Judicial ... the processes leading to the formation of global standards, principles of global administrative law, administrative dispute resolution on a global scale, such as global administrative law may raise ... to investigate the relationship between Administrative Law and public bodies. OBJECTIVES

  • 11. mattarella_cv (32%)

    15-apr-2020 8.24.56

    anche Administrative law ed Etica pubblica. V. ALTRE ATTIVITÀ DIDATTICHE Dal 1992 al 2005 ... (Icon.s); - Research Network on EU Administrative Law (ReNEUAL). Componente dei comitati scientifici ... Administrative Law Seminar”, organizzato dalla Facoltà di scienze politiche dell’Università di Viterbo ... ) su “The European Security”; 40. Convegno su “International Administrative Tribunals in a Changing World ... – National Administrative Law in the European Legal Area, Starnberg, 9-12 ottobre 2008, relazione

  • 12. crs_bi_voluntary_purpose_codes2016flows_en_july17 (32%)

    9-lug-2018 12.12.24

    capacity building and advice; school management and administrative management governance; curriculum ... policy/administrative management.” 2 DAC 5 CRS Volunt CODE CODE ary DESCRIPTION ... administration; institution capacity building 12110 code administrative management and advice ... Population/development policies; census work, vital Population policy and administrative registration ... policy and planning and management as well as transboundary management 14010 administrative

  • 13. Application Form (Part B) (31%)

    19-mar-2024 14.52.32

    deadline. The Form consists of 2 parts:. • Part A contains structured administrative information

  • 14. hrs4r form_euraxess (30%)

    27-mar-2023 14.39.45

    (if relevant) * 40040 Total number of staff (including management, administrative, teaching and ... of its community - teachers, researchers, technical/administrative staff and students. As stated ... on the administrative unit in charge for the procedure and general conditions of work are also provided ... of the evaluation committee (see art 5.1, 10.1 and 20.1). Administrative officers in charge of managing ... dematerialize documentation, as is already the case for the recruitment of technical-administrative

  • 15. Programme-Guide (29%)

    8-mar-2013 17.33.54

    X X  Administrative staff from HEIs X X It should be noted that:  Under Action 2, the type ... , financial and administrative modalities related to the candidate's participation in the programme and ... the academic, research, administrative and financial rules and procedures in adherence ... , associated partners) clearly laying down for the joint masters course the academic, administrative ... their duties, are involved directly in the educational and/or administrative process related

  • 16. h2020-call-pt-ria-ia-2018-20_en (28%)

    4-apr-2018 13.53.28

    H2020 Programme Proposal template 2018-2020 Administrative forms ... Proposal template 2018-2020 Administrative forms (Part A) Project proposal (Part B) Research and ... H2020 Programme Proposal template 2018-2020 Administrative ... 3 Bu Ex am dget 4 Ethics 5 Call-specific questions How to fill in the forms The administrative ... data fields in the administrative forms are pre-filled based on the previous steps in the submission

  • 17. h2020-call-pt-ria-ia-2018-20_en (28%)

    10-apr-2018 10.24.45

    H2020 Programme Proposal template 2018-2020 Administrative forms ... Proposal template 2018-2020 Administrative forms (Part A) Project proposal (Part B) Research and ... H2020 Programme Proposal template 2018-2020 Administrative ... 3 Bu Ex am dget 4 Ethics 5 Call-specific questions How to fill in the forms The administrative ... data fields in the administrative forms are pre-filled based on the previous steps in the submission


    13-feb-2017 8.32.42

    acts but also physical acts by the administrative authorities, including acts which are not ... , 909-910/2007, 1011/2008, 3088/2009, 169/2010 and 2546/2010 of the Supreme Administrative Court ... Administrative Court dismissed the claim for damages on the grounds that the law applied was not ... property, the Supreme Administrative Court dismissed the application, finding that the State’s civil ... institutes. Lastly, in judgment no. 2546/2010, the Supreme Administrative Court held that the State

  • 19. cv_dalterioe (24%)

    24-mag-2022 16.19.52

    ”, nell'ambito del corso in “Administrative Law”, presso la LUISS, Roma. • Maggio 2015 Ha tenuto lezioni ... del Convegno internazionale “Global Administrative Law: an Italian Perspective”, European University ... administrative? Recherche soutenue par la mission de recherche Droit et Justice”, coordinato dal ... Tre) e il Comitato organizzativo del Convegno internazionale di studi, dal titolo “IV Global Administrative ... and Controls: a New Challenge for Global Administrative Law?, in 15 International Journal

  • 20. COSTVademecum (24%)

    9-ott-2017 10.51.16

    ........................................................................................................... 14 Financial Scientific and Administrative Coordination (FSAC ... :// The administrative provisions detailed in this document: COST Vademecum ... The agreement between the COST Association and the Grant Holder that Agreement governs the administrative ... for the administrative and financial implementation of the COST Action. Any organisation ... by overseeing the financial and administrative management and the various coordination tasks required