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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Bando_Dottorato_25ciclo_traduzioneinglese (100%)

    15-mag-2013 9.39.00

    . Salvatore Feo Oral examination: 14/11/2011 b) Genetics and Physiopathology of Cardiovascular Damage ... years Courses of study: a) Physiopathology and Image Diagnostics in Cardiovascular and Renal ... /2011 4 Code: 11 CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE AND SURGERY–UROLOGICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY ... dept. of Medical Apllied Cardiovascular Internal and Specialist Sciences Damage in Endocrine– 6 Medicine (Di.Bi.M.I.S.) ===== 1 Metabolic Diseases Cattolica Sacro Cuore C) Experimental and

  • 2. Seminario "Advanced laser driven radiation and particle sources: from atto-science to hadron therapy " (60%)

    20-mar-2017 11.50.11

    Seminario "Advanced laser driven radiation and particle sources: from atto-science to hadron therapy " articolo, notizia, unipa, dipartimento, deim, seminario Il prossimo Giovedì 23 marzo 2017, alle ore 16, nell’Aula Savagnone del DEIM (Ed. 9) il Prof. Dimitris Charalambidis terrà il seguente seminario: Advanced laser driven radiation and particle sources: from atto-science to hadron therapy. per visualizzare la locandina del seminario clicca qui PASQUALINA CARLINO /sites/portale

  • 3. bando Dottorato ETI (56%)

    23-ott-2013 11.34.21

    Dipartimento/Struttura scientifica proponente Energia, Ingegneria dell'Informazione e Modelli Matematici (DEIM ... Docente delle Università Italiane) n. Cognome Nome Ateneo Dipartimento/Strutt Ruolo Qualifica ... dell'Informazione e Modelli Matematici (DEIM) 1 2. ALA Guido PALERMO Energia, Component ... confermato e Modelli 16 docenti Matematici (DEIM) 2 3. BECCALI Marco PALERMO Energia, Component ... confermato e Modelli 16 docenti Matematici (DEIM) 3 4. BURLON Riccardo PALERMO Energia

  • 4. Seminario_Charalambidis (49%)

    20-mar-2017 11.38.29

    DEIM - DIPARTIMENTO DI ENERGIA, INGEGNERIA DELL'INFORMAZIONE E MODELLI MATEMATICI AVVISO DI SEMINARIO Giovedì 23 marzo 2017, alle ore 16, nell’Aula Savagnone del DEIM (Ed. 9) il Prof. Dimitris Charalambidis terrà il seguente seminario: Advanced laser driven radiation and particle sources: from atto-science to hadron therapy Dimitris Charalambidis Department of Physics, University of Crete, Heraklion (Crete), Greece Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas, Institute

  • 5. dott-XXIX-TabSedeAmmUNIPA_DEIM (48%)

    25-set-2013 19.39.24

    , physical sciences, information and communication, engineering, universe and earth sciences PE7 ... Mathematics, physical sciences, information and communication, engineering, universe and earth ... Prevalente (S/N) Peso percentuale 1 Mathematics, physical sciences, information and communication, engineering, universe and earth sciences PE7 SI 100% 100% CURRICULUM Tecnologie dell’Informazione ... Mathematics, physical sciences, information and communication, engineering, universe and earth

  • 6. Seminario_Dan_Mittleman (48%)

    20-lug-2016 16.37.00

    AVVISO DI SEMINARIO Martedì 21 Luglio 2016 alle ore 12.00 presso l’Aula B del Dipartimento ... to wireless communication. However, many critical components and capabilities remain out of reach. We describe recent advances in the development of one important example ... including metamaterials and plasmonics enable new strategies for modulation, and new materials such ... in electrically driven modulators for terahertz radiation, and show how a high-speed multi-pixel

  • 7. 3864 (47%)

    15-mag-2013 9.39.00

    emphasize the advances of knowledge in mathematics problems and new applications. The Bollettino ... BmPa Bollettino di Matematica pura e applicata III The Dipartimento di Metodi e Modelli ... to the will of the all the professors of the mathematical area of the Facoltà di Ingegneria. Both the scientific and didactic activity of the Dipartimento di Metodi e Modelli Matematici can be found in the web-site From its constitution it has been involved in many collaborations with Italian and

  • 8. dott-XXIX-SchedaSedeAmmUNIPA_DEIM (47%)

    25-set-2013 19.39.19


  • 9. Second Workshop Pantelleria (43%)

    8-gen-2017 17.18.02

    NanoMaterials and BioMaterials for the next Decade Pantelleria (Sicily), July, 5 - 7, 2017 Under the auspices of: -MoDeSt, Modification, Degradation and Stabilisation of Polymer -AIMAT, Italian Association of Materials Engineering -AIM, Italian Association of Science and Technology ... Consortium on Materials Science and Technology - SIB, Italian Association of Biomaterials - UNIPA ... . Ceraulo University of Palermo The Workshop Nanomaterials, biomaterials and nano

  • 10. Attachment_B (42%)

    15-mag-2013 9.39.00

    , starting with the most recent. ] • Name and address of employer • Type of business or sector • Occupation or position held • Main activities and responsibilities Education and training • Dates (from – to) [ Add separate entries for each relevant course you have completed, starting with the most recent. ] • Name and type of organization providing education and ... awarded • Level in national classification (if appropriate) Personal skills and

  • 11. Best Ph.D Poster Award in occasione della “16th IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering” (42%)

    23-giu-2016 15.57.03

    Best Ph.D Poster Award in occasione della “16th IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering” articolo, notizia, deim, news, premi, riconoscimenti, Al gruppo di Sistemi ... on Environment and Electrical Engineering” (IEEE EEEIC 2016) Il contributo scientifico dal titolo “Analysis of the new submarine interconnection system between Italy and Malta: simulation ... International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering” (IEEE EEEIC 2016), tenutasi a Firenze dal

  • 12. Energy Life Cycle Performance of Buildings_15_06_2017 (42%)

    5-lug-2017 12.53.32

    ” At the end of this week students will have participated in an Integrated will be based on lessons and ... ” Design Process and will be able to: will have as focus the design of life cycle energy efficient buildings and will target both the use stage design and the Educational Course Optimise the Passive Energy ... Cycle Building NO FEE is expected from participants. Ph.D. and Master students are welcome. Performances of Optimize and tradeoffs between technical solutions towards optimal Other expenses (e.g

  • 13. Scheda di valutazione dottorati 2012 (42%)

    15-mag-2013 9.39.00

    3.1.2: Seamless connectivity and middleware. Calandra Enrico PA Ing-Inf/01 Università - 60 ... : Seamless connectivity and middleware. Livreri Patrizia R Ing-Inf/01 Università - 60 % Locale ... Partecipanti soprannumerari Cognome Nome Struttura/Dipartimento Posizione Settore Innovations and Telecom Italia Industry Relations Turolla Maura Telecomunicazioni Via Reiss Romoli, 274 10148 Turin Research and Prototyping Garino Pierangelo Telecom Italia Innovations and

  • 14. Scheda_di_valutazione_dottorati_2012 (42%)

    15-mag-2013 9.39.00

    3.1.2: Seamless connectivity and middleware. Calandra Enrico PA Ing-Inf/01 Università - 60 ... : Seamless connectivity and middleware. Livreri Patrizia R Ing-Inf/01 Università - 60 % Locale ... Partecipanti soprannumerari Cognome Nome Struttura/Dipartimento Posizione Settore Innovations and Telecom Italia Industry Relations Turolla Maura Telecomunicazioni Via Reiss Romoli, 274 10148 Turin Research and Prototyping Garino Pierangelo Telecom Italia Innovations and

  • 15. program Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment_state of the art and perspectives (42%)

    5-lug-2017 12.58.00

    di Palermo Prof. Dr. Ing. Luigi Dusonchet, Direttore Dipartimento DEIM - Università di Palermo Moderatori: Prof. Dr. Ing. Maurizio Cellura, Dipartimento DEIM - Università di Palermo - Presidente ... Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment: State-Of-The-Art And Perspectives Seminario Aula T104, Scuola ... Systems and Sustainability Models in Civil Engineering - RWTH Aachen Ore 12:15 Prof. Dr. Matthias ... - Technische Universität Berlin – “Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment: State of the art and

  • 16. Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment - The state of the art and perspectives (42%)

    5-lug-2017 13.07.11

    Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment - The state of the art and perspectives articolo, notizia, unipa In the framework of SDSN Mediterranean and SDSN Youth activities, the University of Palermo organizes the seminar " Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment - The state of the art and perspectives". The seminar will be held on July 13th, 2017 at the Scuola Politecnica, Viale delle Scienze Building 9 Palermo. For further info please visit CLICK HERE or contact

  • 17. Curr_IPPOLITO_2012_MASTER (42%)

    8-mar-2013 18.57.02

    PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 4 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica ... organizzativi e di gestione nell’ambito del Dipartimento (DIEET di Palermo), del Consiglio ... della Giunta di Dipartimento e vice-presidente del Consiglio di Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria ... (1965) received the Doctor degree in Electrical Engineering in 1990 (magna cum laude) and the Ph.D ... and Research Collaborator of the Power System Group at the Department of Electrical, Electronic and

  • 18. Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (42%)

    15-mag-2013 9.39.00

    are related to studies and experimentation in the field of advanced industrial production and applications of electricity, materials, components, systems, for the development of knowledge and the supply of qualified consulting and training services for industrial and public bodies at national, regional and local levels. These services are realized both through the transfer of knowledge and research results to the same bodies, as well a through testing and measurement activities with the tasks

  • 19. Seminars 2016 (42%)

    27-gen-2016 16.28.21

    il DEIM, edificio 9, primo piano, é rivolto ai dottorandi della Scuola Politecnica, é necessaria ... introduces these concepts beginning with the simplest unit of composition and building to the concepts of machine learning. During this tutorial, you will write code that uses neural networks and deep learning to solve complex pattern recognition problems, and you will have a foundation to use neural networks and deep learning to attack problems of your own devising. Registration Please, register

  • 20. From Perceptrons to Deep Networks (42%)

    10-feb-2016 18.06.16

    il DEIM, edificio 9, primo piano alle ore 9:00 ed avrà termine presumibilmente alle ore 13:00 ... beginning with the simplest unit of composition and building to the concepts of machine learning. During this tutorial, you will write code that uses neural networks and deep learning to solve complex pattern recognition problems, and you will have a foundation to use neural networks and deep learning ... filling this registration. Hands-on and logistics Some examples of different complexity