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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. 34_bando_dottorati (100%)

    22-gen-2019 15.41.28

    ), i titoli di accesso, le modalità di selezione. Di cui con Borsa Dipartimento Totale Posti Titolo ... /92, come integrata dalla legge 17/99, l’ausilio necessario in relazione alla propria condizione ... di studio è aumentato nella misura del 50% in proporzione e in relazione a periodi di formazione all'estero ... i dottorandi devono presentare al Collegio dei Docenti una relazione sull'avanzamento della ricerca

  • 2. Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze Agrarie, Forestali e Ambientali (SAFA) - XXIX ciclo: Presentazioni e obiettivi formativi (69%)

    28-apr-2016 15.47.35

    il nome di Programmi di Lotta Integrata (IPM dall’inglese Integrated Pest Management) in quanto ... di lunga data con istituti di ricerca nazionali e internazionali. Integrated Pest Management In Agro-forest and Urban Environments Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a paradigm that is widely ... for individual crop insect, weed, nematode, and plant disease management. IPM programs that integrate all ... to this curriculum are involved in a variety of applied research projects in order to provide pest management

  • 3. Ignazio Poma (68%)

    8-mar-2013 23.20.40

    management courses committed by “I.N.F.A.O.P” (National Institute for education, training and vocational guidance) for foreign students; 1987: herbaceous crop management course at Faculty of Agriculture ... ”; Academic year 1990-1991 and 1996-1997: Agronomy and herbaceous crops management; Academic year 1990-1991,1991-1992 and 1995-1996: Forage crops management; Academic year 1992-1993 and 1993-1994 ... ; Academic year 1997-1998 and 1998-1999: Forage crops management; From academic year 1999-2000

  • 4. 04FEB2019_UNIPA_MARTINELLA (68%)

    21-feb-2019 12.18.55

    Seminario 4 febbraio 2019 SEMINARI INTERDISCIPLINARI PER I DOTTORANDI DI RICERCA DELL’UNIVERSITA’ DI PALERMO Aula Magna Margherita De Simone del Dipartimento di Architettura La comunicazione attraverso i Media ... /paziente/familiare, contribuendo di volta in volta alla buona cultura della salute. DIRITTI ... pronuncia la parola “cancro”, il paziente non capisce più nulla - racconta -. Poi deve imparare

  • 5. Fabio D'anna (68%)

    8-mar-2013 23.20.12

    the discipline “Protected Crops” with the new academic position, substituted nowadays by “Management ... Courses relative to Physiology, Vegetal Biology, Agronomic Genetic, Nutrition, Management of soilless ... . From the academic year 2000-2001 to nowadays he is substitute teacher for the course of “Management for the cropping systems in greenhouses” part of the subject “Nutrition and management of crops”. Actually teaches: · “Management for the cropping systems in greenhouses” for the subject “Production crop

  • 6. Sándor Némethy (68%)

    8-mar-2013 23.20.39

    of Gothenburg, Sweden 2002 Post Graduate Diploma in Strategic Management – Institute of Management ... , biogeochemistry, soil science, environmental protection: management of Persistent Organic Pollutants ... of Management (IM), UK 1990 – 1998 – European Union of Geosciences COORDINATOR OF INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMMES ... in project management Experience in social marketing Familiar with EU institutions and administration

  • 7. Seminar_Rodriguez_Sinobas (67%)

    21-giu-2021 12.45.05

    with the irrigation system design and water management in irrigated areas. She received her MSc from the University of California, Davis, USA. Her scientific contribution regards the design and management ... and has been guest editor for several journals (“Agricultural Water Management”, “Biosystems Eng ... water resources management”. She has been involved in the program “Science without Frontiers

  • 8. DOCTORATE BOARD (67%)

    28-giu-2016 13.29.34

    management of pests in trees; Management of pests in citriculture; Taxonomy and biology ... management of indigenous fruit productions. 26 san biagio Pier Luigi FIS/07 CNR

  • 9. László Dinya (67%)

    8-mar-2013 23.20.17

    (sustainability of organisations and regions, knowledge network management and marketing) Name and type ... competences Communication, conflict management, moderating workshops Organisational skills and competences ... Network Management („Global Marketing Conference” – KAMS / S. Korea and Shanghai, Jiao Tong University

  • 10. Lucia Draghia (67%)

    8-mar-2013 23.20.18

    , nr. 20494) Competences Horticultural technologies, Management of horticultural units Name ... ) Competences Management and marketing in agriculture Name of the institution USAMV Iasi Level 8, PhD studies ... - implementation of experimental protocols, research activity; - management of educational activities

  • 11. Márton Jolankái (67%)

    8-mar-2013 23.20.23

    Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered Agricultural management Year 1980 Place of training ... COMPETENCIES ORGANISATIONAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES Soil Science, Water Management and Crop Production ... papers List of last 5 pubblications Jolánkai M. (2010): Agriculture, soil management and climate

  • 12. Neculai Munteanu (67%)

    8-mar-2013 23.20.38

    backgrounds, good communication skills. Organizational skills and competences: Good management capacity and leadership, organizational spirit, managerial skills acquired during activities and management in a reseasch and higher education institution Technical skills and competences: Work and management

  • 13. SEMINAR Cipollina 11 March 2013 (67%)

    8-mar-2013 23.20.54

    the Department of Chemical, Management, Mechanical and IT Engineering and the Regional Department of Waste and Water Management to provide technical/scientific assistance in the management and modernization

  • 14. Geanina Bireescu (67%)

    8-mar-2013 23.20.06

    .) Developing of Sustainable Management Plan. We considered a major set of technological measures ... and what is achieved in practice, in order to sustainable management of best use of soil resources

  • 15. Alessandro Miceli (67%)

    8-mar-2013 23.20.32

    Alessandro Miceli unipa, portale, universita born in Palermo on 30/07/1970 Università di Palermo Dipartimento dei Sistemi Agro-Ambientali Settore Orticoltura e Floricoltura Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 5 90128 Palermo, Italy Tel. +3909123862219 Fax +3909123862240 Education Graduate on July 1993. Ph.D, Graduation Date: March 2003 - Department ACEP, University of Palermo ... cultivation Rosa management under protected cultivation Vegetable crop management with low

  • 16. Alessandra Moncada (67%)

    8-mar-2013 23.20.35

    . International Symposium on «Advanced technologies and management towards sustainable greenhouse ecosystems ... of Strawberry from Fresh Plug Plants. International Symposium on «Advanced technologies and management

  • 17. Mauro sarno (67%)

    8-mar-2013 23.20.44

    Mauro sarno unipa, portale, universita I taught and I teach “Agronomy” and “Turfgrass science” in different degree courses. Recently I also taught “Field crops" in international degree course in "Organic farming and quality management”. The research activity covers many aspects of Agronomy, from soil-plant-atmosphere relationship to the agronomic techniques (fertilization, irrigation ... at Penn State University I studied the issues related to turfgrass management participating

  • 18. PhD Doctors (67%)

    8-mar-2013 23.21.16

    PhD Doctors unipa, portale, universita XXIII Cicle (2009-2011) Roberta Alessandro Relationship between production and quality of strawberry through propagation techniques, cultivars and field management, under plastic tunnels in Sicily Tutor: Fabio D'anna Simona Aprile titolo Tutor: Claudio Leto mail Benedetta Camilli Anthropogenic soils in hyperarid environments: farm management effects on terraced soils genesis. Tutor: Carmelo Dazzi Co-tutor: Maria Teresa

  • 19. Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze Agrarie, Forestali e Ambientali (SAFA) - XXXI ciclo: Studenti (67%)

    29-apr-2016 9.20.04

    Argomento della ricerca Research topic Water management in high-density olive groves via real-time and ... della ricerca Research topic Genetic and agricultural management affecting olive oil quality Link

  • 20. Fileccia_Veronica (67%)

    2-mar-2017 13.05.53

    infestations is of particular interest because it would allow to rapidly activate the management ... colored fruits. Diagnosis: Based on symptoms and pathogen confirmation with RT-PCR. Management: Tree