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  • 1. Home - Activated sludge: 100 plus 1 years (100%)

    29-mar-2016 15.19.41

    Home - Activated sludge: 100 plus 1 years DICAM, Activated sludge, Home Activated sludge: 100 plus ... and coined the term “activated sludge”. This term referred to a particulate material accumulating during their experiments with sewage aeration. The activated sludge process soon widespread outside ... , the activated sludge process developed worldwide, changing definitely wastewater treatment. This International Seminar has the goal to cover the current status of the main aspects of the activated

  • 2. 09_03_15_InterSeminar_11May_2015 [modalità compatibilità] (65%)

    17-mar-2015 17.59.53

    Activated sludge: 100 plus 1 years New trends and perspectives Presidenza Scuola Politecnica Aula ... “activated sludge”. This term referred to a particulate material accumulating during Activated sludge their experiments with sewage aeration. The activated sludge process soon widespread outside England and ... , the activated sludge process developed worldwide, changing definitely wastewater treatment ... of the activated sludge process looking forward at developments in the future. The International Conference

  • 3. Activated sludge (57%)

    21-mar-2015 10.43.40

    in evidenza Home - Activated sludge: 100 plus 1 years DICAM, Activated sludge, Home Activated sludge ... , invented and coined the term “activated sludge”. This term referred to a particulate material accumulating during their experiments with sewage aeration. The activated sludge process soon widespread ... . Thereafter, the activated sludge process developed worldwide, changing definitely wastewater treatment ... of the activated sludge process looking forward at developments in the future. The International Conference

  • 4. 05_Caniani (49%)

    14-mag-2015 15.56.23

    14/05/2015 Activated sludge: 100 plus 1 years - New trends and perspectives Greenhouse gases ... in wastewater treatment plants Basilicata 2 Activated sludge: 100 plus 1 years – Palermo, 11 Maggio ... degli Studi della Greenhousegases production in wastewater treatment plants Basilicata Activated sludge ... . GHG EMISSIONS FROM WWTPs. Conventional activated sludge WWTPs are the most widely used 1 ... clarifier 10. Anaerobic digestion tank 5. Activated sludge tank 11. Dewatering 6. Secondary

  • 5. Program (48%)

    29-mar-2016 13.57.18

    Program DICAM, Activated sludge, Program Activated sludge: 100 plus 1 years - New trends and perspectives Palermo, 11 maggio 2015 Aula Capitò Presidenza della Scuola Politecnica di Palermo Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 7 Programma 8.30 Registration/Registrazione 9.00 Welcome Address/Saluto autorità ... for control system design 10.30 Hallvard Ødegaard NTNU University - Norway Hybrid activated sludge/biofilm processes 11.00 Roberto Canziani Politecnicodi Milano - Italy Activated Sludge and membrane systems

  • 6. 01_Wanner (45%)

    14-mag-2015 15.54.06

    14/05/2015 ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS PAST – PREZENT – FUTURE OF THE MOST WIDE-SPREAD TREATMENT ... to Ardern and Lockett • Invention of activated sludge process • Historical periods of AS – First ... biology and microbial ecology • Current activated sludge process • Future expectations 1 14/05 ... of Science, Bangalore GILBERT JOHN FOWLER 1868- 1953 4 14/05/2015 Invention of activated sludge ... brushes 9 14/05/2015 WWTP Stockport, inserted settling “pockets’ Activated Sludge, Inc. Monday

  • 7. Relatori/Speakers (38%)

    29-mar-2016 13.57.43

    Relatori/Speakers DICAM, Activated sludge, Relatori Activated sludge: 100 plus 1 years - New trends and perspectives Palermo, 11 maggio 2015 Aula Capitò Presidenza della Scuola Politecnica di Palermo Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 7 Elenco dei Relatori / List of the invited Speakers Relatore/Speakers Affiliations/Afferenza CV Baeza Juan Antonio Università di Autònoma de Barcelona View Caniani Donatella Università della Basilicata View Canziani Roberto Politecnico di Milano View Gori Riccardo

  • 8. Iscrizioni & Informazioni (38%)

    29-mar-2016 13.58.19

    Iscrizioni & Informazioni DICAM, Activated sludge, Iscrizioni Activated sludge: 100 plus 1 years - New trends and perspectives Palermo, 11 maggio 2015 Aula Capitò Presidenza della Scuola Politecnica di Palermo Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 7 La partecipazione, sia a questo evento, è gratuita ma subordinata a regolare iscrizione sino ad esaurimento posti. Potranno partecipare i primi 200 iscritti. A tutti i partecipanti verrà rilasciato un attestato di partecipazione. La partecipazione

  • 9. Locandine & Brochures (38%)

    29-mar-2016 13.58.41

    Locandine & Brochures DICAM, Activated sludge, Locandina Activated sludge: 100 plus 1 years - New trends and perspectives Palermo, 11 maggio 2015 Aula Capitò Presidenza della Scuola Politecnica di Palermo Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 7 Scarica la brochure ELISA OLIVERI

  • 10. Sede/Venue (38%)

    29-mar-2016 14.00.27

    Sede/Venue DICAM, Activated sludge, Sede Activated sludge: 100 plus 1 years - New trends and perspectives Palermo, 11 maggio 2015 SEDE Seminario Aula Capitò Presidenza della Scuola Politecnica di Palermo Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 7 Visualizza mappa googlemap ELISA OLIVERI

  • 11. Contatti (38%)

    29-mar-2016 14.01.47

    Contatti DICAM, Activated sludge, Contatti Activated sludge: 100 plus 1 years - New trends and perspectives Per informazioni sull'evento contattare: Giorgio Mannina 091 23896556 Comitato organizzatore Giorgio Mannina (Chair) DICAM - Università degli Studi di Palermo Michele Torregrossa – Palermo University Katerina Babikova – Palermo University Donatella Caniani– Basilicata University Marco Capodici – Palermo University Fabio Corsino – Palermo University Alida Cosenza

  • 12. Presentations & Photo Gallery (38%)

    29-mar-2016 14.04.56

    Presentations & Photo Gallery DICAM, Activated sludge, Presentazioni Activated sludge: 100 plus 1 years - New trends and perspectives Foto Gallery < VIEW > Presentations in Pdf format (click on View for downolad) Relatore/Speakers Affiliations/Afferenza Pdf Baeza Juan Antonio Università di Autònoma de Barcelona View Caniani Donatella Università della Basilicata View Canziani Roberto Politecnico di Milano View Gori Riccardo Università di Firenze View Esposito Giovanni Università

  • 13. Sponsors (38%)

    4-mag-2015 16.32.27

    Sponsors DICAM, Activated sludge, Sponsors Activated sludge: 100 plus 1 years - New trends and perspectives GIORGIO MANNINA

  • 14. Programma esteso_2 (37%)

    4-mag-2016 15.39.46

    CONTROL OF ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESSES USING MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS” /“CONTROLLO E GESTIONE ... The highly versatile 100-year old activated sludge process is still the most commonly-used ... of lectures on a range of activated sludge topics, such as: - Microbial components of activated sludge: traditional and biomolecular microscopic observation - Microbial components of activated sludge ... of activated sludge for process control trough traditional optical microscopy. A demonstration

  • 15. Locandine & Brochures (31%)

    11-mag-2016 13.12.02

    Locandine & Brochures DICAM, Activated sludge, Locandina Innovative wastewater treatment technologies for energy saving and enviroment protection /Tecnologie innovative per l'efficienza energetica e la protezione ambientale Palermo, 20 maggio 2016 Aula Capitò Presidenza della Scuola Politecnica di Palermo Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 7 Visualizza la brochure Visualizza la locandina ELISA OLIVERI

  • 16. Program (27%)

    27-giu-2016 11.45.59

    23896542 ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESSES USING quota sarà interamente rimborsata ... International Specialized Course “OPERATION AND CONTROL OF ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESSES USING ... e rilevanti popolazioni 9:00 - 13:00 // 14:30 – 17:00 10:10 Designing the activated sludge systems and ... e le Colazioni di lavoro) 11:15 Characterization of activated sludge: from the 11:10 Coffee break ... :30 The activated sludge community / La Comunità Caratterizzazione microbica del fango attivo; dalla

  • 17. Nuova Brochure (27%)

    14-giu-2016 10.16.16

    23896542 ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESSES USING quota sarà interamente rimborsata ... International Specialized Course “OPERATION AND CONTROL OF ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESSES USING ... e rilevanti popolazioni 9:00 - 13:00 // 14:30 – 17:00 10:10 Designing the activated sludge systems and ... e le Colazioni di lavoro) 11:15 Characterization of activated sludge: from the 11:10 Coffee break ... :30 The activated sludge community / La Comunità Caratterizzazione microbica del fango attivo; dalla

  • 18. ABrochure (27%)

    14-giu-2016 10.43.06

    23896542 ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESSES USING quota sarà interamente rimborsata ... International Specialized Course “OPERATION AND CONTROL OF ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESSES USING ... e rilevanti popolazioni 9:00 - 13:00 // 14:30 – 17:00 10:10 Designing the activated sludge systems and ... e le Colazioni di lavoro) 11:15 Characterization of activated sludge: from the 11:10 Coffee break ... :30 The activated sludge community / La Comunità Caratterizzazione microbica del fango attivo; dalla

  • 19. BROCHURE EN PPT (25%)

    4-mag-2016 15.04.42

    about the problems of dysfunctions of activated sludge plants 26th International Specialized Course ... 10:10 Designing the activated sludge systems and influence of process (Valter Tandoi – IRSA-CNR ... , IT) 11:00 Coffee break 11:00 Discussion 11:15 Characterization of activated sludge: from the traditional 11:10 Coffee break cultivation to the “omic” approach 11:30 The activated sludge community ... – Berkeley University, USA) 14:40 The problem of odour emissions in activated sludge process 15:15

  • 20. 101as-InterSeminar_11May_2015 (25%)

    3-mag-2015 18.47.54

    Activated sludge: 100 plus 1 years New trends and perspectives Presidenza Scuola Politecnica ... the term “activated sludge”. This term referred to a particulate material accumulating during Activated sludge their experiments with sewage aeration. The activated sludge process soon widespread ... . Thereafter, the activated sludge process developed worldwide, changing definitely wastewater treatment ... 1 years of the activated sludge process looking forward at developments in the future